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Progressivism Under Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson How did these president’s reshape the role of the federal government and the presidency.

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Presentation on theme: "Progressivism Under Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson How did these president’s reshape the role of the federal government and the presidency."— Presentation transcript:

1 Progressivism Under Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson How did these president’s reshape the role of the federal government and the presidency

2 Who are the Progressive Presidents?

3 Theodore Roosevelt- Trustbuster “It is the duty of the president to act upon the theory that he is the steward of the people, and…to assume that he has the legal right to do whatever the needs of the people demand, unless the Constitution or the laws explicitly forbid him to do it.”

4 The Bosses of the Senate

5 Making the Old Boys Nervous How is Theodore Roosevelt responding to the problems created by trusts? He is putting legislation and investigation on the trusts. He is passing laws and inspecting these companies. List two groups of people who will benefit from these actions. One group that will benefit is small businesses Another group that will benefit is consumers

6 TR the Trustbuster The People deserve a square deal Conservation Good trust v. bad trusts Arbitration Protection for Consumers – Meat Inspection & Pure Food and Drug And Civil Rights? - No

7 Others? – A Square Deal? Elkins Act – illegal to give rebates for using particular RR Heburn Act – illegal to give free RR passes – used for bribery Strengthened the ICC to regulate the RR

8 Taft’s Presidency Roosevelt handpicks Taft for the Republican Party Sought to consolidate Roosevelt’s policies rather than expand them Did not use the presidential pulpit to arouse the public to action Troubles within his own party

9 A Troubled Start Tariffs were among the first problems Taft faced as president Payne-Aldrich Tariff – The Congress had passed the Payne Bill which lowered rates on imported manufactured goods. The Senate proposed an alternate bill, the Aldrich Bill, which made fewer cuts and increased man rates. Signed a compromise that only moderated the high rates Payne-Aldrich Bill

10 Conservationism Disputing Public Lands Ballinger disapproved of the conservationist hold on western lands so he removed 1 million acres from the reserved list Was accused of letting commercial interests exploit natural resources. Taft fired Pinochet, a leading conservationist and the biggest protestor of Ballinger’s misuse of the lands, from the US Forest Service.

11 A Shaky Republican Party Republican conservatives and progressives were split over Taft’s support of political boss Joseph Cannon Cannon often weakened or ignored progressive bills Republicans lost control of the House for the first time in 18 years during the 1910 elections

12 TR v. Taft? And the Republican nomination goes to? Bull Moose Party? What was the effect of the Bull Moose Party on the election?

13 Bull Moose Party After Roosevelt returned from big game hunting in Africa, he decided to run for a third term. Supporters of Roosevelt for another term split from the Republican party to create their own third party, the Progressive Party Called themselves the Bull Moose Party after Roosevelt’s boast that he was as strong as a bull moose

14 Democrats Win the 1912 Election Democrats chose Woodrow Wilson a reform governor from New Jersey The 1912 election became very ugly as Taft and Roosevelt squared off against one another Wilson had the overwhelming electoral vote even though he only received 42% of the popular vote

15 Wilson’s Presidency Like Roosevelt, Wilson claimed progressive ideas Believed in attacking large concentration of power to give greater freedom to the average citizen Southerner

16 Financial Reform Clayton Anti Trust Act Federal Trade Commission Federal Income Tax Federal Reserve System


18 Women Win Suffrage Under Wilson US suffragists were influenced by the tactic of British suffragists including heckling government officials All of the suffragist efforts and America’s involvement in WWI made suffrage for women inevitable. Congress passed the 19th Amendment in 1919 finally granting women the right to vote

19 Progressive Amendments What are they?

20 Limits of Progressivism Wilson and Civil Rights Retreated on civil rights once in office Opposed federal anti- lynching legislation resumed practice of segregation in D.C NAACP felt betrayed by Wilson Wilson’s refusal to extend civil rights pointed to the limit of progressivism under his administration

21 Twilight of Progressivism The was in Europe distracted people from their previous reform efforts and the country decided whether or not they were to become involved in the war WWI would come to dominate Wilson’s presidency leaving no room for progressivism

22 Progressivism Review Did Progressivism solve all Problems which emerged in the late 19 th century? Which problems were not addressed? Which progressive reforms were ideas borrowed from the Populists? How did Progressive President’s change the US and our government?

23 Progressive President Monument – and YOU a modern reformer – to commemorate the work of these great presidents as stewards of the people And YOU For Each Slide you must have: -What reform is accomplished -Quote or motto – what are the long term/broad reaching effects of this reform? -Text box – description of the symbolism included in each of your monuments – a text box at the bottom -Symbolism – you may use from the internet, but attach symbolism in your monument to address important ideas YOUR TASK

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