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IQ tests Week 10. History of intelligence theory and testing

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1 IQ tests Week 10

2 History of intelligence theory and testing

3 Major milestones  Early history  No one really knows  Aristotle era  The idea of intellect = ability to speak  Early 1800s  Formal education introduced  Some primitive understanding of ‘learning disability’ emerged  Late 1800s  Craniometry  Head circumference (Francis Galton)  ‘Bumps’ aka. phrenology (Francis Gall)  1900s  Stanford-Binet test  Army Alpha/Beta  Weschler (WISC)  Raven’s Progressive Matrices

4 1916 Stanford-Binet Sample Items for 12 yr olds 1.Orange. 45. Sportive. 80. Exaltation. 92. Theosophy FOR THE STARTED AN WE COUNTRY EARLY AT HOUR TO ASKED PAPER MY TEACHER CORRECT I MY A DEFENDS DOG GOOD HIS BRAVELY MASTER 3-1-8-7-9 6-9-4-8-2 5-2-9-6-1 Vocabulary Grammar Memory Snake, cow, sparrow Book, teacher, newspaper Wool, cotton, leather Similarities Interpretation Practical Problem Solving

5 Army Alpha/Beta IQ Test (1917) – designed for WWI recruits

6 Testing Booklet Story Cards Puzzle Pieces Block Design WAIS-R Testing kit A = adults


8 WISC-IV C = children  15 subtests (some of them are optional)  Administration time varies from 1-3 hours  Must be trained in order to administer – complicated rules  Provides  Full Scale IQ--Global estimate of child’s general intellectual capacity/potential/level of cognitive ability and the relative standing compared to the normative population  Verbal Comprehension Index –verbal reasoning skills  Perceptual Reasoning Index – nonverbal reasoning skills  Working Memory –ability to attend to and hold information in memory to formulate responses  Processing Speed – speed of processing information  Uses the deviation IQ (mean = 100, SD = 15)

9 WISC-IV Subtests  Block Design  Similarities  Digit Span  Picture Concepts  Coding  Vocabulary  Letter-Number Sequencing  Matrix Reasoning  Comprehension  Symbol Search  Picture Completion  Cancellation  Information  Arithmetic  Word Reasoning

10 My internship experience Correct response  Noodle soup with coconut milk Actual response  Lontong (the actual Malay name for this dish)

11 Common Intelligence Tests  Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale  Originally developed in 1916  Currently in the 4 th edition  Wechsler Intelligence Scale (WISC)  For children 6-16 years  Currently in the 4 th edition (2003)  Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence (WPPSI)  For children 3 years to 7 years, 3 months  Bayley Scales of Infant Development (BSID)  For children aged 1 to 42 months  Cognitive, Motor, and Behavioral scales

12 Raven’s matrices

13 Any problems?

14 Unresolved problems  Lack of a consensus how to define intelligence  Nature vs. nurture debate  Is intelligence fixed or changeable?  Flynn effect  What is missing in all these intelligence testing? (Stay tuned for Thursday’s class!)

15 Flynn effect “… psychologists should stop saying that IQ tests measure intelligence. They should say that IQ tests measure abstract problem-solving ability (APSA), a term that accurately conveys our ignorance. We know that people solve problems on IQ tests; we suspect that those problems are so detached, or so abstracted from reality, that the ability to solve them can diverge over time from the real-world problem solving ability called intelligence; thus far we know little else.” els_are_higher_than_our_grandparents?language=en (18 mins) Flynn (1987). Massive IQ gains in 14 nations: What IQ tests really measure. Psyc Bull.

16 Food for thought  Intelligence scores have improved over time. But have we become more intelligent?  If not/if so, what does it tell you about the measurement of intelligence? Neisser (1997). Rising scores on intelligence tests. American Scientist.

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