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ARGUMENTATIVE WRITING Can’t we all just get along?

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Presentation on theme: "ARGUMENTATIVE WRITING Can’t we all just get along?"— Presentation transcript:

1 ARGUMENTATIVE WRITING Can’t we all just get along?

2 Research  Consider multiple points of view  Think of it like a debate  Know how YOU feel!  ORGANIZE!!!!!!  Intro  Body paragraphs- attention to opposition  Conclusion

3 INTRO - Set context by reviewing topic in general way - Next: explain why the topic is important; why readers should care. - Introduces essays (in quotes) and authors (Full Names) - Lastly, present the thesis statement. “It is essential that this thesis statement be appropriately narrowed to follow the guidelines set forth in the assignment. If the student does not master this portion of the essay, it will be quite difficult to compose an effective or persuasive essay.”

4 THESIS: Presents your side!  The thesis must be debatable  “Pollution is bad for the environment” vs  “At least 25% of the federal budget should be spent on limiting pollution”  It also must be focused (not broad)  “Drug use is detrimental to society”  “Illegal drug use is detrimental as it encourages gang violence”

5 Thesis Partner Thing  With your Diagram on your desk, come up with 2 sample thesis statements.  Narrow  Debatable  Presents your opinion/side/argument  Example: America’s failing identity is caused largely by the impact of the modern lifestyle of technology and comfort. (ooooooooo good one Gerrity!)

6 BODY  EACH paragraph should be limited to the discussion of one general idea  ALL topic sentences must have logical connection to the thesis  Should also comment on other side of issue  Rather than explaining how these differing opinions are wrong, note how opinions that do not align with your thesis might not be well informed or how they might be out of date.  LOOK! Elie Wiesel did this in his essay!

7 Textual Evidence  Absolutely include quotes that promote your arguments.  DO USE the quotes that you found to find evidence that you agree with- or disagree with.  When supporting arguments be sure to set up quotes in context and “always use citations” (Gerrity 1).

8 TRANSITIONS  Transitions are the mortar that holds the foundation of the essay together.  Transitions should wrap up the idea from the previous section and introduce the idea that is to follow in the next section.  Likewise, on the contrary, in addition, similarly, by contrast, further, more so, ……..

9 Conclusion- 3 sentences!  Synthesize what has been presented  Readdresses issues in the light of what has been presented  Review thesis, main points, and importance of the issue.  AVOID introducing new subject matter

10 TIPS  Avoid overly emotional language (preachy?)  Avoid weak, vague words  I/You  Many  Very  A lot  Thing/stuff  Good/bad  Always cite your sources  Make an outline

11 SOURCE   This Powerpoint is on my BLOG!

12 HOMEWORK  Read and annotate (take notes on) “A House and a Yard” page 75-82. !  Complete Portfolio 1-5! These are all due Monday, September 29 th  Remember: These are EXPERIMENTS and do not all need to be polished picture perfect- 10 pts each!  Next class I’ll hand out final Portfolio #6!

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