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Sleep Problems. Problems with Lack of Sleep… It can cause a variety of problems from work accidents to car accidents. It can affect mood causing irritability.

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Presentation on theme: "Sleep Problems. Problems with Lack of Sleep… It can cause a variety of problems from work accidents to car accidents. It can affect mood causing irritability."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sleep Problems

2 Problems with Lack of Sleep… It can cause a variety of problems from work accidents to car accidents. It can affect mood causing irritability. It can affect your relationships and your mental well-being. Some people will have problems sleeping at times of stress, like a work deadline or sickness. This may cause short-term problems, but the long-term effect of lack of sleep can be dangerous. Lack of sleep is called sleep deprivation.

3 Symptoms of Sleep Problems Foggy and unable to concentrate Mental disruption at work, with family and personal relationships. Irritable or sleepy during the day. Difficulty staying awake when sitting still, watching television or reading. Feel sleepy while driving Have difficulty concentrating. Told by others that you look tired. React slowly. Have emotional outbursts. Feel like taking a nap almost every day. Require caffeinated beverages to keep going.

4 Sleep Tips Refrain from drinking caffeinated beverages like coffee or soft drinks after about 2pm. The caffeine disrupts your ability to sleep. Do not eat right before going to sleep. Your body needs to burn off what you ate, plus your digestive system needs time to digest the food. It can cause acid reflux while you sleep, which can wake you. Reduce or dim the lights in the house as it gets closer to bedtime. It prepares your body to accept the fact that it is nighttime. Keep a regular sleep/wake schedule. This will allow your body to adjust to a schedule and just about will not need an alarm clock. If you nap, take short naps that last no more than 35 minutes. Anything longer allows your body to sink into a dream sleep, which will affect your nighttime sleep.

5 Sleep Stages There are two sleep patterns, NREM and REM. NREM is non-rapid eye movement. This is the first stage of sleep where the body is relaxing. It is normal to take about 20 minutes to fall sleep. If you fall asleep when your head hits the pillow, then you are sleep deprived. REM is rapid-eye movement. This is dream sleep in which the brain is the most active. The eyes will dart back and forth at this time. You will actually dream several dreams a night, but may or may not remember one of them. Usually, the same dream repeats itself as if it lasted all night. REM Sleep



8 Insomnia A short-term or chronic inability to get quality sleep. Some people will lay down to sleep, but their brain does not go into REM sleep. They are then adding up sleep deprivation. Over time, it can be detrimental to their health, including death. This can be caused by stress, change in time zones, altered sleep/wake schedule, poor bedtime habits. It can also be caused by the inability to sleep due to your partner’s snoring, or another underlying problem. This should not be taken lightly and should be your caution. Treatment can include diagnosis in a sleep clinic, medication, relaxation techniques, or other medically prescribed treatment.

9 Sleep Apnea A common disorder that can be very serious. The breathing stops or gets very shallow while you are sleeping. A pause may last 10 to 20 second, or even more. They can occur 20 to 30 times an hour. It can cause you to wake up to breathe, will disrupt your sleep, and lead to suffering from a lack of oxygen. Symptoms include: frequent gaps in breathing, gasping or choking, loud snoring, and feel unrefreshed from sleeping. Obstructive sleep apnea involves a physical problem like excessive weight, large tonsils, nasal congestion, or structure problem in the head, neck, or chin. A device can be worn to keep the passages open for air to pass through. Little things like losing weight, elevating the head of the bed, and sleeping on your side. Dental appliances and surgery can also help. Sleep Apnea

10 Snoring It is caused by a narrowing of your airway, from poor sleep posture, excessive weight or structural abnormalities in the throat. The nasal airway is narrow which inhibits smooth breathing and creates the snoring sound. Some things for mild snorers to do include sleeping on your side, elevating the head of the bed, or losing weight. There are always ways to lessen the snoring. Sleep Endoscopy

11 Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) and Periodic Limb Movements in Sleep (PLMS) RLS – a disorder causing an almost irresistible urge to move the legs (or arms.) It is usually due to being uncomfortable, tingly, or creeping sensations in the affected areas. Movement eases the feelings for a while. It can be related to other problems such as pregnancy or alcoholism. It does run in families. RLS PLMS – involuntary, rhythmic limb movements while asleep or awake. Treatments include alternative therapies, lifestyle changes, and nutritional supplements. PLMS

12 Narcolepsy A neurological disorder that causes sleepiness and even a person falling asleep without warning. They can fall asleep while driving, walking, or working. The cause is not really known, but researchers have found a link with hypocretin, a brain chemical that regulates sleep and wakefulness. Symptoms include uncontrolled episodes of sleeping in the daytime, excessive daytime sleepiness, and short- lived loss of muscle control during emotional situations. It may be genetic, but it is mostly due to environmental factors. Treatment may include medication, behavioral treatments, and counseling. Narcolepsy - Dee Daud

13 What Can You Do? Keep a sleep journal. Record the times you woke up and went to bed, your moods, foods you ate, medication taken, etc. This will help when seeing a doctor. Talk with your doctor. They may be able to suggest behavioral treatments or even a sleep clinic. Sleep clinic – a sleep specialist will study your sleep patterns as you sleep and possibly design a treatment program. They may also be able to provide you with equipment to take home with you.

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