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Art Rules 1.Comply with AISD Code of Conduct. 2. Be in your seat when the tardy bell rings. 3. Bring your pencil, eraser and sketchbook everyday. 4. Raise.

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Presentation on theme: "Art Rules 1.Comply with AISD Code of Conduct. 2. Be in your seat when the tardy bell rings. 3. Bring your pencil, eraser and sketchbook everyday. 4. Raise."— Presentation transcript:

1 Art Rules 1.Comply with AISD Code of Conduct. 2. Be in your seat when the tardy bell rings. 3. Bring your pencil, eraser and sketchbook everyday. 4. Raise your hand to speak. 5. Respect yourself, your classmates and your teacher.

2 Consequences: 1. Verbal correction. 2. Teacher counseling and privileges removed. 3. Parent/teacher conference. 5pt. Deduction from citizenship. 4. Vice principal conference. 5pt. Deduction from citizenship.

3 Reward 1. Verbal praise 2. Extra privileges 3. Other consequences decided by teacher.

4 Tardy Policy 5 points reduction for each tardy and…. 1 & 2 Warning parent contacted 3 Referral & parent contacted 4&5 Parent contacted 6 Referral Sat. School 7&8 Parent contacted

5 Grading Policy Art work will be graded on the following: 33 pts. Instruction 33 pts. Craftsmanship 34 pts. Creativity 100 pts. Cheating will be given 0 with parent notified a citizenship will be reduced to a C.

6 Recommended Supplies #2 pencil & eraser (or drawing pencils) Sketchbook Colored pencils (prisma or crayola) Paint tray Fine point paint brush Fine point black marker & colored markers Glue stick Scissors & ruler Box of tissues

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