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Government Civics. com - pel - led She was compelled to finish her homework after the teacher said kids can receive extra recess for completed work.

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Presentation on theme: "Government Civics. com - pel - led She was compelled to finish her homework after the teacher said kids can receive extra recess for completed work."— Presentation transcript:

1 Government Civics

2 com - pel - led She was compelled to finish her homework after the teacher said kids can receive extra recess for completed work.

3 compelled = was forced to or was convinced to do something

4 dis - res - pect - ful The 6th graders were disrespectful to their substitute teacher so they lost their lunch recess.

5 disrespectful = not nice What is the prefix? What is the suffix?

6 prefix = dis- dis- means not For example: discourage dislike disrepair disinterested Can you think of other words with dis-?

7 suffix = -ful ful- means full of for example: beautiful colorful suspenceful bountiful Can you think of some words ending in -ful?

8 pre - oc - cu - pied He was preoccupied with completing his book report.

9 preoccupied = busy What is the prefix?

10 pre- means before for example: preview preheat predict Can you think of other words with the prefix pre-?

11 pre - si - den - tial The presidential office is heavily guarded at all times.

12 presidential = having to do with the president

13 -tial says /shal/ for example: residentail confidential

14 suc - ceed - ed The people succeeded in removing the dictator.

15 succeeded = won or achieved a goal

16 un - en - thu - si - as - tic The students were unenthusiastic to learn they needed to take another test.

17 unenthusiastic = not happy what is the prefix?

18 un- means not for example: unhealthy unhappy unforgettable unattractive Can you think of other words with un-?

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