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Immigration & Naturalization Mr. Tresky’s Civic Class.

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Presentation on theme: "Immigration & Naturalization Mr. Tresky’s Civic Class."— Presentation transcript:

1 Immigration & Naturalization Mr. Tresky’s Civic Class

2 This Educational Production is brought to you by the Oscar Meyer Wiener Mobile. Do you wish you were an Oscar Meyer Wiener?

3 Give me your tired, your poor. Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free…….

4 What are the 2 main ways of obtaining U.S. Citizenship? 1.By Birth, born in USA 2.Naturalization

5 To become a citizen through naturalization, a person must demonstrate knowledge of American History and Government Principles. Also the ability to speak and write English. If they have to know it, you should know it too.

6 Immigrant- A person who moves permanently to a new country. Naturalization- a legal process to obtain citizenship.

7 Requirements for U.S. Citizenship 1.Must be 18 years or older 2.Must be a legal permanent resident of US for 5 years, or 3 years if married to a US Citizen. 3.Must be a person of good moral character. 4.Must be able to speak, read, write, and understand ordinary English words and phrases.

8 Requirements for U.S. Citizenship 5. Must demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the basics of U.S. History and Government. (This class is important) By taking a written TEST. 6. Must have a court appearance to take loyalty oath.

9 Can Citizenship be taken away? YES

10 3 Ways Citizenship can be lost. 1.By becoming a naturalized citizen in another country. 2.By threatening to overthrow the U.S. Government. 3.By serving in another country’s armed forces.

11 Immigration and the Growth of the U.S. Population “E pluribus unum”

12 A Nation of Immigrants The United States is known for being a “Nation of Immigrants” because every American descended from someone who came to this country from somewhere else. Unless you’re a Native American…of course.

13 A Nation of Immigrants 1.Europeans came for colonization during the 1500’s and 1600’s. Dudes, lets sail around the world & make colonies for our nation!

14 1.The Spanish who settled Florida, California and SW United States. 2.The English who settled the East Coast and the 13 Colonies. 3.The French who settled Canada & along the Mississippi River.


16 A Nation of Immigrants 2. Africans brought over as Slaves

17 A Nation of Immigrants 3. The Great Immigration between 1890- 1930 from Europe during the 20 th Century

18 A Nation of Immigrants 4. Today’s new immigrants

19 E Pluribus Unum This is a Latin Phrase that our founding fathers borrowed from the Ancient Roman Republic! It means “Out of many, one” This phrase is also found on every American Coin.

20 A Diverse Nation We are a nation of many kinds of people, people with different backgrounds, religions, beliefs, culture and color.

21 The Great American Melting Pot This was an expression used by historians to explain what was happening in America during the Great Migration.

22 Melting Pot– A place where people from many backgrounds and cultures blended into a new kind of person……….an American. (Like a big stew we all were put in a pot, and called American.) Tee Hee, we’re mutts…

23 The Great Immigration The 20 th Century is the time period that our nation experienced the most growth through Immigration and Naturalization. Between 1890-1930, about 22 Million people entered the United States as Immigrants. Most came from Eastern European Nations such as Greece, Poland, Italy, Russia, Germany, Ireland.

24 Fun Question!!! When I say 20 th Century what years am I actually talking about?

25 Today Immigration has slowed as the government set quotas, or numerical limits on the amount of people who could enter the U.S. each year. FUNFACT!!!!!!!! * Today the U.S. only accepts 675,000 new citizens a year, only 77,000 from any one given country.

26 Refugees Refugees – person who has lost his/her home because of the following reasons: War, Famine, or political oppression & natural disasters. Refugees are a major exception to Immigration and Naturalization policies of the United States, we usually try to help and welcome these people into our nation.

27 Refugees

28 The Census! Dude we have to count everyone? The Census —every 10 years as stated in the U.S. Constitution, the government is required to count the population!! This is to determine the amount of representation each state gets to elect to Congress which is based on a States Population. We’ll learn more about this later in the year.

29 Tresky Educational Production

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