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Time Management Long Road SFC Tutorial Programme.

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Presentation on theme: "Time Management Long Road SFC Tutorial Programme."— Presentation transcript:

1 Time Management Long Road SFC Tutorial Programme

2 Quick Quiz  What percentage of the year are you required to be in college?  Starting hint : number of hours in a year = 24hrs x 365days = 8,760 hours (525,600 minutes)

3 The college year 4 subjects x 4.5 hours per week Plus tutorial (1.5hrs) = 19.5 hrs Number of weeks in college year 38 Total 741hours (we won’t worry about Bank Holidays, Open Evenings and other non-college days)

4 So 741/8760 x 100 = 8.5% Yes – you have 91.5% of your time to yourself this year.

5 You really shouldn’t say, “I didn’t have time” Basics of time management 1. Know what you spend your time doing 2. Identify your goals 3. Prioritise what you need to do to achieve them 4. Plan ahead

6 How do you spend your day? Task – think about a typical college day, choose one (today, yesterday) Plot a time sheet using a few classifications Eg Sleeping, traveling, lessons, eating, exercise and shade in the 15 minute boxes. Count up the totals for each activity. How do they compare in the group?

7 Prioritise Use the Urgent – Importance Quadrant Urgent and Important Deadline is looming and outcome will directly effect your progress Urgent but less Important Has to be done, but the outcome is less critical Not Urgent but Important The deadline isn’t immediate, but planning and preparation will be needed Not Urgent or Important No deadline and will have little impact on your progress and wellbeing

8 Examples  Where would you place these activities in the quadrant:  Coursework, due tomorrow, worth 50% of marks in your course  Coursework, due in 2 weeks, worth 50% of course  Reading the paper in the LRC  Going to the gym  Extra reading on a topic you are studying  Checking Facebook

9 The trick The most important box is Important but not Urgent Why? Because people tend to do things that are less important (but easier or nicer) and then the important things become Important and Urgent – and you run out of time.

10 Create a Plan, then a To Do list Plan your goals (these can be medium or long term) Eg Complete PE coursework due December 1 st Run 100km on the treadmill by Xmas To Do lists are the steps needed to achieve your Goals

11 Plan your day/week/month Use your….PLANNER! ABC AVOID distractions, interruptions, and procrastination BUILD IN social time, relaxation and rewards CREATE TIME load a podcast onto your iPod to listen to on the bus rather than wasting travel time




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