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Exit Questions Sept. 11, 2013 1. What is the function of the Chloroplast? 2. What is the function of the Cell Wall? 3. What is the function of a vacuole?

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Presentation on theme: "Exit Questions Sept. 11, 2013 1. What is the function of the Chloroplast? 2. What is the function of the Cell Wall? 3. What is the function of a vacuole?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Exit Questions Sept. 11, 2013 1. What is the function of the Chloroplast? 2. What is the function of the Cell Wall? 3. What is the function of a vacuole?

2 Plant Cell

3 Cell Wall Found in Plant Cells Provide support and protection for the cell

4 Cell membrane The cell is surrounded by a membrane Allows certain molecules to pass in and out of the cell

5 Cytoplasm The clear, jelly-like material between the cell membrane and the nucleus The organelles float around in it

6 Nucleus Structure that contains the cells DNA The control center of the cell Often located near the center of the cell

7 Nuclear membrane allows certain materials to move into and out of the nucleus through pores.

8 Chromatin Consists of DNA bound to protein Contain genetic information

9 Nucleolus Builds Ribosomes

10 Mitochondrion The energy (ATP) for the cell is produced in the mitochondria

11 Golgi Bodies Materials are packaged and shipped out of the cell.

12 Cytoskeleton A network of protein filaments that helps the cell to maintain its shape Also used in movement

13 Ribosomes Produce the cell’s proteins (Protein factories

14 Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum Rough ER- contains ribosomes along its surface Transports proteins WITHIN the cell

15 Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum Lacks ribosomes Transport lipids WITHIN the cell.

16 Vacuole Organelle used to store materials in the cell Store excess materials such as water, salts, proteins, and carbohydrates Much LARGER in plant cells

17 Chloroplasts Found ONLY in Plant cells Organelles that capture the energy from sunlight and convert it into sugars, food in a process called photosynthesis

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