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11B 1.Warren G. ________ ___ President born in _____. He ____the Election of _____ becoming the ____ President as a __________. He chose Calvin ________.

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Presentation on theme: "11B 1.Warren G. ________ ___ President born in _____. He ____the Election of _____ becoming the ____ President as a __________. He chose Calvin ________."— Presentation transcript:

1 11B 1.Warren G. ________ ___ President born in _____. He ____the Election of _____ becoming the ____ President as a __________. He chose Calvin ________ as his _____ President. His _______was nicknamed the “______ Gang.” His __________was known for its many _________. He _____ of a _____in 1923. 2.Calvin _________ He was nicknamed, “________ _______.” Elected __________ of Mass. As governor, he _________in the _________ Police Strike. He __________Harding as the _______ President. “Keep _____with Coolidge” Believed that, “A _____ who builds a ________, builds a _________.” Harding and Coolidge 1.The __________ of more people to ______ areas changed _____ values. 2.Fast paced ______ life changed the way _________ lived. 3.The Third __________Revolution takes place. It led to an _________ on “_______________” 4.Effects of the ____________: Henry Ford’s ________ line made cars more _____________. Ford began ______ cars on ______ so that many Americans could _______ them- “Installment Plan.” -Led an increase in personal ______ and ____________. Resulted in “________Flight” and “__________ Sprawl.” -Led to the development of the _________. Led to the __________ of the __________. Why? Led to higher teenage _________. Led to the ____________of thousands of ______of new _____. -________ – Chicago to California Growth of the ________Industry. American Lives Change Scopes “Monkey Trial (1925) 1.___________ is expanded to ___________ the masses. 2.The invention of ________ became a powerful influence. 3.Led to new American _____. 4.New styles of ________ and _____________evolved: _______Generation - 1920’s intellectuals who _____ about America’s obsession with ___________ possessions. -Coined by Gertrude _______ -_________ Hemingway’s “____________ to Arms.” -Robert _________ “Road not ___________.” -F. Scott Fitzgerald’s “Great __________” which revealed the ________ side of the 20s. 5.Charles __________ became the first person to _____ solo across the _________Ocean. -“__________ of St. Louis” -Known as “_______ Lindy.” 6.__________ emerges and the first “_______ stars” develop. -Charlie _______, Clara ____ and Rudolph Valentino. -“_______ Singer” – first film with ___________ in 1927. -“___________Willie” – first _________film with sound. Women Change Prohibition 20s Culture The “Roaring” Twenties 1.The ______________ movement successfully led to the passing of the _______ Amendment which established __________in the U.S. 2.Lasted from 1919 to _________. 3.___________ Act - passed to help enforce the 18 th Amendment. It stated that all ________ beverages that contained more than ___ % alcohol was ___________. 4.___________- illegal clubs where _________was being _________. 5.________ - people who _________ alcoholic beverages into and throughout the _______ during prohibition- led to _______ 6.Organized _____/ Mafia - It was crime that was organized to make a _________ off of the sale of illegal liquor. Rival _______ battled for control of the _________ business. - Most prevalent in _________, Ill. -Al _____________ 7.Creation of ____________. 8. Billy _______ - a former baseball player turned __________ preacher who spoke out against the ______ of liquor pushing for prohibition. 1.After WWI, _______began to be ___________as more ________ to men. 2.The _____ Amendment 3.Women’s _________ make drastic _______ during the 1920s – the “____Woman.” 4.Known as “__________” 5.Hair style, _____, attitudes, and _________changes. 6.Opportunities increase in _______and ___________. 7.Women experience a ______ decline- smokers, drinkers, and more ______. -______ control movement expands. 1.Because of the “liberal” ________ in society and the spreading of “____________” many Christian __________ began to take a stand against the “_____” of the decade. 2. The Fundamentalists and __________clashed in the Scopes “__________ Trial” in 1925 in Dayton, ____________. John ________, a H.S. substitute __________ teacher, violated the ________ Act by refusing to stop teaching Charles Darwin’s ______ of ___________ in his classroom. Clarence __________ defended Scopes and W.J. ______defended the State of Tenn. The Court ruled in ________ of ______________over Darwinism in this case. Scopes was __________ and the Butler Act ____________.

2 Harlem Renaissance The “Roaring” Twenties 1.A _________ and ________ movement led by well-educated, middle class _______ Americans who expressed a new ________ in the African American experience. -Emerged in _______, New York 2. Langston ________- The 20’s most well-known black ______. His __________described the difficult _______ of the working class African Americans 3.Claude __________ – Famous Harlem Renaissance _____ originally from Jamaica. 4. Louis ___________– the most famous Black Jazz __________ player of the 1920’s. 5. Duke ___________ - a famous black jazz ___________ and ________of the 1920’s. He led a Jazz orchestra. 6. Bessie _____ - the most famous black ______Blues _______of the 1920’s. She became the highest paid _______ performer in the world. The “New Negro” 1.The New _______- an essay written in 1925 by Alain _______that described the transformation of the “New Negro” that was _________ in America. 2.Also consisted of a ___________for “Black ___________.” -Led by a __________ immigrant named Marcus _____________. -Garvey also led a “______ to ___________” Movement. -He formed the ________– United ______ Improvement Association. 11B (part 2)

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