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Mrs Andiyapan – Head of EPQ – office next to room 23.

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs Andiyapan – Head of EPQ – office next to room 23."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs Andiyapan – Head of EPQ – office next to room 23

2  Equivalent to HALF an A2 ◦ AS points awarded ◦ Completed work must be at an A2 standard  Forms part of the AQA Baccalaureate ◦ A level subjects ◦ Enrichment ◦ General subject AS ◦ EPQ Extended Project points A* 70 A 60 B 50 C 40 D 30 E 20

3  Completion of a 5000 word essay or equivalent  Completion of a production log detailing project progress  Completion of a diary – detailing the decisions and progress made towards your project  Completion of source analysis table  Completion of short presentation  Attending weekly lessons with supervisor

4  The EPQ is marked on the process documentation not just the final product (the essay).  The Production Log and diary are probably more important than the essay – this is where you show how you have got from your initial ideas to you completed 5000 word essay.  You get to choose the topic you will research and write about – so it should be something that you are interested in, and that you want to find out more about!

5  During the first half of the Autumn term we will be looking at research, reading and writing skills.  We will gradually start to think about what topic you might like to focus on for your EPQ.  After October half term each lesson will be focussed on your project and the completion of the production log  When you return from study leave in June, there will be a week devoted to EPQ presentations.  Your project, including your presentation must be handed in by 20 th June.

6  UCAS points!  Many Universities give reduced offers – including your EPQ as part of the offer.  Even if your chosen University doesn’t give a reduced offer, your will have lots to write about in your personal statement.  Universities are very interested in the EPQ as you will have developed skills that are necessary for undergraduate study.  Skills that will help you throughout your AS and A2 courses.

7  It was useful to me as it provided me deeper research into a topic that I am already interested in and can relate. I can use this experience to talk about it at interviews.  I have enjoyed doing the course. I have learnt a lot about research skills and have gained knowledge of psychology, which is one of my key interests.  It has been very useful as I think the skills gained from this will be particularly useful at university  The course has been very useful as it has allowed me to develop key skills such as time management but also has been a great asset to my university application.  Very useful in terms of learning to work independently on something previously unknown. It gave me a lot of confidence to approach something similar in the future and helped understand the type of learning I may experience at university.  I had to give a presentation in an interview and I based it on my EPQ topic, because it was a topic I have got to understand well. I talked about the topic in most of my interviews.

8  Have a look at pages 4-7 in the EPQ text book.  Page 6 and 7 give you information about how the project is assessed. You can also find this in your copy of the specification.

9  Read page 22-23 in the textbook  The role of your supervisor is to support and make suggestions.  They will not tell you what to research or ‘mark’ drafts etc.  Part of the process of the EPQ is to have regular conversations with your supervisor and to consider their advice. Some times you may choose to act on that advice, some times you may not.  This is YOUR project. YOU make the decisions.

10  Now take a look at the writing skills ppt.

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