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Twinning Scheme to Support EaP NCP activities- IncoNET EaP Session Tbilisi, May 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Twinning Scheme to Support EaP NCP activities- IncoNET EaP Session Tbilisi, May 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Twinning Scheme to Support EaP NCP activities- IncoNET EaP Session Tbilisi, May 2016

2 Outline  IncoNET EaP project  Twinning KPK IPPT PAN  NCP network in Poland  How to find partners  Open calls

3 IncoNEP EaP project  International Cooperation Network for Eastern Partnership Countries project aims to support the advancement of the bi-regional STI (Science, Technology, and Innovation) policy dialogue between the EU Member States/Associated Countries and the Eastern Partnership Countries, with an explicit focus on Climate Change, Energy and Health.  Project start: 01/09/2013 and project duration: 36 months  Partners from 16 countries

4 Twinning –Krajowy Punkt Kontaktowy (KPK IPPT PAN) April 2016 Activities:  Visit to the Info day organized by Polish energy NCP  Meeting with head of NCP host organization  Meeting with PR department  Participation in an International interactive workshop on Energy and Euratom project preparation  Visit to the Institute of Power Engineering, Warsaw  Visit to the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology (ICHTJ)

5 NCP network in Poland  Overall coordination of NCP is assigned to Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MSHE)  Network of NCP-PL is co-financed by MSHE  NCPs host organization - IPPT PAN  The NCP Coordinator – Director of NCP-PL  The NCPs individually nominated by MSHE to perform one or more of the NCP functions (full time)  NCP-PL actively participate in EU-funded NCP network projects

6 Polish strategy for Horizon 2020 One stop shop - standarized services  Focus on client’s needs and quality of services  Mentoring activities for identified best scientists/research teams  Optimal use of NCP expert resources  Close cooperation with MSHE and other stakeholders - strong connection and networks at National level  Active promotion of Horizon H2020 i international mobility – Polish Portal for Horizont 2020 andEURAXESS  Special focus on the new generation of scientists  Poland has 38 registered NCPs by the Commission  Most areas have 2 or 3 NCPs assigned  Skills: communication and trainer skills, public speaking, project drafting, socio-economic and business skills

7 Informing and Awareness Raising  National Portal for H2020 - general and specific information on H2020, event callendar, news  National EURAXESS Portal  Organising information and promotional activities – in liaison with the Commission services (e.g. info days, BEs conferences, newsletters, presentations, publications etc.)  Providing information on other European programs in the field of R&I such as COSME, Eureka, COST and establishing links with the respective specialist support services.  Database with almost than 10 000 individual contacts tagged for:  Research interest, skills  Type of organization  Region  Database with more than 600 institutional contacts (2 per research organization, regularly updated)

8 Polish portal for Horizon 2020

9 How to find partners?  Talk to your partners and their friends  Use your academic and personal contacts  Screen your bilateral agreements  Talk to your colleagues and their friends  Check/use partner search tools  Search internet and different web sites  Participate in Brokerage event  Participate in International workshops, conferences  Use thematic groups in social media  But remember – You have to be visible!!

10 Brokerage events Brokerage event in Brussels

11 Open calls  Participant Portal

12 Open calls  Energy Efficiency call Energy Efficiency call  Competitive low carbon energy Competitive low carbon energy  Marie-Skladowska-Curie Actions  Co-funding of regional, national or international programmes Co-funding of regional, national or international programmes  Individual Fellowships Individual Fellowships Useful links Partner search on Cordis Group in Linkedin Opportunities for researchers

13 Thank You Natalia Shatirishvili, NCP Secure, Clean and Efficient Energy

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