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Presentation on theme: "MARATHON COUNTY CORE VALUE LEARNING RESOURCE July 20, 2016."— Presentation transcript:


2 GOAL Management shall endorse, model and communicate core value behaviors and expect employees to do so as well.

3 What are the benefits of a value driven organization? Discuss!

4 CULTURE – Broadly speaking, an organizations culture is its behaviors, its approach to addressing and resolving problems and its way of working both with each other and its stakeholders. Core values establish an organization's general attitude and approach to business ethics and morality. It’s HOW we do things. Research has indicated that culture is the single most important factor in an organization’s success or failure. If your culture aligns with and supports strategy, you will achieve success.

5 Engagement Culture and Employee Engagement go Hand in Hand Research shows that in most organizations 70% of employees are not engaged. How successful can Marathon County be if most of our employees are not engaged?

6 Core Values are the basic elements explaining how and why we do business, they… - Direct interpersonal relationships - Guide how we conduct business - Explain who we are - Articulate what we believe in - Help explain why we do business the way we do - Guide us on how to share information and knowledge - Inform us on how to reward excellence - Create a system for making decisions - Strengthen the whole organization - Declare essential beliefs

7 Marathon County's Core Values These core values are principles for which we stand and provide us direction on how people are to conduct themselves as representatives of Marathon County: SERVICE is responsively delivering on our commitments to all of our internal and external customers. INTEGRITY is honesty, openness, and demonstrating mutual respect and trust in others. QUALITY is providing public services that are reflective of "best practices" in the field. DIVERSITY is actively welcoming and valuing people with different perspectives and experiences. SHARED PURPOSE is functioning as a team to attain our organizational goals and working collaboratively with our policy makers, departments, employees, and customers. STEWARDSHIP OF OUR RESOURCES is conserving the human, natural, cultural, and financial resources for current and future generations.

8 Core values serve as the foundation for how we do things  Policy development – for example: Guiding Principles - Marathon County Employee Relations Philosophy Goal: Marathon County is a preferred employer which attracts and retains employees capable of supporting a high performing organization. Marathon County provides a progressive workplace where: the best possible climate supports maximum development and goal achievement for all employees; each employee is treated as an individual and in an equitable manner; a spirit of teamwork thrives with individuals working together to attain a common goal;

9 Core values serve as the foundation for how we do things communication is open and problems are discussed and resolved in a mutually respectful atmosphere taking into account individual circumstances and the individual employee; direct communication resolves any difficulties that arise and cultivates a mutually beneficial relationship; employees’ pursuits of their educational and professional development goals for their current jobs and future career tracks are supported; managers manage performance and compensation; promote accountable performance, foster innovation and creativity; and encourage educated risk taking; investment in future leaders/managers is consistent with the County’s succession plan; a collaborative working environment is fostered; compensation systems are externally competitive and internally equitable;

10 Departmental examples of Core Value Behaviors - Every Dept. has specific examples of core value behaviors ranging from needs improvement to exceptional - departmental examples are found on each department’s webpage and all departmental examples are on the Marathon County website home page under “Excellence” and the Employee Resources Dept. webpage

11 Core Values are an Important Performance Factor! Core value behavior is one of our four job performance factors. 1. Contribution to organizational culture 2. Core value behavior 3. Job deliverables/goals 4. Professional development

12 Let’s hear some personal examples (no names please) of the impact of core values, both failures and successes? - break into groups of 5; come up with one example of success and failure to share - what core values were involved? - what can we learn from these examples?

13 Leading by example is the most important way to educate people about culture and expectations.

14 Can you think of a time when you could have been a better role model of our values? - Can mistakes be corrected? How?

15 Values are key in decision making. Ask yourself and staff these questions: What actions would be best in line with our core values? Where would our core values lead us to go in making this decision?

16 Addressing Core Value Behavior Catch and Correct recognize positive core value behavior correct substandard behavior Do you think that behavior is consistent with our core values?

17 How is controlling different from influencing? Group discussion.

18 Role Play – Positive and negative behaviors Break into groups Peer to Peer Staff to Management Across Departments

19 ROUNDING! Emphasize Core Values – what has the employee demonstrated, missed opportunities, observations of others, including management Are managers “practicing what they preach”?

20 ROUNDING RESOURCES Available on Employee Resources webpage under “Learning Resources” tab



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