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The Service Improvement Initiative: Recommendations for Action Presentation to TIMS September 30, 2003.

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Presentation on theme: "The Service Improvement Initiative: Recommendations for Action Presentation to TIMS September 30, 2003."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Service Improvement Initiative: Recommendations for Action Presentation to TIMS September 30, 2003

2 Service Improvement Initiative: Background SII commitments endorsed by TB Ministers March 2000 –Minimum 10% client satisfaction improvement by 2005 (baseline Citizens First 1998 or organizations’ 2000 surveys) –Common Measurements Tool (CMT) to be used to measure client satisfaction for services to the public –Departments adopt and publish service standards for each channel –Reporting through RPP and DPR performance against those standards and annual progress toward client satisfaction targets Applies to departments and agencies (47 in total) with direct service delivery activities with Canadians –Incorporated into Management Accountability Framework (MAF) and described in recent PCO Guidance to Deputy Ministers

3 PHASE ONE Implementation of the SII Guidelines in Lead Departments and Agencies: CIC, HC, HRDC, IC CCRA, CPC PHASE TWO All Departments (62 including Crown Corps) Measure Client Satisfaction & Plan Improvements 6 Lead 22 Core * 19 Non-core** 15 Crown Corp PHASE THREE Annual reporting + progress towards 10% goal * Core: larger, higher volume organizations; close match to GOL organizations ** Non-core: smaller organizations; also outside of GOL scope SII Implementation: Original Phasing

4 Limited adoption of the SII approach to continuous improvement –22 of 47 departments mention in DPR –Baseline measures of client satisfaction not widely established Clarifications required –Identifying services for measurement and improvement –10%: service or departmental or whole-of- government approach Advisory Panel established to recommend changes to improve adoption – endorsed by STC and SIMB Implementation Experience

5 Recommendations: Targets 1. TBS to measure 10% at the whole-of-government level –Global perception of client satisfaction using Citizens First methodology to report on results in 2005 2. Departments to set their own internal targets by service –Targets would be communicated to clients –Client satisfaction baselines required, where not already established, using the CMT (Common Measurements Tool), may only be possible to set individual service targets in 2004 –CMT measures to be incorporated into MAF reporting for Citizen Focused Service –Continuous improvement and creating a service improvement culture is the goal, achieved through internal quantitative targets for individual services –Just do it! Baselines should not be goal-seeking, but improvement seeking – a feedback instrument for managers

6 The Citizens First Trend: 7% Improvement 1. National Film Board, National Museums70 73 75 2. CPP, Old Age Pension69 71 68 3. National Parks73 71 73 4. Passports: Get or renew a passport66 65 60 5. Canadian Coast Guard, Search and rescue66 63 66 6. Canada Post57 62 66 7. RCMP68 59 62 8. Customs and Immigration border services58 57 59 9. Information services55 57 58 10. Revenue Canada/CCRA - Income tax57 55 59 11. Health Canada - Information 55 55 59 12. Citizenship services57 54 56 13. Human Resource Centres (formerly CECs) 47 54 54 14. Financial services52 52 54 15. Employment Insurance (EI)45 51 53 16. Federal courts--- 44 44 17. Parole Board, federal prisons36 38 34 18. Access to Information: 1-800-O-Canada, Service Cda --- --- 60 Government of Canada Services* 60 61 64 19982000 CF3 2002 Service quality ratings for a recent experience: *Statistically significant linear trend, 1998-2002: mean of the 18 services listed

7 Recommendations: Identifying Services 3. Departments to define client-facing services starting from GOL services inventory –Link to Main Estimates business lines –Surveys would be conducted of representative client groups across the multi-channel service delivery environment –Results would also provide the GOL performance measure for client satisfaction –Departments to determine appropriate disaggregation to program and regional level –Opportunity to stagger surveys for different business lines to manage cost and operational impacts

8 Recommendations: Implementation 4. Departments to adopt CMT by mid-year 2003-04 –Survey instrument designed to assess drivers of client satisfaction across all channels –Measure of Citizen Focused Service within MAF –Distributed through the Institute for Citizen-Centred Service – provides benchmarking opportunity with like services –Core departments and agencies (28 in total) seek to establish client satisfaction baselines in 2003-4, if not already in place

9 Recommendations: Implementation (continued) 5. Departments to set and publish service standards, performance and client satisfaction results by channel –SII Policy requires standards to be published on both DPR and corporate web sites to increase transparency –In addition, performance against standards and client satisfaction targets and results should be published –TBS to monitor both DPR and web publishing sources –Establish consistency in approach to service standards by 2005

10 PHASES ONE-TWO: Lead* and Early Adopters Implementation of the SII Guidelines in Lead Departments and Agencies, take-up in some core and non-core organizations PHASE THREE: Baselines set in 28 CORE**/ LEAD Core organizations adopt CMT to establish client satisfaction baselines and set improvement targets FINAL PHASE: Baselines set in 19 NON-CORE*** Ongoing client satisfaction measurement and improvement integrated to service planning * LEAD: CIC, HC, HRDC, IC, CCRA, CPC ** CORE: 22 larger, higher volume organizations *** NON-CORE: 19 smaller organizations; also outside of GOL scope Revised SII Implementation Timetable

11 Implementation Considerations for 2003 Departmental baseline measurements to be established by Mar 2004 –Immediate registration for CMT use with ICCS (June 2003); as of August, 18 of 28 organizations have registered –Development of Survey Plan (September 2003) –Survey Implementation (Fall / Winter 2003) Service standards set and published by Mar 2004 –Begin with access / timeliness standards by channel: (Fall 2003) Reporting –Requirements include the DPR-SII Reporting Template, complemented by more detailed web publishing –TBS to report on progress to SII take-up, 10% target, and implementation of continuous improvement activities Coordination and Support –TBS to maintain advisory panel to review challenges and improve tools as needed

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