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Middle Childhood review and Adolescence preview. Chapter 9: Physical Development in Middle Childhood Body Growth – Describe the general growth pattern.

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Presentation on theme: "Middle Childhood review and Adolescence preview. Chapter 9: Physical Development in Middle Childhood Body Growth – Describe the general growth pattern."— Presentation transcript:

1 Middle Childhood review and Adolescence preview

2 Chapter 9: Physical Development in Middle Childhood Body Growth – Describe the general growth pattern. – How do girls and boys differ? – What’s happening with the brain? Health Issues – In developed countries, such as the US, what is the biggest nutrition related health concern? – What’s the difference between an “acute” illness and a “chronic” one? – What chronic illness is most common? Motor Development and Play – What improvement occur in gross motor skills? – What improvements occur in fine motor skills? – What are some ways that we see play reflecting improvement across the domains?

3 Chapter 9: Cognitive Development in Middle Childhood Piaget’s Theory Match the following terms with the appropriate descriptions and examples. ___ The ability to order items along a quantitative1. Seriation dimension, such as length or weight.2. Decentration ___ Awareness of classification hierarchies and the3. Reversibility ability to focus on relations between a general and4. Classification two specific categories at a time. ___ Focusing on several aspects of a problem and relating them rather than centering on just one. ___ Thinking through a series of steps and then mentally reversing direction, returning to the starting point. True or False: The forms of logic required by Piagetian conservation tasks emerge concurrently.

4 Chapter 9: Cognitive Development in Middle Childhood Information Processing – What are memory strategies? – What is cognitive self-regulation? – Explain the two major approaches to learning to read and learning math. Individual Differences in Mental Development – What does IQ measure? – How do Sternberg’s and Gardener’s theories of intelligence differ from traditional views?

5 Chapter 9: Cognitive Development in Middle Childhood Vocabulary Development – Vocabulary, grammar and pragmatics – Developing humor Why is 6 afraid of 7? Because 7, 8, 9 (i.e., 7 “ate” 9). Why did the chicken cross the playground? To get to the other slide. Why was the cannibal expelled from school? He was caught buttering up his teacher!

6 Chapter 10: Emotional and Social Development in Middle Childhood Erikson’s Theory – Explain the sides of the Industry versus Inferiority stage described by Erikson. Self-Understanding – What are some ways that self-concept changes during middle childhood? – True or False: Beginning in middle childhood, peers become increasingly important in children’s self definitions. – What four self-esteems that children form by the age of 6 or 7? – What are the two types of achievement-related attributions? – Is it a good idea for parents to tell their kids how smart they are when they earn good grades? Peer Relations – Why do peers become increasingly important during middle childhood? – When examining children's peer status, we find that __________ children are frequently nominated both as someone's best friend and as being disliked. Gender Typing – Describe the pattern of gender identification in middle childhood. Pat is described as assertive, nurturing, powerful, and sensitive. Pat's gender role classification would best be described as: A)androgynous. B)masculine. C)feminine. D)balanced.

7 Adolescence: Chapters 11 & 12 Physical Development Adolescence – the transition between childhood and adulthood Puberty – a flood of biological events leading to an adult- sized body and sexual maturity – Body growth – Sexual maturation – Impact of puberty Health issues – Nutrition – Sexuality – Substance use and abuse

8 Chapter 11 & 12 Cognitive Development Piaget’s Theory: Formal Operational Stage Information Processing – Scientific reasoning Consequences of Adolescent Cognitive Change – Imaginary audience – Personal fable – Idealism and criticism Learning in School Emotional and Social Development Erikson’s Theory: Identity vs. Role Confusion Moral Development Gender Typing The Family Peer Relations Problems of Development

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