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Injuries to the Lower Leg, Ankle, and Foot. Anatomy  Provide stable base of support and a dynamic system for movement  Tibia and fibula  Talus  Calcaneus.

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Presentation on theme: "Injuries to the Lower Leg, Ankle, and Foot. Anatomy  Provide stable base of support and a dynamic system for movement  Tibia and fibula  Talus  Calcaneus."— Presentation transcript:

1 Injuries to the Lower Leg, Ankle, and Foot

2 Anatomy  Provide stable base of support and a dynamic system for movement  Tibia and fibula  Talus  Calcaneus  Navicular  Cuboid  Cuneiforms (3)  Metatarsals  Phalanges

3 Anatomy  Ankle joint- talocrural joint  Lateral side  Anterior talofibular ligament  Posterior talofibular ligament  Anterior tibiofibular ligament  Posterior tibiofibular ligament  Calcaneofibular ligament  Medial side  Deltoid ligaments

4 Anatomy  Movements of the ankle  Dorsiflexion  Plantarflexion  Inversion  Eversion  Supination  Pronation  Extension/Flexion of toes  EOc EOc

5 Anatomy  Two different arches in the foot  Longitudinal arch  Transverse arch  Act as shock absorbers and provide propulsion off surfaces during movement  Muscles of the lower leg are divided into compartments  Anterior  Posterior  Lateral

6 Fractures  Magnitude of force will vary for different bones  Stress fractures can occur from overuse trauma  MOI  Direct trauma  Microtrauma  Signs and symptoms  Swelling, deformity, discoloration, NWB, pop/snap  Treatment  Splint and transport for x-rays  RICE

7 Dislocations  Result of too much stress placed on ankle joint  MOI  Direct or indirect trauma  Signs and symptoms  Extreme pain, deformity, loss of sensation and movement  Treatment  Splint and transport to ER ASAP!!!


9 Ankle Sprains  Happens to the lateral and medial aspects  MOI  Abnormal stress is placed on the ligaments when the foot rolls to one side  Signs and Symptoms  Depends on degree  Pain, swelling, disability, point tenderness, loss of function, laxity  Treatment  RICE  Crutches if necessary  Strengthening program

10 High Ankle Sprain  Injury to the syndesmosis between tibia and fibula  MOI  Ankle is forced into dorsiflexion and eversion  Signs and Symptoms  Pain and point tender over the anterior aspect of the ankle  Treatment  RICE  Crutches  Rehab program

11 Achilles Tendon Injuries  Commonly injured by long distance runners, basketball players and tennis players  MOI  Tendonitis- Overuse, tendon becomes inflamed  Rupture- explosive jumping or direct trauma causes tearing or rupturing of tendon  Signs and symptoms of rupture  Swelling and deformity  Loud pop or snap  Severe pain and loss of function  Treatment for rupture  Splint and transport to ER  RICE  Surgery is usually necessary

12 Compartment Syndrome  Results from too much swelling within the compartment  MOI  Chronic- overuse of the muscles creates extra fluid  Traumatic- creates blood loss and swelling into the compartment  Signs and symptoms  Pain, swelling, and loss of function  Loss of sensation, motor control, or pulse in the foot  Treatment  Ice and elevation  Important to get medical advice early on

13 Shin Splints  Defined as a wide variety of exercise induced lower leg problems  Develop when the muscle and bone tissue (periosteum) become overworked by repetitive activity  MOI  Multiple causes  Sudden change in activity  Commonly from running activities on different services  Improper footwear  Signs and symptoms  Lower leg pain  Can be bilateral or unilateral  Treatment  Ice and rest  NSAIDs  Strengthening program  Determine cause and fix the problem

14 Plantar Fasciitis  Dense collection of tissue including muscles and tendons that can be become injured and inflamed  MOI  Caused by a change in shoes, training techniques, training surfaces, etc.  Signs and symptoms  Unbearable pain on the bottom of foot  Pain is at its worst in the morning- first steps out of bed  Treatment  Usually conservative with different rehabilitative techniques  Ice  NSAIDs  Stretching and massage

15 Foot Disorders Bunions Blisters  A result of an inflamed bursa or a deformity of the bony structure of the toes and feet  In athletics- usually a result of poorly fitting shoes  Effect the biomechanics of the entire foot  Excessive amounts of motion produce a great deal of friction between the layers of the of the foot and the shoe  Cause pain and discomfort  Blister should be drained and padded  Leave the top layer of skin  Keep area clean to prevent infection

16 Toe Injuries  Toe injuries will occur due to trauma to the area  Hematoma’s  Occur underneath the nail as a result of direct trauma  Subungal hematoma  Need to be drained  Ingrown toe nails  Can result from improperly fitting shoes or not cutting toe nails properly  If not treated properly can result in an infection

17 Preventative Ankle Taping  Lots of research about ankle taping  Pros and cons?  Ankle taping is both an art and a science  Careful attention needs to be taken so that every piece of tape has a purpose  Only certified athletic trainers should tape ankles, not coaches…

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