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4 th Quarter History of the Hawaiian Kingdom Final Exam Review 2016.

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1 4 th Quarter History of the Hawaiian Kingdom Final Exam Review 2016

2 Q: What is the definition of reciprocity? A: A situation or relationship in which two people or group agree to do something similar for each other.

3 Q: What was the overall reason why Hawaii needed a reciprocity? A: The Hawaiian government inherited debt from the previous king(Lunalilo).

4 Q: Who did Hawaii have a reciprocity with? A: The United States of America

5 Q: What is the definition of debt? A: Money that is owed (something that Is owed).

6 Q: What were 3 things that put the Hawaiian government in debt before King Kalakaua took over as king? A: 1.High tariffs on Hawaiian sugar to U.S. 2.Leprosy was a big problem. 3. The death of Lunalilo.

7 Q: In the Reciprocity Treaty of 1826, it stated that there would be open trading between Hawaii and what country? A: The United States of America

8 Q: In the Reciprocity Treaty of 1826, American ships were allowed to enter Hawaiian ports for only what reason? A: Trading

9 Q: In the Reciprocity Treaty of 1826, nowhere in the treaty did it state what? A: That the United States of America had to respect the sovereignty of the Hawaiian Islands(it never stated this).

10 Q: What does “sovereignty” mean? A: The “independence” or “self-rule” of a nation and government.

11 Q: In the Reciprocity Treaty of 1849, what were Americans able to do in Hawaii? A: Americans were able to live in Hawaii.

12 Q: The Americans who lived in Hawaii also obtained certain American rights which protected them. What was a right that Americans living in Hawaii obtained? A: Search and Seizure right. No Unreasonable searches and seizures.

13 Q: In the Reciprocity Treaty of 1849, American cargo ships going to Hawaii did not have any __________. A: Tariffs

14 Q: What is a tariff? A: A tax on imports or exports of goods.

15 Q: Which Hawaiian monarch helped propose, draft, and passed the Reciprocity Treaty of 1875? A: King David Kalakaua.

16 Q: What was the nickname of King David Kalakaua? A: The “Merry Monarch.”

17 Q: In the Reciprocity Treaty of 1875, certain products going from Hawaii to America did not have a tariff or was “duty-free.” What is duty-free? A: “Tax-free.” No tax on the items/goods.

18 Q: Name one product that was duty-free going to America in the Reciprocity Treaty Of 1875? A: Bananas, hides and skins, castor oil, plants.

19 Q: The Reciprocity Treaty of 1875 created a list of items that could be shipped to Hawaii in Article II. Name ONE Item. A: Meats, metals, cotton, books, furs, lumber, plants, salts, linens.

20 Q: What was the “exclusive” agreement between the U.S. and Hawaii in Article IV of the Reciprocity Treaty of 1875? A: The U.S. was given the exclusive (only country) right to trade with Hawaii “duty-free.”

21 Q: In reality, what did all the reciprocity treaties establish? A: It established the control and monopoly of the United States of America over the nation of Hawaii.

22 Q: What is the definition of monopoly? A: The exclusive control of an item or commodity. America was the only country Hawaii could trade with tax-free.

23 Q: What product/industry in Hawaii helped the United States strengthen its business interests in the islands? A: Sugar.

24 Q: Who was the group that overthrew the Queen? A: American Sugar Planters(rich plantation owners).

25 Q: Who became president of the provisional government in Hawaii? A: Sanford B. Dole.

26 Q: What is the definition of “provisional government?” A: A government that temporarily replaces a government.

27 Q: Prior to the overthrow, Sanford B. Dole proposed that Queen Liliʻuokalani give up the throne to whom? A: Princess Kaʻiulani.

28 Q: Who did the United States send to Hawaii to protect American lives? A: The U.S. Marines (300 soldiers).

29 Q: What was the main reason why the Queen gave up her throne? A: To avoid bloodshed of her people.

30 Q: Another reason why the Queen gave up her throne was that she would do that under _______________. A: Protest.

31 Q: Why did the Queen give up her throne under protest? A: She trusted that the U.S. government would see that the oligarchy in Hawaii was wrong.

32 Q: What is the definition of Oligarchy? A: A government run by a “few people.”

33 Q: If the oligarchy in Hawaii was the Sugar Planters, what group and individual supported the Sugar Planters? A: The Committee of Safety and Sanford B. Dole

34 Q: What became the biggest profit for Hawaii during the 1800ʻs/early 1900ʻs? A: The sugar industry

35 Q: Many of the Sugar Planters were descendants of whom? A: Original missionary families.

36 Q: Many of the missionary families helped to create land changes in Hawaii. Specifically what did they create regarding land? A: “Private property”

37 Q: “Sugar” helped create what between Hawaii and the United States? A: An economic tie( a relationship that was purely based on money)

38 Q: The provisional government quickly created a new constitution for Hawaii in 1893. Under the Constitution of 1893, how many years was one term for the president? A: 6-year term (for the president of the provisional government)

39 Q: Under the Constitution of 1893, only who could elect the next president of the provisional government? A: The Legislature

40 Q: Under the Constitution of 1893, the Legislature would be divided into two Parts. What were the two parts called? A: The Senate and the House of Representatives.

41 Q: Under the Constitution of 1893, the voters and members of the legislature took an oath to do what two things? A: 1. Support the Republic(under the provisional government). 2.Promise NOT to bring back the monarchy

42 Q: What did the supporters of Queen Liliʻuokalani plot in January of 1895? A: Plotted to overthrow the republic (the provisional government).

43 Q: Where did the supporters of the Queen order their weapons(guns/ammo) from? A: San Francisco, USA.

44 Q: Over 300 of the Queenʻs supporters and the Queen herself were arrested for what crime? A: Treason

45 Q: With the imprisonment of the Queen, the U.S. then agreed with the provisional government that Hawaii should what? A: Hawaii should NOT have a monarchy.

46 Q: What “expanded” with the provisional government being in control of Hawaii? A: Sugar Plantations(the size/acreage of it).

47 Q: Why did the sugar plantations “expand” under the control of the provisional government? A: “Crown Lands”(land reserved for royalty) became government property due to no monarchy – which was then sold to the Sugar Planters.

48 Q: What event in 1898 made Pearl Harbor an important military location for the U.S.? A: Spanish-American War (Philippines)

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