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Semester Review. 1. Development of a stable food supply 2. Establishment of permanent settlements 3. Development of writing system and religions.

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1 Semester Review



4 1. Development of a stable food supply 2. Establishment of permanent settlements 3. Development of writing system and religions


6 Cuneiform – “wedge-shaped”, a system of writing developed by the Sumerians Hieroglyphics – “priest-carvings” or “sacred writings”, a complex system of writing that used both pictures & more abstract forms; used by the ancient Egyptians 4. Which civilization’s form of writing was called Cuneiform? b.) Hieroglyphics?

7 Mountains and the sea caused Greek centers to be isolated As a result, separate city-states developed –Each had their own form of government and set of laws 5. What effect did the rugged, mountainous geography have on the development of civilization of ancient Greece?

8 6. Define the following forms of government. Monarchy- Ruled by a king or Queen Theocracy- Rule by religious leaders Democracy- Rule by the people Oligarchy- Rule by a few

9 7. List the 3 famous Greek philosophers. Socrates Plato Aristotle

10 What are 3 influences ancient Greek civilization had on future civilizations? Architecture Government Philosophy

11 9. List effects of the fall of the Roman Empire. 1. Decline of cities 2. Education, art, and culture stop 3. Trade shut down

12 Hammurabi, Babylonian king known for his laws code, this was the first written code of laws

13 11. What did law in the Roman Empire start with? the Twelve Tables b.) Why was Roman law considered a milestone? It set up the base for laws of western civilization

14 Achievements of the Tang and Song Dynasties Gun powder Compass Crossbow Block Printing

15 13. List the main beliefs of the following religions. Hinduism- polytheistic, caste system, must live many lives to achieve enlightenment Buddhism- following the Eightfold Path. Confucianism- Judaism- belief in a single just and all-powerful God, Ten Commandments Muslim- pray 5 times a day, fast during Ramadan, 5 pillars of Islam

16 b.) What is one way in which Confucian teachings, the Ten Commandments and the Eightfold Path in Buddhism were all similar? They provided a moral code of conduct.

17 14. Define: Feudalism- A contract exchanging land for service Manorialism- Economic side of feudalism. Where the people lived on the Manor.

18 15. One important way in which the Silk Road and West African trade routes were similar was that along all of these routes ideas were exchanged as merchants interacted with each other

19 16. One similarity between the Gupta Empire (320 – 550 A.D.) in India and the Tang Dynasty (18 – 907 A.D.) in China was that each – made advances in the arts, sciences and mathematics

20 17. List events that are closely associated with Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation Sale of indulgence authorized by Pope Leo X to raise money to build St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome (1515) Ninety-Five Theses posted (1517) Hearing held at Worms, Germany (1521)

21 18. What was the Hundred Years War? War between England and France. b.) What was an important effect of the Hundred Years’ War? A greater reliance on new weapons reduced the importance of knights. which helped to weaken Feudalism

22 19. what was the Magna Carta? established the principle of limited monarchy in England

23 20. What was the Columbian Exchange? Exchange of foods and crops between the Old World (Europe, Asia, Africa) and the New World (the Americas)

24 21. What are 2 big factors that contributed to the downfall of both the Inca and the Aztec empires? Disease and Spanish superior weapon technology

25 22. The Aztec calendar and the Maya use of zero both illustrate that pre-Columbian cultures in the Americas – They both made advancements in math and science

26 23. What was a direct result of the Atlantic slave trade on West Africa? the tribes of west Africa suffered population loss

27 24. One important way in which the Silk Road and West African trade routes were similar was that ideas were exchanged as merchants interacted with each other

28 25. What were the Crusades? Series of wars fought between the European Christians and Muslims. the Christian objective was to free the Holy Land from the Muslims.

29 26. What was the “Middle Passage”? The trip made by african slaves to the Americas

30 27. Describe the type of Government each Civilization had. Maya - Seperate city-states, each with own hereditary ruler Inca- All powerful emperor Aztec- All powerful emperor

31 28. What effect did the Columbian Exchange have on Europeans? The discovery of new foods and new sources of wealth encouraged economic growth.

32 29. What effect did the invention of the printing press have on Europe? ●Literacy Rates Rise ●Shakespeare’s Poems Circulated ●Secular Ideas Spread

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