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Introduction to Digital Inclusion Housing Association Presentation.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Digital Inclusion Housing Association Presentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Digital Inclusion Housing Association Presentation

2 What do we mean by “Digital Inclusion?” ICT (Information Communications Technology) is all pervasive Modernising Government means public services on line too Evidence shows links between income levels and ICT access Danger of groups missing out – low skilled, low- incomes, disabled & older people Digital Inclusion is the drive to prevent this

3 Why should housing associations get involved? They play a key role in local area regeneration They are trusted local intermediaries They can develop new communication models with their customers They can modernise their service delivery

4 What are the benefits? Stronger business model – improved customer focus Wider range of services to tenants Enhanced community regeneration role

5 What are the barriers? Financial risks Lack of support Skills deficit Lack of awareness Speed of ICT change Demonstrable benefits?

6 Getting started…questions to consider What’s the problem – what are we trying to fix? Can ICT help – if so, how? What can we build upon? What tools will we need? Who needs to be involved? What will success look like?

7 What about funding sources? Local Enterprise Company European Social Fund Communities Scotland SUfI www.ngflscotland

8 Any other support? Digital Champions Network Scottish Centre for Regeneration National Grid for Learning FE College Network SIPs/Community Planning Partnerships

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