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Tonyfish www linkedin skype twitter facebook CEO and Founder

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Presentation on theme: "Tonyfish www linkedin skype twitter facebook CEO and Founder"— Presentation transcript:

1 tonyfish www linkedin skype twitter facebook CEO and Founder

2 3 minute version

3 Do you believe, like me, that there

4 is now a trade for your privacy?

5 web services and value creation of content consumption of content data store analysis Symbiotic Relationships Web business depend on consumer data Data business consumer digital data trade

6 Do you believe, like me, that the

7 role of a consumer has changed?

8 Actual User Data Actual User Data Actual User Data “The Business” The User Direct feedback In Direct feedback two sided digital business friends social norms

9 Do you believe, like me, that

10 mobile offers something unique?

11 More ‘OFF’ : Less ‘ON’ on this screen in this earpiece consume createionx content where time intent direction who

12 Do you believe, like me, that

13 privacy may not be the issue!

14 I believed enough to write

15 A Two Sided Digital Business Model where your Privacy will be someone else's business ! Tony Fish Oct 2009

16 If you have the same beliefs

17 as me

18 this will not be another boring

19 presentation on privacy settings

20 If you don’t believe then

21 don’t clap at the end

22 and focus on your blackberry

23 15 minute version

24 Definitions of digital footprint

25 Education Design Data you leave All data

26 How I react to analysis of my data How my social group in influenced by the analysis of my data Data embedded in my content and interactions Data embedded in my social networks content and interactions with me What I say about myself What others say about me What the analysis says about What the analysis says about me in my social context

27 How does privacy work

28 for data you did not know existed?

29 digital footprints – context Collection, store, analysis and value created from digital data from mobile, web and TV Proof of who I am –Driving licence –Bank details –Credit history –Social security –Certification Regulated and institution controlled identity privacy black hole of debate digital footprint Control/ setting Emotional Preference Status Regulation Law public/ private

30 many contentious issues with the

31 idea of a digital you

32 PrivatePublic

33 my health family stuff private thoughts passport cash in account login & ID pin numbers who owns your car where I work my certificates facebook status phone number blog page location bank account number political views car plate number one few many public Consider the same chart from the perspective of people who need to know the data and how many you trust with the data Ways of looking at privacy

34 date of birth – public or private

35 Look to History and we find Aristotle

36 “golden mean”

37 evilgoodevil Not enough inadequate Too Much excess

38 recklessnesscouragecowardice Deficient Excess virtue

39 PublicPrivatePublic broadcast TV, newspapers, open, contextual, edited and time bounded internet public, closed, non-contextual, raw and timeless

40 P

41 Why mobile is

42 the game changer?

43 value from mobile, TV and web data Broadcast/ Listen WEB MOBILE Attention Browse Search Click Create Consumer Location Attention Browse Search Time Who Click Create Consume Presence View Preference Time Presence Point of inspiration Point of entertainment Point of need

44 Where is the value? on this screen in this earpiece consume createionx content where time intent direction who

45 The issues become

46 less about what is public and private

47 and move to become central on

48 Who owns your “data”

49 and who owns the analysis

50 and who has rights

51 Nothing is clear - so

52 Lets look at the model

53 stages to build my digital footprint store click data content my data analysis value ownership and movable algorithm = differentiation rights and cash digital footprint Behavioural DNA feedback loop ( social data collection

54 If we now add in where the user is

55 In this the collect, store, analyse, value

56 we see the user appears twice

57 as a provider and as a consumer

58 Actual User Data Actual User Data Actual User Data The User Direct feedback In Direct feedback collection store analysisvalue the providerthe consumer Friends Social Norms

59 adding where the business

60 should be situated

61 Actual User Data Actual User Data Actual User Data “The Business” The User Direct feedback In Direct feedback collection store analysisvalue Friends Social Norms

62 web services and value creation of content consumption of content data store analysis Symbiotic Relationships Web business depend on consumer data Data business consumer digital data trade

63 Take away

64 “customer information is value..

65 if you can do something with it!”

66 Privacy could be important

67 however

68 If 2.0 thinking is valid

69 Certain players are weak

70 as they cannot get critical

71 behavioural data

72 2.0 company’s are strong

73 as able to get ‘behavioural’ data

74 Do we need to move controls

75 from storage to collection?

76 Facebook “Like” is not “Nice”

77 Shift from Google Ad centric world

78 to a Facebook relationship world

79 Digital allows you to find

80 who influences and who is influenced

81 Your experience matters

82 TRUSTRISK bonded but not related PRIVACYSECURITY Increasing closed Increasing open High Control High Value Justification of benefits Justification of barriers The digital you

83 Food for thought

84 You can only see a very small %

85 “Public” is not understood

86 User is provider and consumer

87 Should controls focus on collection?

88 want controls do influences need?

89 before my last slide

90 Data is a commodity & ownership is unimportant. Value will be retained by those who get deep and dirty in the transformation of data to create value & can marry complexity with uncertainty In the new kingdom, loyalty is dead, trust is the challenger, the princes’ are brands, the princesses are simplicity, attention is queen and customer metadata is king.

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