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(CLICK HERE) (CLICK HERE) (CLICK HERE) (CLICK HERE) (CLICK HERE) Animal Farm INTERACTIVE POWERPOINT Click one of the boxes to learn about a character from.

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1 (CLICK HERE) (CLICK HERE) (CLICK HERE) (CLICK HERE) (CLICK HERE) Animal Farm INTERACTIVE POWERPOINT Click one of the boxes to learn about a character from Animal Farm! Version 1.0

2 Old Major– PigKarl Marx (Old Major) Old Major is an old pig (twelve years old) that has won many awards with Mr. Jones. He had over 400 piglets which are some of the main characters in the story. One evening, he called all the animals to the main barn for a meeting. He says that a rebellion is coming soon. He inspires the animals to rebel by singing them a song called “Beasts of England”, which spreads around the globe quickly. After Chapter One, he dies peacefully in bed. In the beginning of the animated movie, he dies after screaming to the top of his lungs at the meeting. Karl Marx was a German Jew that was nicknamed “The Father of Communism.” He wrote two documents that would change communism forever. They were Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital. In Animal Farm, you can see some of his communist ideas in the book. Example: Marx’s documents eventually turned into a communist system. This system made all people equal and would be on there own means of production In Animal Farm, Old Major states in his speech that “All Animals are equal.” Orwell made fun of Marx’s way of communism by showing how equality fails. BACK

3 Napoleon – Pig Snowball – Pig Joseph Stalin (Napoleon) Leon Trotsky (Snowball) Napoleon is the antagonist in the story. He is a black pig who, at first, seems like a reasonable person (oops, sorry, Animal) to trust and serve loyalty. His “comrade”, Snowball threatens his power over the farm. He “gets rid of” Snowball for full power and spreads false rumors about him. In the end, Napoleon is in full power and is no more then a human. Snowball is a pig who fights for full power against Napoleon. Snowball suggest many things that help the farm; rules, a windmill, etc.. He is eventually driven out by Napoleon’s dogs. Joseph Stain was a communist dictator in the Soviet Union. Stalin took over Lenin’s job, which was ruler/dictator, and ruled Russia with an iron fist. He is known as one of the most ruthless dictators in the 20 th century; he killed and imprisoned millions of Russians. Leon Trotsky worked with Stalin and Lenin during their rein. Stalin, however, kicked out Trotsky. He escaped to Mexico, where he was assassinated by Stalin’s Secret Service.

4 BACK Boxer & Clover – Horses Working Class during the Russian Revolution (Boxer & Clover) Boxer and Clover are both horses that work under the command of Napoleon and Snowball. Boxer is devoted to his work. To motivate himself and the other animals, he would repeat, “I will work harder.” Boxer is eventually injured in battle and is forced to stop working. Napoleon sells Boxer to a glue company for money. Clover is a silent character who also works under Napoleon and Snowball. She questions Napoleon’s rules and decisions and is not mentioned very much after that. The working class in the Russian Revolution are just like the animals in Animal Farm who are not dogs or pigs. They questioned the authority and the rules, but were forced to work for their dictator. They were working for the government and not getting anything back from them. This seemed unfair, but continued to work because they did not know about this.

5 BACK Squealer – pigPravda – Communist Party Newspaper (Squealer) Squealer is a pig who is a good thinker and taught most of the animals. He is mainly known for given speeches to the animals or saying special announcements. He is also Napoleon's right hand man. This Newspaper spread Russian word all over the Soviet Union. It told about Communist Party propaganda and deceptive information to the people.

6 BACK Jones & Frederick— Humans Czars (Jones) Hitler (Frederick) Jones, Fredrick, and Pilkington are all farmers in the area. Jones was the former owner of Animal Farm (previously known as Manor Farm.) He was a drunk and did not tend for the animals. This wa one of the reasons why the animals rebelled. Frederick is the owner of a nearby farm. He is a cruel man who hate everything. He accompanies Jones to attack Animal Farm. The Czars were the owners of Russia before the revolution. Nicolas II was overthrown by Lenin and The Bolsheviks (communists,) who will soon be overthrown by Stailin. Hitler was a Nazi dictator who people consider to be the most evil man ever to exist. That are some people. Some believe Stalin was worse then Hitler. He killed millions of Jew during World War II and killed himself at the end of the War.

7 BACK The Three Dogs (Or the dogs in general) – Dogs The KGB (The Dogs) The dogs in this story start out with Jessie, Bluebell, and Pincher. Jessie and Bluebell birth nine pups and Napoleon takes them in and “educates” them. In a year or two, those nine pups turn into Napoleons secret service. He uses them to drive out Snowball and uses them to kill rebellious animals. The KGB was the Soviet Secret Police. They were under the control of Stalin and did what he told them to do. The KGB did everything to spying to executing to running concentration camps. They gave no mercy and were absolutely brutal.

8 BACK Benjamin— DonkeyOlder Generation (Benjamin) Benjamin is and old donkey that has been around the farm for years. Benjamin does not think anything has changed after the rebellion. He thinks life will remain unpleasant, no matter who is in charge. He is the only one who notices the unfair changes and rules the pigs make. The Older Generation never supported the rebellion in Russia. They would criticize any new rebellion that would occur. The Old Generation remembered how good life was before the revolution.

9 BACK Moses— Raven Mollie— Horse The Church (Moses) Skilled Middle Class Workers (Mollie) Moses is Jones’ Raven who he favors more than all the other animals. Moses spies on Jones and gives the intel to the other animals. One of the things Moses over hears Jones talking about is Sugarcandy Mountain, almost like heaven but in there terms. Mollie is a carriage horse. She pulls Jones’ carriage where ever he pleased. Mollie, unlike all the other animals, likes the humans. She likes being groomed and pampered. She does not like her new life after the rebellion. She missed the sugar and the ribbon Jones gave her. One day, she ran away and was never mentioned again. The religion during the revolution was scarce. The CSPU made Russia an atheist country, but remains of the Russian Orthodox Church still remained and was still practiced. The Skilled Middle Class Workers (SMCW for short) are people who had trouble during the revolution. They did not agree with the new changes such as the communist system.

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