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Classroom of the Future What it takes to be an effective teacher in the year 2010 and beyond.... “effective authentic teachers in the 21 st century combine.

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Presentation on theme: "Classroom of the Future What it takes to be an effective teacher in the year 2010 and beyond.... “effective authentic teachers in the 21 st century combine."— Presentation transcript:

1 Classroom of the Future What it takes to be an effective teacher in the year 2010 and beyond.... “effective authentic teachers in the 21 st century combine a living curriculum, media and technology with an inspirational classroom to empower and engage” (missmelissa73, 2009)

2 Learner Diversity What it takes to be an effective teacher in the year 2010 and beyond.... CultureLanguage Gender Socioeconomic status As teachers we need to embrace the diversity of our students and use the knowledge we have of these differences to provide a better learning experience. What it takes to be an effective teacher in the year 2010 and beyond....

3 . Cognitive-Development Theory “Theoretical perspective that focuses on major transformations to the underlying structures of thinking over the course of development” (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2010) Sociocultural Theory “Theoretical perspective that focuses on children’s learning of tools, thinking processes and communication systems through practice in meaningful tasks with other people” (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2010) Developmental Systems Theory “Theoretical perspective that focuses on the multiple factors, including systems inside and outside children, that combine to influence children’s development” (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2010)

4 What it takes to be an effective teacher in the year 2010 and beyond..... Teaching 2010 & Beyond

5 What it takes to be an effective teacher in the year 2010 and beyond.... Theories of Child Development Behaviourism Social Learning Theory Psychodynamic Theory Biological Theory Cognitive Process Theory Cognitive- Developmental Theory Sociocultural Theory Developmental Systems Theory Behaviourism Social Learning Theory Psychodynamic Theory Biological Theory Cognitive Process Theory Cognitive- Developmental Theory Sociocultural Theory Developmental Systems Theory

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