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ACCESS TO INFORMATION  Stage Two:  Have the pupils copy a short passage about the band and the type of song:  Adapted from

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Presentation on theme: "ACCESS TO INFORMATION  Stage Two:  Have the pupils copy a short passage about the band and the type of song:  Adapted from"— Presentation transcript:

1 ACCESS TO INFORMATION  Stage Two:  Have the pupils copy a short passage about the band and the type of song:  Adapted from  ”We are the Champions” is a power ballad. It was written by Freddie Mercury and performed by the British band "Queen" in 1977. The song is very famous around the whole world, and was voted the world's favorite song in a 2005 Sony Ericsson world music poll.” We Are the Champions" has become an anthem for sporting victories such as being the official theme song for 1994 FIFA World Cup. The song also references personal victories over hardships which makes the song relevant for many people.

2 QUESTIONS  6. Answer questions (in writing in their notebook as well as in the shared space):  You may want to divide the questions amongst the groups, so that each group will answer one or more of the questions and share the answers with the class in a shared document.  Discuss the answers in class.  ?

3 The Questions:  a. What is a “power ballad”?  b. What does “It" in line two reference?  c. For how long has this song been famous?  d. How do we know that the song is loved all over the world?  e. Give examples of a sporting victory and of a personal victory  f. What makes the song special in your eyes?

4 Branding  Stage three:  Class discussion:  A. Show logos(in the following slide, consider uploading it to your shared space) and ask the pupils to what brand do they belong?  B. Ask: Is it important to have a logo? Why?  C. Ask the pupils to list as many brands as they can recognize from the following slide and talk about it.  Logos picture taken from MuJgZgL&ved=0CB4QsAQ

5 Logos

6 Continued questions on logos:  D. Do bands have logos?  E. Tell pupils to find band logos and the band’s name, in the internet and save them in the shared document (a group may not repeat another's group finding).  F. The pupils should add a short explanation on what is the connection between the logo and the band’s name/ type.

7 A NEW BAND IS BORN  stage four: In the groups-  A. Have the pupils come-up with a name for their new band and a logo for their band ( you may show the Queen band logo and discuss the connection between the name and logo-crowns, lions, the British royal emblem; and possible meanings for choosing this particular logo).  B. The group needs to come up with a new verse.  Pupils Save their work in their digital notebooks.

8 LEARN A NEW VERSE  The group learns to sing the new verse.  Example  Example: I've done all I can  And always can say  I will continue forever and ever  No matter what you may say

9 Plan a performance  The group plans how they want to present their verse:  - costumes  - instruments  - who sings what and how  - background with the group’s name and logo  The group should document all its decisions in their notebooks.  Have the pupils reference the checklist that entails what they should note in preparing their video clip.

10 Checklist Does your group have a shared group document of all the decisions that you made?  Do you have a band name?  Do you have a band logo?  Is the connection between the logo and the name clear?  Can we see in your video the name of your band and its logo?  Do you have costumes?  Can we hear a new verse that you added to the song?  Does your video have an opening with the names of the original songwriter and composer?  Does your video have an ending with all of the names of your group members and class name?  Does your video have special effects?

11 PERFORM  Perform the song:  Bring rock costumes and make-up, hang the band logo and sing!! Tip: You want to film this!!!

12 Make a video clip  Stage five: Now that the group has a video of the performance, it is time to use the “ Movie Maker” software to edit their video and make it extra special. Tip: The video can be graded using Flubaroo, if you used the Google Forms tool. By inserting the checklist into a Google Form( giving each question a Yes/No answer option), you can then have the pupils receive your feedback on their work.You can also choose to make this a class feedback, where the viewers of a video clip give their feedback. This will give you immediate graphic results.  Have a wonderful class viewing and maybe a school viewing or even a parents one!

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