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Imperialism (1898-1917). Imperialism A.Economic Interests - Businesses needed more customers and resources! B. Ideology - “ We are the best! Of course.

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Presentation on theme: "Imperialism (1898-1917). Imperialism A.Economic Interests - Businesses needed more customers and resources! B. Ideology - “ We are the best! Of course."— Presentation transcript:

1 Imperialism (1898-1917)

2 Imperialism A.Economic Interests - Businesses needed more customers and resources! B. Ideology - “ We are the best! Of course we should conquer people! ” C.Military ‘ Needs ’ - We have these ships; now we need to fuel them and try them out! D. Scramble for Territory - “ Hey! Europe got all the good stuff. ” We ’ ll take the rest.

3 Hawaii 3 reasons: Sugar! - Whites come; natives die of diseases. In 1887, those white people form the Hawaiian League and force the Hawaiian King to hand over part of his country. Pineapple - James and Sanford DOLE took power, and force Queen Liliuokalani, to surrender or die. She surrendered. Because we could - Why not? We are fabulously wealthy and have the army backing us up. Why shouldn ’ t we?

4 China Sphere of Influence - Area where outside nations get special economic control. America is not one of them. Open Door policy - Force China to have equal trade with the US.

5 China Boxer Rebellion - Group of Chinese in China who were SICK of white influence ruling and taking what they wanted. They started a Group called the Society of the Righteous and Harmonious Fists to stop the whites invaders.

6 Japan At the order of the President, Matthew Perry sails into Tokyo Bay and forces trade on Japan. It was 1853. During Roosevelt ’ s presidency, we parade our fleet around Japan to scare them.

7 The Spanish-American War Unrest in Cuba! - They were DONE with Spanish imperial rule. Jose Marti rises up and the Spaniards kill him.

8 The Spanish-American War The Media! Yellow Journalism begins with William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer fighting over readership. Reporting gets shoddy, but they do sell papers.

9 The Spanish-American War USS Maine! - An American ship harbored in Havana Harbor blows up. We accuse the Spanish. They deny it. We declare war.

10 The Spanish-American War Fighting in the Philippines George Dewey blew up the Spanish navy in a matter of hours. Emilio Aguinaldo then helps us capture the Capital city. Fighting in Cuba Teddy Roosevelt & the Rough Riders take over Cuba. This war only takes 2 years, but it changes everything.

11 Cuba Cuba becomes a protectorate of the US, meaning the US will protect and defend Cuba as our own. We later pull out and watch the revolution happen.

12 Puerto Rico We make Puerto Rico a territory of the US. It later votes to become a Commonwealth.

13 Panama Becomes a country with our shady help. Here it is: The US wants to build a canal. Colombia doesn ’ t want it. Thus, the US gives weapons to people in the Panama area to rise up. They do and we step in to ‘ help ’. Canal work begins five months later.

14 Roosevelt Corollary We will defend any nation in the Western Hemisphere against another nation. Basically, we play the ‘ big brother ’ role on the playground of the world.

15 Dollar Diplomacy If we can ’ t find a reason to invade your country, we would just send lots of business people there, make you want our products and jobs, and then force the government to do things for us. This was Taft ’ s big philosophy.

16 Wilson & Mexico Issues below the border makes Woodrow Wilson uncomfortable. After years of escalating corruption, Francisco Madero tries to establish democracy. Armies spring up and each try to take power, with Victor Huerta, the head of the military, finally seizing it. He kills Madero. Wilson freaks out.

17 US Intervenes America doesn ’ t recognize the new government and we arm Huerta ’ s enemies. We stop for supplies in Veracruz; our soldiers get kidnapped; they are released with Mexican apologies. The American Admiral doesn ’ t think it ’ s enough: he wants an official apology and a 21-gun salute. Mexico says no.

18 US Intervenes We then land troops and force a confrontation with the Mexican army. We win, and occupy Veracruz, in Mexico. This angers Mexicans, but really upsets two revolutionaries: Pancho Villa & Emiliano Zapata. They begin guerilla tactics against the US.

19 Revolution Concludes Pancho Villa raids settlements in the US. Wilson vows to contain him, dead or alive. We chase him for one year and never get him. Meanwhile, in Mexico City, they now have a Constitution and peace! But Mexico suffered giant setbacks from this revolution.

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