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Study Abroad 105: Post-Enrollment What happens after an applicant is accepted?

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Presentation on theme: "Study Abroad 105: Post-Enrollment What happens after an applicant is accepted?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Study Abroad 105: Post-Enrollment What happens after an applicant is accepted?

2 Agenda -Acceptance Letter & Welcome Packet -Program Acceptance Agreement & Enrollment Deposit -Payment timeline -Passport & Visa -Insurance -Host family placement -Pre-departure Orientations -Travel

3 Acceptance Letter & Welcome Packet -Students & parents informed via email of acceptance decision: -Accepted to the program -Accepted & awarded a scholarship -Alternate -Rejection -Do not tell students why they were rejected -Welcome packet: -Sent within 1 day of acceptance email -Includes information on insurance, visas, travel, orientations -Study Abroad Family Handbook -Rosetta Stone Accounts -Welcome Letter from YFU international partner

4 Program Acceptance Agreement & Enrollment Deposit -Two new steps in admissions process this year: due to many late cancellations and scholarship drop-outs -Program Acceptance Agreement: -Attached to acceptance email. Contains approximate dates of program, tuition of program, and some YFU policies. -Students & parents asked to read, sign, and return this within 2 weeks of receiving enrollment email. -Formalizes student commitment to the program. -Enrollment Deposit: -We have moved this step to AFTER enrollment to mirror a college admissions process. -$1,000 deposit due with the Program Acceptance Agreement within 2 weeks of acceptance. -Non-refundable. -Formalizes student commitment to the program.

5 Payment Timeline -Payment deadline is April 15, 2016 – NO EXCEPTIONS -Applies to scholarship contributions and students who are paying full tuition. -We need your help to enforce this – extending this payment deadline has consistently meant YFU loses money when payment plans are not followed, but the student is already on program. -Working to publicize and emphasize this deadline earlier so that families are aware that they need to plan ahead. -Credit card and check payments are accepted.

6 Passport & Visa -All students need a passport!! Safe to make sure it is valid until 6 months after expected return date. -Most summer students DO NOT need a visa, with the exception of Brazil. -Most year and semester students need a visa OR a residence permit. -Detailed visa communication sent via email to students & parents in spring. -Visa is the family’s responsibility: we can provide guidance and call consulates to try and help, but ultimately are not legal guardians of our students so cannot sign paperwork or complete the visa process for them. -Most important visa advice: START RESEARCHING EARLY. Call your consulate and try to get a contact there. -Direct students to Study Abroad Admissions with any and all visa questions.

7 Insurance -All students are required to have medical insurance that covers them for emergency medical treatment (trip to the ER) and emergency repatriation (emergency return home in the event of extreme illness or death). -Medical insurance is included in a few programs, but the vast majority of students will need to purchase it. -YFU offers coverage through Allianz/Generali; there are other travel insurance companies that offer this type of insurance. -Students are advised not to cancel their current insurance while on program – if they return to the U.S. due to illness, their travel insurance WILL NOT cover treatment here.

8 Host Family Placement -Host family placement is the responsibility of the international partner -We do not get any information about placement status until the placement is confirmed – this could be 1 week after acceptance or 1 week before departure -Patience is key! -We cannot guarantee any requests – do not make promises!

9 Pre-Departure Orientations -All students are required to attend a pre-departure orientation -Summer students: local PDO (for them and parents) -Year/Semester students: local PDO & National PDO (July – students only) -E&T will be the main contact for PDOs

10 Travel -YFU books all student travel (domestic & international), except for CBYX where we only book the international flight. -Travel team sends out packets in spring with detailed information. -Students cannot pick their own flights.

11 Questions? Study Abroad FAQ: Find all the answers you need!!!

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