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Providing elementary students with needed life skills.

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Presentation on theme: "Providing elementary students with needed life skills."— Presentation transcript:

1 Providing elementary students with needed life skills.

2 Terrific Kids A student recognition program that promotes character development and good citizenship. Establish goals Live and learn character traits Believe and achieve!

3 Important program aspects! Students learn to establish and achieve goals. Students compete with themselves, not others. Students receive positive recognition for an achievement they took part in selecting. Terrific Kids program

4 Thoughtful: Considering the feelings or needs of others Enthusiastic: Demonstrating feelings of excitement & interest Respectful: Considerate, polite, and courteous Responsible: Dependable and can be trusted Inclusive: Everyone is welcome Friendly: Kind and helpful Inquisitive: Questioning and curious—eager to learn Capable: Able to do a task or job Terrific Kids character traits……

5 The Six Pillars of Character Trustworthiness Respect Responsibility Fairness Caring Citizenship (Positive Values Developmental Asset ) Terrific Kids reinforces what schools already teach! Current school model

6 Kiwanis club members sponsor the Terrific Kids program at school. Who sponsors the Terrific Kids program?


8 Helping students succeed!

9 Character coaching Students participate in character education. Students reflect and discuss what they learn. Adult mentors spend time with students in the classroom. Students strengthen peer relationships.

10 What will students learn?

11 Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic Time-oriented Setting goals

12 Grades K – 3

13 Things to do at school!

14 Hang the Terrific Kids banner!

15 Post bulletin board decor

16 Display classroom posters!

17 Recognize students

18 Fun…. Fun…. Fun….. Pizza Party!

19 Terrific Kids buttons! Pinning ceremony

20 Educate parents

21 Conduct a parent informational session. Use the parent education PowerPoint. Provide parents with program brochures. Share tips they can use to engage their child in the program.

22 Examples of parent tips: Reward positive behavior. Seek your child’s opinions. Teach and share your values. Help your child think through the results of his/her actions. Encourage your child to take school seriously. Educate parents

23 Educate students

24 Explain the Terrific Kids program. Share coping tips with students. Send program information home. Make sure everyone is on the same page.

25 Educate students Examples of school coping tips: It’s ok to ask questions. It’s ok to make a mistakes. Take a break if you get frustrated or mad.

26 Examples of school coping tips: Always eat lunch to fuel your brain. Think “I can do it.” Picture yourself solving the problem. Find more tips at Educate students

27 What if I fail? 1. Learn from the experience. 2. Try again. Educate students Students learn to work through failure.

28 Thank you! Questions?

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