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Investment Opportunities in Public infrastructure and Public Service Infrastructure – ProInversion 2014- 2015 Updated to September 2.

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1 Investment Opportunities in Public infrastructure and Public Service Infrastructure – ProInversion 2014- 2015 Updated to September 2


3 CALLED THE AMAZON WATERWAY Implementation of works and actions to improve navigability and passenger and cargo transit on the Amazonas, Marañón, Huallaga and Ucayali rivers. Dredging on critical areas (Malos Pasos) and on the access to the Port of Iquitos. GPS information system on the navigation route. Installation of level measuring stations with data transmission capabilities. Monitoring system. Cleaning system.  Estimated investment (VAT not included): US$ 69.4 million  Type of concession: Co-financed  Concession period: 20 years. Estimated date of award: III Q 2014 Loreto Ucayali

4 LINES 3 AND 4 OF THE BASIC NETWORK OF THE METRO OF LIMA AND CALLAO Concession, through two independent bids, of two lines of the network of the metro of Lima and Callao for the design, financing, construction, equipment, operation and maintenance of 62 Km of this transportation system, which serves a city of more than 10 millions of inhabitants.  Estimated Investment: Under evaluation  Type of concession : Co-financed  Concession period :35 years Line 3Line 4 32 Km30 Km 2015 Estimated date of award Approximated length TO BE CALLED Lima and Callao

5 TO BE CALLED Project oriented to the transportation of passengers and cargo, including the execution of the following works along 128 Km of the existing railway: Railway upgrade Changes to the route in critical sectors Purchase of rolling stock Reinforcement of 15 railway bridges Extension of 38 tunnels for standard gauge rolling stock (1,435 mm) Upgrades to signaling and telecommunication systems Draining works The project includes interoperability with Ferrocarril Central (railway service with a standard gauge of 25 ton per axle) for the connection of high Andes regions with the port of Callao and the Santa Anita market.  Estimated investment: Under evaluation  Type of concession: Co-financed  Concession period: 30 years Estimated date of award: II Q 2015. HUANCAYO - HUANCAVELICA RAILWAY Junín Central Railway Huancayo – Huancavelica Railway South Railway Huancavelica

6 PERIPHERAL RING ROAD Unsolicited proposal for the construction, financing, operation and maintenance of a new urban highway approx. 33 Km long ( from Av. Elmer Faucett to Av. Circunvalación), intended to improve vehicle traffic between North and East Lima districts and other areas in the city. Estimated Investment: Studies in progress Type of concession : Co-financed Estimated date of award: II Q 2015 ( if no interested third parties participate) Ring road UNDER EVALUATION Lima and Callao

7 FAST MONORAIL MASS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM - AREQUIPA An unsolicited proposal for the design, construction, electromagnetic equipment, systems, rolling stock, financing, operation and maintenance of a 14 Km fast mass transportation system (on elevated track) in the Arequipa Metropolitan Area.  Estimated Investment: Studies in progress  Type of concession : Co-financed Estimated date of award: III Q 2015. UNDER EVALUATION Arequipa

8 Execution of upgrade and rehabilitation works (117 Km), initial periodic maintenance (310 Km); and subsequent maintenance and operation of the 965 Km highway, in order to reach and maintain established service levels on the entire route.  Estimated Investment: To be adjusted, according to studies conducted and arrangements between the Ministry and MEF.  Type of concession : Co-financed  Concession period: 25 years Estimated date of award: III Q 2015 LONGITUDINAL DE LA SIERRA HIGHWAY, SECTION 4 TO BE CALLED

9 Initial periodic maintenance, operation and maintenance of 422 Km of road, in order to maintain established service levels.  Estimated Investment: The ministry is currently updating restoration and maintenance costs.  Type of concession : Co-financed  Concession period: 25 years Estimated date of award: IV Q 2015 LONGITUDINAL DE LA SIERRA HIGHWAY, SECTION 5 TO BE CALLED

10 Unsolicited proposal for the concession of the construction, operation and maintenance of infrastructure works on the South Panamericana Highway, Ica-Dv. Quilca section, with an approximate length of 518 Km.  Estimated Investment: Under evaluation  Concession period : Self-sustained Estimated date of award: 2015 PANAMERICANA SUR HIGHWAY : ICA- DV. QUILCA SECTION UNDER EVALUATION Ica Arequipa


12 AZÁNGARO–JULIACA–PUNO 220 kV TRANSMISSION LINE Concession for the design, financing, construction, operation and maintenance of a 110 Km transmission line, 120 MVA of capacity, intended to eliminate congestion in the current system and increase the reliability of the National Interconnected System.  Estimated investment (VAT not included): US$ 68.9 million  Concession period : Self-sustained  Concession period: 30 years plus the construction period (about 24 months). Estimated date of award: IV Q 2014 Puno CALLED

13 220/60 kV NUEVA LURÍN SUBSTATION and 220 kV AND 60 kV CONNECTION LINES Concession for the design, financing, construction, operation and maintenance of the 220/60 kV Nueva Lurín Substation, that will be connected to the Chilca-San Juan line (220 kV) and to existing substations Lurín and La Pradera (60 kV). This will enable to increase the electricity supply required to meet the increasing demand in the south of Lima. Estimated Investment: US$ 49.6 million Type of concession: Self-sustained Concession period: 30 years plus the construction period (about 24 months). Estimated date of award: IV Q 2014 South Lima CALLED

14 Concession for the design, financing, construction, operation and maintenance of the first stage of the new Carapongo substation (located in the east of Metropolitan Lima). The new substation facilities will include Protection, Control, Measurement and Communication Systems related to the transmission lines and power substations that supply electricity to Lima.  Estimated investment: US$ 31.3 million  Type of concession : Self-sustained Estimated date of award: II Q 2015 TO BE CALLED CARAPONGO SUBSTATION AND CONNECTIONS TO ASSOCIATED LINES Lima Metropolitan Lima

15 NEW CORPAC 220 kV SUBSTATION AND 220 kV INDUSTRIAL TRANSMISSION LINES - CORPAC Concession for the design, financing, construction, operation and maintenance of the following projects: New Córpac Substation (underground) 220 kV Industrial Transmission Lines - Corpac (underground) The upgraded electricity supply facilities will serve to meet the increasing demand in the districts of Ate, Cercado de Lima, La Victoria, Miraflores, San Isidro, San Borja (particularly in commercial and financial areas in the latter three districts) and San Luis. Estimated investment (VAT not included): US$ 148 million  Type of concession : Self-sustained  Concession period: 30 years plus the construction period (about 25 months). Estimated date of award: II Q 2015 Industrial Substations Industrial TLs - Córpac Av. Javier Prado Panamericana Norte Highway Panamericana Sur Highway Circunvalación Lima San Borja Ate New Córpac Substatio n CALLED

16 Contract for the purchase of 1,200 Mw of power in years 2020 and 2021, to be generated by new hydroelectric power generation projects that will be incorporated to the national network (National Inter- Connected Power System (SEIN by its initials in Spanish)).  Estimated Investment: Under evaluation  Type of concession : Self-sustained Estimated date of award: II Q 2015 ELECTRICITY SUPPLY FROM NEW HYDROELECTRIC POWER STATIONS TO BE CALLED Nationwide

17 QUILLABAMBA THERMAL POWER STATION Concession for the design, financing, construction, operation and financing of a 200 Mw thermal power station to be located in Quillabamba (department of Cusco), and commissioned in 2017, which will be interconnected to the national network (SEIN).  Estimated investment: US$ 200 million  Type of concession: Self sustained Estimated date of award: II Q 2015 TO BE CALLED


19 LNG SUPPLY SYSTEM FOR THE DOMESTIC MARKET CALLED Concession to make available a natural gas supply system to be used in emergency situations (failure in NG production in the forest, or in its transportation from the Peruvian forest to the coast). The system comprises back-up storage capacity for 130,000 m3 and facilities for the regasification and shipping of 400 MMSCFD of NG, in order to guarantee the supply of fuel to users in Lima and Callao for up to seven days.  Estimated investment (VAT not included): US$ 250 million  Type of concession : Self-sustained  Concession period: 20 years plus the construction period (30 months). Estimated date of award: IV Q 2014


21 MAIN WORKS AND CONDUCTION OF DRINKING WATER SUPPLY FOR LIMA TO BE ANNOUNCED Concession for the design, financing, construction, operation and maintenance of the following infrastructure projects in the departments of Lima and Junín: Re-enlargement of the Pomacocha and Huallacocha Bajo dams (about 90 MCM) Trans-Andean tunnel (about 10 Km) New drinking water plant (5 m 3 /s) South branch pipeline (about 26 Km), including six reservoirs (total storage volume: 24,000 m 3 ) and works for the interconnection with the current drinking water supply system. The concession also includes the operation and maintenance of the following facilities: Current drinking water plant (5 m 3 /s) North branch pipeline (27.1 Km), including four compensation reservoirs (total storage volume: 23,000 m 3 )  Estimated investment (VAT not included): US$ 400 million  Modality: Self-sustained  Period: 30 years Estimated date of award: I Q 2015 CALLED

22 REGULATION WORKS OF THE CHILLÓN RIVER Concession for the design, financing, construction, operation and maintenance of the following infrastructure projects, intended to ensure drinking water supply to the districts of North Lima. Jacaybamba dam (about 28 million m3) located in the province of Canta, northeast of Lima. Pipeline (about 30 Km) for an average flow rate of about 1.5 m3/s, from the projected water intake on the Chillon River to the current Chillon drinking water plant.  Estimated investment (VAT not included): US$ 70 million  Type of concession: Self-sustained  Concession period: 20 to 30 years Estimated date of award: II Q 2015 TO BE ANNOUNCED TO BE CALLED

23 Concession of the design, construction, equipment, operation and maintenance of complementary services (blue-collar services) in high-complexity hospitals in the Peruvian Social Security System (ESSALUD): a new one in the city of Lima (Instituto de Salud del Niño y Adolescente) and two in provinces (Piura and Chimbote)  Estimated Investment: Studies in progress Estimated date of award: III Q 2015 TO BE CALLED THREE NEW HIGH-COMPLEXITY HOSPITALS FOR LIMA AND TWO PROVINCES IN THE NORTH OF PERU

24 SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT IN HEALTH FACILITIES UNDER THE MINISTRY OF HEALTH IN METROPOLITAN LIMA An unsolicited proposal that comprises the construction, operation and maintenance of a modern solid waste treatment plant (hazardous bio-contaminated/hazardous special/common) for the project’s integral management.  Estimated Investment: Pre-investment Studies in progress  Type of concession: Co-financed Estimated date of award: 2016 UNDER EVALUATION Lima and Callao


26 CHOQUEQUIRAO CABLEWAY Concession for the design, financing, construction, equipment, operation and maintenance of a cableway, as an access route, from Kiuñala (Apurímac) to Choquequirao Archaeological Park, including the arriving and exit stations.  Estimated investment (VAT not included): US$ 52 million  Type of concession: Co-financed  Concession period: 20-25 years Estimated date of award: I Q 2015. CALLED Apurímac Cusco


28 An unsolicited proposal for the provision of electronic personal surveillance services to alleviate overcrowding in correctional facilities in Peru through the use of electronic shackles for tried and sentenced inmates allowed having access to this benefit.  Estimated Investment: Under evaluation  Type of concession : Self-sustained Estimated date of award: II Q 2015 ELECTRONIC SHACKLES UNDER EVALUATION Lima and Callao

29 Re-location of four correctional facilities that are currently in the urban areas of Metropolitan Lima and the department of Cusco. The project is intended to promote the participation of the private sector in the construction of new replacement correctional facilities in more appropriate areas, under high- quality safety standards 1.Chorrillos Women’s Facility (ordinary) and annex. 2. Lurigancho 3. Miguel Castro Castro. 4. Cusco and Cusco Women’s Facility Estimated investment: Under evaluation Estimated date of award: II Q 2015 TO BE CALLED RE-LOCATION OF CORRECTIONAL FACILITIES Lima and Cusco

30 An unsolicited proposal for the construction of a shopping center, houses, warehouses and parking lots on the current location of the San Jorge Prison (Historic center of Lima). Additionally, it includes the construction and equipping of a new correctional facility where the San Jorge inmates will be transferred.  Estimated investment: Under evaluation  Type of concession: Self-sustained Estimated date of award: III Q 2015 UNDER EVALUATION CORRECTIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE AND URBAN RENEWAL: “TINKUY PLAZA PROJECT” Lima


32 BROADBAND INTERNET ACCESS FOR FOUR PERUVIAN REGIONS Concession, through four independent bids, to implement broadband internet access in four Peruvian regions (Apurímac, Ayacucho, Huancavelica, Lambayeque). The project involves the implementation of a high-capacity fiber optic network and an access network (microwaves). RegionLocation Required fiber length Estimated investment USD million Ayacucho Central-Southern highlands 1,900 Km 42 ApurímacSouthern highlands1,400 Km 55 Huancavelica Central-Southern highlands 1,330 km 47 LambayequeNorthern coast570 Km 19  Type of concession:self sustained  Estimated award date: IV Quarter 2014 1 2 3 4

33 700 MHZ 4G BAND Concession of three 698–806 MHz band blocks to provide nationwide 4G broadband internet access services. The band is initially expected to be channeled in 15 MHz + 15 MHz blocks  Estimated investment: under evaluation  Type of concession: Self sustained Estimated date of award: I Q 2015


35 HUAYDAY AMBARA PROSPECT La Libertad Location of the Project Mining concession with a total surface of 2,992 ha, high exploration potential due to its coal mantles (“clean anthracite”), with an estimated reserve of 1.8 million MT.  Estimated investment (VAT not included): US$ 8 million Estimated date of award: IV Q 2014 CALLED

36 INTEGRAL WATER-MINING-AGRICULTURE PROJECT TO ADDRESS THE CHALLENGE OF INFORMAL MINING IN PIURA Location of the ore enrichment plant Informal mining area of operation The project will be conducted in two stages:  1st Stage: Design, financing, construction, operation and maintenance of an Ore Enrichment Plant in Talara, where the gold-bearing ore extracted by miners operating in the Piura region (formalized or in process of formalization) will be processed.  2nd Stage: Promotion of a project portfolio for development in agriculture and other sectors, aiming at solving the problem of water (household and agricultural use) in the influence area of formalized mining operations.  Estimated investment (VAT not included): US$ 12 million Estimated date of award: IV Q 2014 Piura CALLED


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