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NIVMA A Road Toward More Efficient and Effective Silviculture Practices.

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Presentation on theme: "NIVMA A Road Toward More Efficient and Effective Silviculture Practices."— Presentation transcript:

1 NIVMA A Road Toward More Efficient and Effective Silviculture Practices

2 NIVMA Introduction –The Key Concept – Actuary Tables –Evolution of Information –Experiences with Data –Operational Monitoring or Research –Decision Support and the Revolving Staff Door –Managing To Reach Free Growing –Business Management Systems –Conclusion

3 NIVMA The Key Concept – Actuary Tables Used in the insurance industry as a means of assigning individuals or possessions to risk groups, to which the price of insurance is assigned. Used by NIVMA to predict the likelihood that a tree will become free growing given: (1) initial site conditions, (2) the treatments applied, (3) the current status of the tree.

4 NIVMA Evolution of Information USSM – Initiated 1989 –753 Installations –25186 Trees –Plots concentrated SBS mk / wk / vk. TRENDS – Initiated 1996 –730 Installations –25186 Trees –Plots spread throughout north –central B.C. and northern Alberta.

5 NIVMA Evolution of Information Unified System of Silviculture Monitoring –Subjectively located paired plot installations. TRENDS –Random plot location based on annual harvest schedule – representative of the population of sites that are harvested. –Plots established to compare alternative treatments, including no treatment.

6 NIVMA Experience With Data Northwood (Rustad Bros.) –1997. Compiled survey data using the “survey tool” expedited identification of problem areas. –Identified areas where treatment $ could be saved where previously it was thought necessary to do brushing and weeding. –Used to develop IPM strategy for application of herbicides; more freedom to make treatment / no treatment decisions.

7 NIVMA Experience With Data CANFOR - Used to explore biodiversity implications of herbicide treatment decisions in front of Environmental Appeals Board. - Biodiversity maintained or enhanced.

8 NIVMA Operational Monitoring or Research Operational Monitoring focuses on predicting future outcomes based on events that occurred in the general population of treated sites and stands in the past. Research focuses on hypothesis testing by narrowing the effects of treatments down to a few factors. The NIVMA Strategy is Operational Monitoring for Predicting The Most Likely Operational Outcomes.

9 NIVMA Decision Support The Revolving Staff Door NIVMA data can be used to enhance the decisions of people who lack in experience in an area by showing them what the probable outcome of their treatment decisions will be using the Actuarial approach and the large dataset that supports the development of that approach.

10 NIVMA Managing To Reach Free Growing Its about risk management … –… producing large benefits for a small investment. –… avoiding the potential for regret should the prescription fail. NIVMA members know what the odds are of succeeding or failing based on historical experience, and accordingly can proceed to implement the best treatment ($, expected outcome) and begin the search for better treatments right from the beginning of their career.

11 NIVMA Business Management Systems First adopt a quantitative measure of success – Managing for free Growing Liability Using a Risk Neutral Approach. Set the objective of reducing free growing liability and measure the progress with time. Integrate information management system to support daily decision making toward fulfilling the objective … monitoring, surveys and prescriptions.

12 NIVMA Business Management Systems Make people accountable for their actions and producing the desired end results. The best chance of making progress toward reducing free growing liability comes with an increased level accountability of individuals to achieve those results. NIVMA provides the data to support making decisions with an increased level of accountability. When success is measured over a 10 to 25 year time frame you need NIVMA to measure success!

13 NIVMA Conclusion Providing the actuarial accounting system in support of making better decisions. Measuring trees and vegetation through time to build a predictive, operational monitoring and decision making system. Designing information management systems to put the power of the information into the hands of decision makers.

14 NIVMA Conclusion Developing a cooperative method for data collection – leveraging funds to be most effective. Providing better business management of Free Growing Liability. Increasing accountability for producing specific expenditure and free growing targets.

15 That Is What NIVMA Is All About

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