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Psych DMAPsych DMA  Please take out a piece of paper and complete the following:  Write down the vocabulary word and definition.  Choose ONE of these.

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Presentation on theme: "Psych DMAPsych DMA  Please take out a piece of paper and complete the following:  Write down the vocabulary word and definition.  Choose ONE of these."— Presentation transcript:

1 Psych DMAPsych DMA  Please take out a piece of paper and complete the following:  Write down the vocabulary word and definition.  Choose ONE of these options and complete it.  Draw a picture that illustrates/explains the vocabulary word.  Rewrite the definition in your own words.  Write a sentence that includes the term and the information from the definition. Androgyny  The quality of having both masculine and feminine characteristics.

2 Today‘s AgendaToday‘s Agenda  DMA/turn in  Intro to personality disorders Homework:  Psych vs. Hollywood Paper – due June 6 th

3 Personality Disorders Everyone needs guided notes

4 What are Personality Disorders?What are Personality Disorders?  Personality Disorders are generalized, inflexible patterns of inner experiences and behavior.  These patterns significantly differ from cultural expectations.  Begin in adolescence or early adulthood.

5 What are Personality Disorders?What are Personality Disorders?  Long-Term, maladaptive patterns of perception, emotional regulation, anxiety and impulse control  They can lead to enormous personal and society costs, including:  Lost productivity  Hospitalization  Significant unhappiness  Imprisonment  Suicide

6 Paranoid Personality DisorderParanoid Personality Disorder  Generally tends to interpret the actions of others and threatening.  This distrust and suspiciousness is indicated by four (or more) of the following (DSM-IV)

7 Paranoid Personality DisorderParanoid Personality Disorder 1. Suspects (without sufficient basis) that others are exploiting, harming or deceiving him/her. 2. Is preoccupied with unjustified doubts about the loyalty/trustworthiness of friends. 3. Is reluctant to confide in others because of unwarranted fear that the information will be used against him/her.

8 Paranoid Personality DisorderParanoid Personality Disorder 4. Reads hurtful / threatening meanings into kind remarks or events. 5. Is unforgiving of insults or injuries. 6. Perceives attacks on his/her character or reputation that are not apparent to others and is quick to react angrily. 7. Has recurrent suspicious (without justification) regarding faithfulness of spouse/sexual partner.

9 Schizoid Personality DisorderSchizoid Personality Disorder  Generally detached from social relationships.  Show a narrow range of emotional expression in various social settings.  This pattern is indicated by four (or more) of the following…

10 Schizoid Personality DisorderSchizoid Personality Disorder 1. Neither desires / enjoys close relationships, including family relationships. 2. Often chooses activities that don’t involve other people. 3. Has little interest in having sexual relations with another person. 4. Enjoys few activities.

11 Schizoid Personality DisorderSchizoid Personality Disorder 5. Lacks close friends, other than immediate family. 6. Appears indifferent to praise or criticism 7. Shows emotional coldness, detachment or little emotional expression.

12 Antisocial Personality DisorderAntisocial Personality Disorder  Show a pervasive disregard for (and the violation of) the rights of others since age 15 years.  Indicated by three (or more) of the following…

13 Antisocial Personality DisorderAntisocial Personality Disorder 1. Repeated acts that are grounds for arrest. 2. Deceitfulness Repeated lying Use of aliases Conning others for personal profit or pleasure 3. Impulsiveness or failure to plan ahead

14 Antisocial Personality DisorderAntisocial Personality Disorder 4. Irritability and aggressiveness,  such as repeated physical fights or assaults. 5. Reckless disregard for the safety of self or others. 6. Consistent irresponsibility  Repeated failure to sustain consistent work behavior.  Failure to honor financial obligations.

15 Antisocial Personality DisorderAntisocial Personality Disorder 7. Lack of remorse  Indifference / rationalizing having hurt, mistreated or stolen from another.

16 Borderline Personality DisorderBorderline Personality Disorder  Show a generalized pattern or instability in:  Interpersonal relationships  Self-image  Observable emotions  Significant impulsiveness.  Pattern begins in early adulthood – occurs in various contexts.  Indicated by five (or more) of the following…

17 Borderline Personality DisorderBorderline Personality Disorder 1. Frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment.  Excluding suicidal or self-inflicted cuts or burns. 2. A pattern of intense and unstable interpersonal relationships  May quickly alternate between extremes of idealization and devaluation.  Other person is put “on a pedestal” – negative qualities are exaggerated.

18 Borderline Personality DisorderBorderline Personality Disorder 3. Identity disturbance  Sudden and dramatic shifts in self-image in terms of shifting values and vocational goals.  Sexual identify  Types of friends

19 Borderline Personality DisorderBorderline Personality Disorder 4. Impulsiveness in at least two areas that are potentially harmful:  Spending  Sex  Substance abuse  Reckless driving  Binge eating  Excludes suicidal or self-mutilating behavior.

20 Borderline Personality DisorderBorderline Personality Disorder 5. Repeated suicidal behavior or threats  Self-inflicted cuts or burns  Self-mutilating behavior. 6. Significant, sudden changes in mood and observable emotion  Intense periodic sadness  Irritability  Anxiety  Usually lasting a few hours and rarely lasting more than a few days.  Extreme reactivity to interpersonal stresses.

21 Borderline Personality DisorderBorderline Personality Disorder 7. Chronic feelings of emptiness  May be easily bored. 8. Inappropriate, intense anger or difficulty controlling anger  Frequent displays of temper  Constant anger  Recurrent physical fights. 9. Temporary, stress-related psychosis  Symptoms such as paranoia or grossly distorted body image.

22 Narcissistic Personality DisorderNarcissistic Personality Disorder  Often have a grandiose view of themselves.  A need for admiration  Lack of empathy  Begins in early adulthood and is present in various situation.  These individuals are very demanding in their relationships  Indicated by five (or more) of the following…

23 Narcissistic Personality DisorderNarcissistic Personality Disorder 1. Has an inflated sense of self-importance  Exaggerates achievements and talents  Expects to be recognized as superior without corresponding achievements. 2. Is overly concerned with fantasies of unlimited:  Success  Power  Brilliance  Beauty  Ideal love

24 Narcissistic Personality DisorderNarcissistic Personality Disorder 3. Believes that he/she is “special” and unique  Can only be understood by (or should associate with) other special or high status people. 4. Requires excessive admiration 5. Has a sense of entitlement  Unreasonable expectations of positive treatment  Automatic compliance with his/her expectations.

25 Narcissistic Personality DisorderNarcissistic Personality Disorder 6. Takes advantage of others to achieve his/her own ends. 7. Lacks empathy  Unwilling to identify with the feelings and needs of others.

26 Narcissistic Personality DisorderNarcissistic Personality Disorder 8. If often jealous of others or believes that other are jealous of him/her. 9. Shows arrogant or domineering behaviors / attitudes.

27 Avoidant Personality DisorderAvoidant Personality Disorder  Typically socially inhibited  Feels inadequate  Is oversensitive to criticism  Is indicated by four (or more) of the following…

28 Avoidant Personality DisorderAvoidant Personality Disorder 1. Avoids work-related activates that involve much social contact.  Fears of criticism, disapproval or rejection. 2. Is unwilling to get involved with people unless certain of being liked. 3. Fears of shame or ridicule lead to excessive shyness within intimate relationships.

29 Avoidant Personality DisorderAvoidant Personality Disorder 4. Is overly concerned with criticism and rejection in social situations. 5. Is inhibited in new social situations because of feelings of inadequacy. 6. Views self as…  Socially incompetent  Personally unappealing  Inferior to others.

30 Avoidant Personality DisorderAvoidant Personality Disorder 7. Unusually reluctant to take personal risks or do new activities because of fear of embarrassment.

31 OCPD versus OCD

32 Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)  Rituals  Obsessions (unwanted thoughts)  Repetitive behaviors  Control their environment.  Fear of:  Danger  Contamination (germs)  Needs exactness  Trying to protect self and/or others close to them.

33 Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD)  Rigid  Seeking perfection  Make not finish tasks.  Inflexible  Preoccupation with rules, schedules, lists…  Difficulty relaxing  Symptoms interfere with job and social functions.  Personality pattern  Needs to be in control - be able to predict what will happen.  Reluctant to spend money.

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