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Accuse (verb): claim or say that someone has done something wrong; Did he accuse you of stealing his computer?

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Presentation on theme: "Accuse (verb): claim or say that someone has done something wrong; Did he accuse you of stealing his computer?"— Presentation transcript:

1 accuse (verb): claim or say that someone has done something wrong; Did he accuse you of stealing his computer?


3 acknowledge/acknowledgement (verb/noun): Accept or admit the existence or truth of/the act of accepting or admitting the existence or truth of.

4 The young man was forced to acknowledge his error. By winning the award, she finally got acknowledgement for all her hard work.


6 admit (verb): Confess to be true; Will you admit that you stole his computer?


8 agreement (noun): harmony of opinion, action, or character; Once we accept your order, a binding agreement exists between us.


10 ailment (noun): An illness, typically a minor one; They asserted that no form of medicine was guaranteed to cure all ailments in all cases.


12 alternative (noun): one of the things, or courses of action that can be chosen: The alternative to riding is walking.


14 ask advice of: to ask someone their opinion; Who is a good person to ask advice of concerning college?

15 belief (noun): opinion; faith; trust: a child's belief in his parents


17 benefit (noun): something that is advantageous or good; an advantage: He explained the benefits of public ownership of the postal system.


19 consult (verb): to seek advice or information from; ask guidance from: Consult your lawyer before signing the contract.


21 conventional (adj.): conforming or adhering to accepted standards; conforming or adhering to accepted standards, as of conduct or taste: conventional behavior.


23 debate (noun): a discussion, as of a question involving opposing viewpoints; The Presidential candidates had a debate about the economy and other topics that concern us.


25 defend (verb): to drive danger or attack away from “defend our shores”; to maintain or support in the face of argument or hostile criticism “defend a theory”


27 deny (verb): to refuse to agree to or allow; Your computer may deny you access to your information.


29 diagnosis (noun): identification of what illness a person has; A cat scan confirms the diagnosis of a stroke.


31 disobey (verb): To refuse or fail to follow an order or rule; They were trained to never disobey an order.


33 doubtful (adj.): Feeling uncertain about something: "he looked doubtful, but gave a nod".


35 effect (noun): result; consequence: Exposure to the sun had the effect of toughening his skin.


37 effective (adj.):producing the intended or expected result: effective teaching methods; effective steps toward peace.


39 elicit (verb): to draw or bring out or forth; educe; evoke: to elicit the truth; to elicit a response with a question.

40 entitled (adj.): to give (a person or thing) a title, right, or claim to something; You are not entitled to that information.


42 principle (noun): an accepted or professed rule of action or conduct: a person of good moral principles.


44 produce (verb): to bring into existence; make; cause: to produce steam; Farms in Ventura County produce millions of lemons each year.

45 ramification (noun): A consequence of an action or event; Not following the law will result in serious ramifications.


47 skeptical (adj.): showing doubt: a skeptical smile; It's not surprising that Billy's teacher is skeptical after he told her his dog ate his homework.

48 symptom (noun): a sign or indication of something; But insomnia can sometimes be a symptom of a larger problem.

49 treatment (noun): management in the application of medicines, surgery, etc.; Our people are unable to receive the hospital treatment they need.

50 unconventional (adj.): Not based on or conforming to what is generally done or believed: "his unconventional approach to life".

51 violate (verb): Fail to respect (someone's peace, privacy, or rights); I violated my parents rules.

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