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Transforming Lives A new strategic approach for social work and social care for adults in Cambridgeshire Mike Hay Head of Practice and Safeguarding Adult.

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Presentation on theme: "Transforming Lives A new strategic approach for social work and social care for adults in Cambridgeshire Mike Hay Head of Practice and Safeguarding Adult."— Presentation transcript:


2 Transforming Lives A new strategic approach for social work and social care for adults in Cambridgeshire Mike Hay Head of Practice and Safeguarding Adult Social Care Principal Social Worker (Adults)

3 In Cambridgeshire…  The numbers of older people are increasing (over 65 growth predicted at 32.7% between 2011-2021)  Support to carers is increasing  Support packages for adults becoming more complex  Significant savings are required  We are the fastest growing County

4 The Rationale for Change: National Drivers  National period of austerity  The Care Act  The College of Social Work  Integrated Working

5 The Challenge for Adult Social Care  How can Adult Social Care be delivered differently?  How can we target our scarce and reducing resources more effectively?  How can we support people in a way that best meets their needs within our financial constraints? These are common issues across the system

6 Two Choices – Choice 1  Greater centralisation of services, away from people and communities.  Whole-scale staffing reductions – often reducing capacity required to deal with challenge.  Increasing dispute and challenge over our services.  Long term reduction in morale of workforce.  Growing waiting lists

7 Two Choices – Choice 2  Manage the issues and risks – use them as an opportunity.  Focus on what people really want.  Build on individuals’ strengths and assets as people in families and neighbourhoods.  Support carers  Ongoing services as a last resort, not the only offer.  Social work moves away from ‘assessment for services’  Collaborate like never before!

8 Our vision We want to:  Enable people to live independently  Support people in a way that works for them  Support the development of strong, connected communities  Recognise the strengths of individuals, families and communities and build upon these  Work in partnership to achieve this

9 Safeguarding Right Skills, Right People The Transforming Lives Model Help To Help Yourself Accessible, friendly, quick, information, advice, advocacy, support to carers and families, universal services to the whole community, prevention, early identification and early intervention Help When You Need It Immediate short-term help, time limited, reablement, rehabilitation, intense support to help regain independence, minimal delays, no presumption about long term support, goal-focused, integrated support On-going Support for Those Who Need It Self-directed, personal budget based, choice and control, highly individualised, integrated support, strengths based

10 Information and Advice  Help to keep people living independently  Connecting people with their local communities  Information and advice for all – individuals, carers, families and communities  Advocacy Tier One

11 Prevention, Early Identification and Early Intervention  Strong, independent communities  Support to families and carers  Early identification of those at risk of crisis  Supporting people to live independently Tier One

12 Crisis Resolution  A local, rapid response  Focused on the individual and their situation  Short term planning  Outcome focused  “Stick like glue”  Prevents the further escalation of crisis Tier Two

13 Assistive Technology, Reablement and Rehabilitation  To support people  To enable them to maintain their independence  To support them to progress to work towards their aspirations Across All Tiers

14 Ongoing Support  For those who need it  Effective, integrated long-term planning  Holistic  Self-directed support, choice and control  Plans to build on people’s strengths  Plans to encompass the carer and family as appropriate Tier Three

15 General Principles  Personalisation, choice and control  Supporting carers and families  Multi-agency and partnership working  A skilled and confident workforce  Person-centred, strengths and outcome focused  Best use of technology where appropriate

16 Turning the System on it’s Head

17 Critical Importance of Housing People who live in good quality housing, that meets their needs and which they can afford, are much more likely to be healthy, well and to feel safe. A decent home helps residents achieve an active, happy life, a sense of community, stability, warmth and comfort - whomever they are, whatever their income, whether young or old, a single person, a couple, a family of any other type of household. Housing and Health JSNA, 2013, Cambridgeshire HWBB

18  Critical importance of housing at all Tiers  Knowledge of communities  Relationships with tenants / residents  Preventative role  Information, advice and guidance  Early identification of any issues, indicators or triggers of crisis  New supply of homes which contribute to wellbeing Critical Importance of Housing

19 Cambridge sub-regional housing board priorities  Deliver new homes to support economic success  Enable better health and well-being through housing, affordable housing, housing-related support and options and support for older people  Create mixed and cohesive communities  Improve standards in existing homes, and encourage best use of all housing stock  Extend housing choice and meet housing need  Prevent and tackle homelessness  Promote the benefits good housing and partnership working can bring to related issues

20 Challenges (Care Act requirements)  How can housing colleagues be included as part of the “professional network” by GPs and local health and social care teams?  Information gathering/sharing about individuals  Information that is heard and responded to e.g. from housing officers, floating support workers, sheltered housing wardens  Data protection  Information, advice and guidance

21  “Suitability of accommodation” is key in relation to a person’s wellbeing  Cooperation and integrated working as part of a single plan around a person, with specific consideration of housing issues in 3 areas; - Prevention - Assessment of needs - Information and advice Care Act Requirements

22 Journey so far  Stakeholder events  User/carer feedback and participation  Staff engagement  Innovation site (no panel; real time decisions e.g. housing support; practitioners have budget for tier 2 response)  Specific focus on housing element of Transforming Lives via dedicated housing specialist time  Discussions about Cambridgeshire’s new communities, meet social care needs and adaptable housing

23 Keeping in touch Contact: Mike Hay, Head of Practice and Safeguarding:

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