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The Institute for Citizen-Centred Service Improving Service Delivery through Citizen Engagement – The International Pursuit of Excellence.

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Presentation on theme: "The Institute for Citizen-Centred Service Improving Service Delivery through Citizen Engagement – The International Pursuit of Excellence."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Institute for Citizen-Centred Service Improving Service Delivery through Citizen Engagement – The International Pursuit of Excellence

2 I C C S 2 Why is Citizen Engagement Important? – the Canadian Government’s View “Government services must respond to the needs of citizens, be easy to find, and be available through the mail, by phone, on the Internet or - where populations warrant - at walk-in centres. Too often in the past, government services were designed from the "inside out"; they reflected the structures of government organizations more than the needs and priorities of citizens. This is changing, and it will continue to change in the coming years. Citizens want the government to respond to their needs and provide choice: one-stop, integrated access via Internet, telephone or mail, or in person. Citizen-focused government is seamless. It is easy to deal with. Citizen-centred services are brought together in one place to facilitate client access.” Results for Canadians, Treasury Board of Canada

3 I C C S 3 Accenture on the Role of ICCS in Canada and the World “ The Institute for Citizen-Centred Service, works with governments across Canada and around the world to improve citizen satisfaction with public sector service delivery..… Canada's focus on self-examination and its relentless pursuit of user feedback have allowed it to continue to build what is clearly one of the world-leading customer-focused government programs…set[ting] the standard for the rest of the world." ……Accenture 2005

4 I C C S 4 ICCS Support to the Public Sector in Other Countries

5 I C C S 5 “ How the ICCS is Assisting Public Managers Around the World: UK “It is easy for the public sector to talk about putting the “customer” first, but Canada has found a way to do it in practice…The Canadian authorities put a lot of effort into finding out about those who use public services, what they like about them and where they would welcome changes. Surveys are conducted every two years to measure trends in customer satisfaction. And these are published independently by a small but powerful body, known as the Institute for Citizen Centred Service.”(Public Finance, 2004) “Learning from Citizen’s First we have launched a project to establish whether there are common drivers across centrally managed services in the UK”; (2004) “I shall be plundering the ICCS website with its various links to documents produced in Canada.” (2006) -Mary Tetlow,Office of Public Services Reform,UK Cabinet Office, 2004-2006

6 I C C S 6 “ How the ICCS is Assisting Public Managers Around the World: UK “We have just had a go-ahead from our Service Transformation Board on something like Citizens First as a mechanism for pulling the community together, telling the story and identifying where we should be focusing, getting a shared language, and on testing common drivers …and to come together around a mechanism to use citizen insight to drive the transformation of public services, build consensus around it, and then develop from it the tools and techniques to make things change on the ground”. -Andrew Sheffield, Director, Service Transformation, UK Cabinet Office, 2006

7 I C C S 7 “ How the ICCS is Assisting Public Managers Around the World: NZ “(We will) scope the opportunities for levering off the Citizens First approach to support our work programme, which includes identifying the drivers of citizen satisfaction, service quality expectations, and trust in government. -Iona Holstead, Deputy Commissioner, State Services Commission “A new area we are researching in New Zealand Police is around how we measure and meet the demands of our citizens. We have done a lot of Internet based research on the topic and much of our research leads us back to the work done over the last few years by the Institute for Citizen Centred Service through the various Citizens First studies.” - Carl McLennan, Commissioner’s Office, New Zealand Police, 2006

8 I C C S 8 “ How the ICCS is Assisting Public Managers around the World: USA “This is a follow-up about integrating the Florida Department of Revenue further with your Common Measurement Tool focus. As I indicated, we have had a “connection” to your efforts on and off for a few years now. This note represents an introduction to the Florida DOR as a first step in building a “more formal” benchmarking partnership with ICCS and/or some of your users of the CMT.” -Dale Weeks, Assistant Commissioner, Florida Department of Revenue, 2005

9 I C C S 9 “ How the ICCS is Assisting Public Managers around the World: Australia “I am mapping the performance of Queensland Transport across the whole service delivery process of input, output and outcome. It seems that every time I dip into the literature, it is Canada …who are already doing what I’m researching. I will troll through the information at the ICCS (website)- I was there the other day and there was too much to take in with the time I had available. So I’ll set aside a larger time period next time.” -David P. Cromb, Queensland Transport

10 I C C S 10 “ How the ICCS is Assisting Public Managers around the World: Malta “On behalf of the e-Government Unit within the Ministry for IT in Malta, I am conducting research on how different Governments conduct reviews of their rolled out e-Government services. In other words, we are interested in your model of assessment of your e- government services”. -Ryan Debattista, e-Government Unit, Government of Malta, July 2006 Response by Ken Cochrane, CIO, Government of Canada, July 2006 “The Government of Canada has found Citizens First – and the Common Measurement Tool on which it is based – provides reliable information about both the levels and drivers of client satisfaction with public services and supports benchmarking and tracking across government organizations and jurisdictions. Further information about the ICCS, the Common Measurement Tool and Citizens First can be found on the ICCS website: The ICCS offers services both within Canada and internationally”.

11 I C C S 11 “ How the ICCS is Assisting Public Managers around the World: Brazil “The Luis Eduardo Magalhães Foundation is organizing the commemorative seminar for the 10 th anniversary of SAC Citizen Assistance Service centers. To enhance the quality of the content, we would like to present the experiences of Canada in improving citizen satisfaction with public sector service delivery. For that, we would like to invite the Institute for Citizen-Centred Service to participate in the above mentioned seminar.” -Monique Badaro, CIIIAP - International Centre of Innovation and Exchange in PublicAdministration, Brazil, 2005

12 I C C S 12 “ How the ICCS is Assisting Public Managers around the World: Qatar The Qatar Government has entered into an agreement with the ICCS to replicate Citizens First, and use the Common Measurements Tool to engage with the citizens of Qatar to improve the quality of government services: “The overall objective of the government of Qatar is to develop modern, high quality, efficient and customer focused public services and to increase sustainable growth.The project focuses on public sector reform in targeted Qatari ministries to enhance service quality and efficiency to the business community and Qatari citizens, to ensure the development of an innovative and people-first approach and to ensure the capacity to meet the government's goals in a cost effective and timely manner.” (Institute of Public Administration of Canada).

13 I C C S 13 “ How the ICCS is Assisting Public Managers around the World: Hong Kong SAR “The sharing (during the visit in Toronto) … was wonderful; there are a lot of similarities with what we are trying to do…..there is a lot of work we are trying to model from them.” - Maggie Yu, Efficiency Unit, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government, June 2005

14 I C C S 14 Where to Find the CMT Private sector organizations and public sector organizations outside of Canada must go to the ICCS website ( and register. The ICCS web site also includes support material such as the CMT User Manual, the guide “How To Conduct Customer Surveys,” and information about benchmarking.

15 I C C S 15 Please Do Not Hesitate to Call Vicki Morrison 1-416-325-1613

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