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New wave Focus Films Chunking Express A Bout de Souffle (Breathless)

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Presentation on theme: "New wave Focus Films Chunking Express A Bout de Souffle (Breathless)"— Presentation transcript:

1 New wave Focus Films Chunking Express A Bout de Souffle (Breathless)

2 Learning Objectives  Begin to explore the narrative and style of the Hong Kong new wave in ref to Chungking Express  Discuss and develop understanding of narrative and style in regards to Chungking Express  Compare and discuss the characters in CE & ABS

3 Starter  “I don’t think you should feel about movie. You should feel about a woman. You Can’t kiss a movie” (Jean – Luc Goddard)  Goddard's stated desire to make an audience think rather than feel – about a film has been a contentious one, as it suggests?......

4 Coursework catch up  Where are you up to?  What do you have left to complete?  Do you need any help to complete the first stage of the coursework?  How are you finding it?

5 Feedback  Feedback to the class your findings of narrative in CE.

6 Re-cap Activity  So far, one of the defining characteristics of New Wave Films has been the experimentation with narrative in contrast to mainstream conventions.  In Breathless & CE what aspects of the narrative structure could be defined as different to classic narrative? Consider:  Opening / ending  Does it conform to three act structure  How do the changes in mood and pace of the film affect the experience of watching it?

7 Narrative Experimentation  Is narrative experimentation – part of the mainstream?  In pairs discuss and feed back to the class.

8 Exam Questions  In what different ways can films be defined as realist? (Consider audience response as well as film language) How are these films different from realist cinema?  How would you define each of the films studied as belonging to a New Wave? Do you think each of the films has an equal claim on the term?

9 Analysis of New Wave  1. What similarties are evident across the films in regards to:  Film language (shots, editing, language)  The use of new technology  The context of production (Studio, budget)  Subject matter  2. In what different ways can the films be defined as realist? (consider audience response as well as film language) How are these films different to Hollywood realist cinema?  3. What type of film making do these new waves reject? Are there similarities in characteristics across the rejected film styles?  4. How would you define each of the films studied as belonging to a New Wave? Do you think each of the films has an equal claim on the term?

10 Close up of characters  Main characters?  Complete a character description for both Cops in CE  Complete a character description for Michel & Patricia in Breathless.  Do you think the character second place to the aesthetics?  How do the characters compare in each of the films? Similarites/Differences

11 Mexican New Wave  america-24716679

12 Where is Mexico?? Right next to USA! National cinema will always be in competition with USA/ Hollywood. This can be good and bad for national cinema…make a list of what you think these might be.

13 A little bit about Mexico Colour and design

14 How might this be reflected in films? Mexican cinema has a cutting edge attitude towards editing. Flash cuts Enhancement through grading Colour distortion Plus other radical post production techniques

15 Mexican cinema a brief history 1. Pre- 1930s 2. The Golden Age 1934-mid 1950s 3. New Mexican cinema 1990s-present

16 !Que viva Mexico! Soviet film maker Sergei Einstein F2s9U “Greatest film plan and greatest personal tragedy” Film project begun in 1930 but was abandoned. By 1930 the film industry in Mexico was beginning to become more established. Einstein had spent some time in Hollywood working with Disney. He went to Mexico and had to be ordered back from Mexico because their industry held him captivated.

17 El Cine de Oro: The Golden Age 1940s and 50s Mexican cinema was brought to the attention of Hollywood. US stars (such as Orson Wells) were travelling to Mexico to make films but also… Mexican stars were being courted by Hollywood. Dolores Del Rio Pedro Armandariz

18  Unprecedented economic growth and prosperity, good relations with US (allies) led to increased revenue and access to technology.

19 1970-late 1980s: Mexican cinema was in decline  Stricter censorship  Private investment was encouraged to reduce the involvement and responsibility of the state.  Films dealing with difficult social themes were suppressed

20 1990s NUEVO CINE MEXICANO New Mexican Cinema

21 Mexican New Wave 

22 Emotional Response  Exam questions

23 Emotional response  Lion King

24  Ghost

25  Lusi Pepi and Bom

26 Learning Objectives  Begin to explore the narrative and style of the Hong Kong new wave in ref to Chungking Express  Discuss and develop understanding of narrative and style in regards to Chungking Express  Compare and discuss the characters in CE & ABS

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