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ESUSD MATH PLACEMENT 2016-2017. Outcome  Math placement options that appropriately challenge and support learners resulting in:  Increased math achievement.

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2 Outcome  Math placement options that appropriately challenge and support learners resulting in:  Increased math achievement  Increased engagement with math  Competitively prepared students for college and beyond  Multiple entry points for acceleration

3 Highlights of Senate Bill 359  “Fair, objective, and transparent” placement policy for “pupils entering grade 9”  Use “multiple objective academic measures”  Include “at least one placement checkpoint within the first month” of school  “Aggregate pupil advancement data annually”  Offer “clear and timely recourse” to students and families who question pupil’s placement

4 Process  ESUSD STEM Committee  2014-15 proposal  Data analysis Smarter Balanced Assessment 2014-15 Math placement data Survey and focus group data Community input  2015-16 STEM Committee District-wide articulation day Site-based meetings and MLC collaboration

5 Considerations  Data  Student readiness  Flexible sequences  K-12 articulation  College and career preparation  Best practices in pedagogy  Surrounding district practices  Student, family, and community needs  During-the-school day opportunities

6 Sequence

7 Sequence - ESHS

8 Step 2: Placement for Grade 6 Grade of “4” in math & at least 85% on placement test OR Standard Exceeded on SBAC (or) Grade of “3” in math & 92% on placement test OR at least 85% on placement test AND Standard Exceeded on SBAC Meets following criteria: 5 th Grade Math Math Year1 Math Year 1&2 2015-16 5 th Grade 2016-17 6 th Grade

9 Step 2: Placement for Grade 7 90% at Semester 1 & 2 (or) 90% at S1 or S2 AND 90% on placement test Meets following criteria: 6 th Grade Math Math Year2 Math Year 2&3 2015-16 6 th Grade 2016-17 7 th Grade

10 Step 2: Placement for Grade 8 90% at Semester 1 & 2 (or) 88% at Semester 1 and 90% on semester final Meets following criteria: 7th Grade Math Math Year3 Math Year 3 and Algebra 2015-16 7 th Grade 2016-17 8 th Grade

11 Step 2: Placement for Grade 9 Semester 1 Grade at least B+ Third Quarter Progress Report Grade at least B+ Grade 8 CAASPP Achievement Level of Standard Exceeded or Standard Met Meets at least two criteria: Math Year 3 Algebra 1 Earn C or higher in Math Year 3 Algebra 1 with intervention Did not earn C or higher in Math Year 3 Algebra 1 & Geometry 2-period block class 2015-16 8 th Grade 2016-17 9 th Grade

12 Step 2: Placement for Grade 9 2015-16 8 th Grade 2016-17 9 th Grade Algebra 1 at ESMS Geometry Semester 1 Grade at least B Third Quarter Progress Report Grade at least B Grade 8 CAASPP Achievement Level of Standard Exceeded or Standard Met Meets at least two criteria:

13 Step 2: Placement for Grade 9 2015-16 8 th Grade 2016-17 9 th Grade Geometry at ESHS Algebra 2 Honors Semester 1 Grade at least A- 12-week Progress Report Grade at least A- Grade 8 CAASPP Achievement Level of Standard Exceeded Meets at least two criteria: 2016-2017 Placement criteria for grades 10-12 and all Math courses

14 Supports  30 Day Check-in  Teacher-embedded supports  After-school programs  During-school Math Intervention  Online resources for parents and students

15 Questions? Site Specific Meetings May 4, 6pm @ESHS May 5, 930am @ Richmond Street School May 12, 930am @ Center Street School

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