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Review, Reflect, and Respond Looking ahead: Using your Knowledge and Resources.

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Presentation on theme: "Review, Reflect, and Respond Looking ahead: Using your Knowledge and Resources."— Presentation transcript:

1 Review, Reflect, and Respond Looking ahead: Using your Knowledge and Resources

2   As you finish up your KU076 course (and at the end of every course), you should take the time to reflect on what you learned and how you can improve for future courses. Finishing KU076

3   What courses do you plan on taking next?  Work on developing a plan for making your next term even more successful than this one! What’s next?

4  Steps for Success  Being a successful student means that each term, you should assess and evaluate what happened  A three step process will help you determine how successful you were and what you can do about it.  Review  Reflect  Respond

5   What skills did you learn?  Which Help Sessions did you attend?  What resources did you use?  What were your study habits?  These questions all focus on identifying everything you did during the course. Review

6   Math  Reading  Writing  Study Skills  What skills did you learn in each of the modules? Review: Skills

7   Introduction to the Course  Time Management  Reading Strategies  Math  Test Taking Strategies  Note Taking Systems  Writing Strategies  Writing Center Resources Think about each of our Help Session Topics and the information you learned Review: Help Session Topics

8  Review: Resources Academic  Math Center  Writing Center  Workshops  Instructors  What resources did you use during the course?

9   Where did you study?  When did you study?  How often did you log in to work on MFL?  How often did you contact your instructor?  How did you use your time?  How often did you study?  What technology did you use? Review: Study Behaviors

10   Did you feel rushed or anxious about finding time?  What challenges did you experience (personal, professional, knowledge/skills)?  What issues with technology did you have (we all have them!)?  Sometimes being able to identify the challenges you experienced allows you to be able to address them for the next term. Review: Challenges

11   What do you feel that you did well in the course?  What was challenging?  How did you address these challenges?  These questions evaluate what happened. These help you determine what to continue doing and what you need to change. Reflect

12   Reading  Writing  Math  Study Skills  Which skills did you find easy?  Which did you find most challenging?  What areas do you feel that you made the most progress? Reflect: Skills

13   How often did you use resources?  Which resources might you use for your next courses?  Why?  Based on your skills and your next courses, which resources might you use? Why? Asking yourself why helps you justify your use of resources and actually follow through with them. Reflect: Resources

14   What do you think were your most effective study strategies? Why?  What do you think you need to do better on?  What changes might you need to improve your study habits or create a more effective learning environment? Reflect: Study Habits

15   What were the sources of your greatest challenges?  What do you think you might need to change to help address these challenges? Reflect: Challenges

16   Once you establish what you know and how well you did, you can now respond:  Develop a Plan  Set Goals  Reassess your plan frequently Respond

17   Once you have reviewed and reflected on your experiences during the first term:  Set both short-term and long-term goals to help you be successful Respond: Developing a plan

18   Long Term Goals  Weekly, monthly, term, yearly  Who and what do you need to meet these goals?  What people?  babysitter, study partner, employer  What resources?  i.e. tutoring, workshops, materials, technology These are the ‘big picture’ goals. But you also want to set yourself some short term goals to help you meet these long term goals. Respond: Long Term Goals

19   Short Term Goals  Daily or Weekly goals (sometimes hourly)  What are some short term goals you can set for yourself for the upcoming term?  How do they relate to your long term goals? Set Goals

20  Example Long term goal  Improve my writing Short term goals  Learn to identify and fix run on sentences  Work with a tutor once a week.

21  Example Long term goal  Improve time management Short term goals  Create a family homework hour  Ask mom to babysit kids once a week  Take the train to work instead of drive (do work on train)

22   You want to reassess, or review, your plan and goals periodically.  This allows you to more quickly figure out if what you are doing is working  You can adjust your use of resources, improve your skills, or change your study habits as you go to help you meet both your short term and long term goals. Respond: Reassessing your Plan

23   Review your plan frequently  Reward yourself for meeting your goals  Don’t forget to schedule time for yourself and/or family  Celebrate your successes  Involve others in developing and enacting your plan  Don’t get overwhelmed by challenges: these do happen to everyone  Ask for help when you need to! General Tips

24  Questions?

25   Great job on accomplishing so much this term  Good luck in your future endeavors Congratulations!!!

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