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Presentation on theme: "THE PERSUASIVE ESSAY. CHANGING THE WORLD ONE WELL ARGUED POINT AT A TIME."— Presentation transcript:


2 TAKE 5 MINUTES TO ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTION: What two animals when combined into one hybrid animal make the best combination? When you have your answer write it down, and try to draw the animal (don’t worry, the drawing will not be marked)

3 NOW TAKE 5 MINUTES TO WRITE DOWN 3 REASONS WHY THE COMBINATION YOU CHOSE IS THE BEST. Example: An armadeagle (cross between an armadillo and an eagle) is the best hybrid animal because: 1. It has armour to protect it from any attack. 2. It can fly anywhere it wants. 3. It has an impressive sounding name.

4 NOW SHARE YOUR HYBRID ANIMAL WITH A PARTNER. -Share your three reasons for why your animal is best with each other -Then give your opponent 1 or 2 reasons why their animal is not the best hybrid animal. (Example: The heavy armour on an armadeagle would keep it from being able to fly)

5 RESPOND TO CRITICISM Take a minute or two to come up with counter reasons for why your animal’s weakness does not eliminate it from being the best combination. Example: “Although it would be tempting to think that an armadeagle’s heavy armadillo armour would make it incapable of actual flight, the spirit of freedom that is embodied in the majestic eagle would allow for it to break free of the laws of gravity that lesser animals must abide by.”

6 NOW WRITE A THESIS STATEMENT! (Remember that a thesis statement is an opinion about a topic narrowed down to one arguable statement) Example: By combining the practical protection of the armoured armadillo with the bold and powerful attributes of the lofty eagle, scientist could create the finest hybrid animal ever conceived.

7 NOW WE ARE READY FOR AN INTRODUCTION: Remember that an introduction will include: 1.An opening statement to capture the reader’s attention 2.A brief summary of the topic that will be addressed in the essay 3.Your thesis statement 4.A lead-in to the sub topics that you will address in your three body paragraphs. Be creative when introducing the topic.

8 EXAMPLE: Recent scientific discoveries in the world of genetics have now made it possible for humans to combine any two animals into one hybrid animal; however, this power cannot be used frivolously. The cost of doing this complicated genetic procedure is astronomical, and because of this, humankind will have to be judicial in choosing which combination to produce. If the wrong two animals are chosen, and the resulting hybrid animal is not the best possible combination, then the funding for the program will get cut, and zoos everywhere will miss out on the opportunity of a lifetime. But do not fear—the best animal combination imaginable has been discovered. By combining the practical protection of the armadillo with the bold and powerful attributes of the majestic eagle, scientist could create the finest hybrid animal ever conceived: the armadeagle. The armadeagle’s impenetrable armour, powerful flying capabilities, and wicked sounding name, demonstrate exactly why it should be chosen as the first genetically produced hybrid animal.

9 IF WE WERE GOING TO FINISH THIS ESSAY, NEXT WE WOULD WRITE OUR THREE BODY PARAGRAPHS. Remember that Body paragraphs will: -Be focused around one main idea that supports the thesis. -Use evidence to proved the main point to be true. -Explain why the evidence supports the main point. -It may even use evidence against counter arguments (e.g. using the freedom argument to prove that an armadeagle could fly even with its heavy armour.) *There will also be transition words or phrases between paragraphs in order to signal to the reader that a shift in ideas is being made

10 THE CONCLUSION: A good persuasive essay will use three rhetorical (persuasive) elements: Logic (using valid reasoning and ideas) Credibility (the ability to convince the reader that you as the writer can be trusted) Emotion (making sure the reader “feels” what you are arguing) Your conclusion should incorporate all three elements in a manner that both restates the Thesis and main points, but also leave the reader feeling emotionally obligated to support your side of the argument. The best way to do this is to have a strongly worded closing statement at the very end of your essay.

11 NOW PICK A QUESTION FROM THE FOLLOWING LIST, AND NARROW IT DOWN TO A SPECIFIC THESIS. Should students be able to grade their teachers? What is really being learned in school? How should schools address bullying? Does technology make us more alone? Can cellphones be educational tools? What current musician will stand the test of time? Should sports teams be allowed to use aboriginal names and mascots? What local problem should the mayor try to solve? Which is more important: talent or hard work?


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