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Introducing Training for Trainers (T4T/TRT) The PROCESS of multiplying trainers leading to a CPM: A movement of freewill offerings – Psa 110:3 Steve Smith.

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Presentation on theme: "Introducing Training for Trainers (T4T/TRT) The PROCESS of multiplying trainers leading to a CPM: A movement of freewill offerings – Psa 110:3 Steve Smith."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introducing Training for Trainers (T4T/TRT) The PROCESS of multiplying trainers leading to a CPM: A movement of freewill offerings – Psa 110:3 Steve Smith

2 Sometimes it works perfectly…

3 And sometimes you’re just one step ahead

4 Foundation of a CPM: Holy Spirit ATTACKER / CONVICTOR (Jn 16:8) He is attacking people to convict them and draw them to Himself. Our job – sniff them out NEED: –Good EVANGELISM TEACHER (Jn 14:26) He is teaching new believers and helping them grow in godliness He is equipping them to repeat the process NEED: –Good TRAINING process to disciple and help them win others also (repeat process)

5 2 Kinds of People in the World LOST –Witness to them (especially looking for people of peace, who will be gateways into their community) SAVED –Train them (disciple and train them to repeat the process of witnessing and discipling and starting new groups of disciples/trainers)

6 The PROCESS 2 Tim: 2:2 – Multiplying Trainers NOT 6 lessons Rather there is expectation and accountability that everyone trained will in turn –train others who will in turn train others Each believer witnesses to five a week and then trains those who believe to repeat the process

7 Trainer 12346758 T4T Group 1 Generation 1 Green: Some obey everything: witness, start a new group, & train them to do the same (train trainers) Blue: Some witness, start a new group, and become leaders, but never train new believers to be trainers. Yellow: Some are faithful witnesses but never start or lead a group. Their new believers might join other groups. Red: Some never witness. T4T Group 2 Generation 1 T4T Group 3 Generation 1 2 nd gen church starts. No reproduction 3 rd gen church 4th gen church E.g. Week 1 start E.g. Week 2 start E.g. Week 3 start E.g. Week 4 start E.g. Week 5 start Trainer Trainers Schematic: What can happen

8 How fast can it spread? Can you reach your target using this model? Gen Growth Worksheet3-0.xlsGen Growth Worksheet3-0.xls Ying’s first five months PRD CPM to 25K churches.ppt PRD CPM to 25K churches.ppt

9 How does this happen? How do you get past 1 st or 2 nd generation? The process of each week’s session 1/3 Pastoral Care, Worship, Accountability ( Review & Encouragement ), Vision- Casting 1/3 New Lesson (Enough Biblical Content to Obey) 1/3 Practice & Prayer (Confidence to obey & train others and goal-setting with commissioning) Good Questions: How did you obey the lesson last week? Who are you witnessing to? Who has believed? When are you training them in the same process? Are these new believers witnessing, winning & training them?? Are the trainers, that you are training, training others?

10 Which Parts Get You To Reproduction? First Third –Pastoral Care –Worship –Accountability –Vision-Casting Second Third –New Lesson Last Third –Practice the lesson –Set goals & pray for them

11 Which Parts Get You To Reproduction? First Third –Pastoral Care –Worship –Accountability –Vision-Casting Second Third –New Lesson Last Third –Practice the lesson –Set goals & pray for them Don’t leave out the RED PARTS!

12 If we are pressed for time, what do we leave out normally??? First Third –Pastoral Care –Worship –Accountability –Vision-Casting Second Third –New Lesson Last Third –Practice the lesson –Set goals & pray for them If you take them out, what are you left with? A traditional Bible Study or Cell Group meeting AND YOU RARELY GET TO REPRODUCTION OF TRAINERS

13 Remember the Goal! Build a Trainer NOT Just get people through content So make decision in light of that (building generations of trainers) E.g. if you have too much content for the lesson portion and find yourself cutting out other parts of the thirds, then cut back on the content to preserve the 3 parts – build a trainer! E.g. after week 1, a trainee brings back his new converts to your group rather than starting his own group. Remember your goal to help him become a trainer. Go through the next session (lesson 2) but then let him train the new people in lesson 1 after the meeting. Encourage HIM to become the trainer and ask him to train these new converts on his own time next week. Otherwise, he will always bring them to you and you alone will be the trainer.

14 Ask questions that get you to the desired result: training trainers to train trainers who train! Who that you are training is training others? How many generations of trainers can you track? –Meet every other week to emphasize that they must train others –Give them lesson sheets for the number of people to train, and for those believers to train. Let’s practice!!! T4T exercise

15 The PROCESS continues 9-12 mos The process continues for about 1 year – meeting every week or every other week –To help them develop 2-3 successive generations –During this time leadership skills are built (during the 1 st third especially) e.g. Think about the questions that people ask in the 1 st third when they have daughter & granddaughter churches! This is Just-In- Time training as you counsel from Scripture & pray with them The T4T process should be an all inclusive process that gets to CPM – evangelism, discipleship, church planting, leadership training, reproduction

16 The PERSON It is a flexible wineskin. The person implementing it is the key It is a dynamic process of life on life! Keep sight of the vision: lovingly helping develop new generations of disciples/trainers

17 T4T – Literate Approach Very fast because it uses simple printed sheets 6 lessons 1.Assurance (= testimony + Gospel Presentation) 2.Prayer 3.Daily Devotions 4.Church & Baptism 5.Heavenly Father 6.4 Calls – Spread Gospel 7.7 th lesson: teach inductive Bible Study (SOS) –Start in Mark (1 year) –E.g. T4T Schedule.docT4T Schedule.doc –Often drop the practice time The content can be altered as long as it is… –Simple – able to be obeyed and passed on by young believers –Biblical – especially is what they need for basic discipleship

18 TRT – Oral Approach Slower because of memorization 10 lessons (Chronological) Testimony + C2C Story 1.Baptism (Jesus’ baptism & command) 2.Assurance (The Good Shepherd) 3.Prayer (Jesus prays) 4.God’s Word (Build on Rock) 5.Church (Jesus builds His church) 6.Forgiveness (Unforgiving servant) 7.Lord’s Supper (Last Supper) 8.Love and Serve others (Jesus washes feet) 9.Persevere (Garden & Passion) 10.Great Commission (Sending 12/70 & Great Commission) 11.11 th lesson onward continue inductive approach using chronological stories or a book of the Bible (e.g. Mark)

19 First Session with Believers 1. WHY believers do not share Cast vision (often – Biblically) –E.g. Great Commission, Father’s Heart, 4 Calls 2. They do not know WHOM to share with Name List – prayed over and prioritized weekly (circle 5 names) 3. They do not know HOW to share Testimony (1-2 mins) & Practice Simple gospel presentation (T4T Lesson 1; C2C; etc.) & Practice 4. Set goals and commission them in prayer

20 Getting to Baptism The pattern in Acts was the same day you were saved BAPTISM Acts 2:38 Repent & be baptized Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. For the promise is for you and for your children and for all who are far off, everyone whom the Lord our God calls to himself. Rom 4:9-11 Seal of righteousness BLESSING Expression of your profession Intimately linked with salvation process (Rom 10:9- 10; 1 Pet 3:21; Acts 22:16) Linked to blessing of –Holy Spirit –Oikos ------------------------------------ Confirms their faith They walk in greater boldness

21 Baptism Study - E.g. T4T#4, TRT#2 Acts Hammer (10 passages from Acts) Heard, believed, confessed, and were immediately baptized. (1) Acts 2:41 3000 baptized (2) Acts 8:6 -13 Samaritans (3) Acts 8:36-38 Ethiopian eunuch – What prevents me? (4) Acts 9:18-19 Saul (5) Acts 10:47-48 Gentiles – Who can withhold? (6) Acts 16:13-15 Lydia & family (7) Acts 16:33 Roman jailer & family (8) Acts 18:8 Ruler of synagogue (9) Acts 19:1-5 John’s baptism not enough (10) Acts 22:14-17 Why are you waiting? Five Questions 1.Why? –Command of Jesus Matthew 28:19-20; Romans 6:1-6 2.When? –Immediately Acts 8:36-38 3.Where? –Water Mark 1:9-11 4.Who was baptized and who baptized them? –Disciple John 4:1-2, Matthew 28:19-20, I Corinthians1:10-17, Acts 10:47-48 5.How? –Immersion Mark 1:9-11

22 Getting to Church(T4T#4; TRT#5) T4T Session (1 st Third) –Pastoral Care –Worship –Accountability –Vision-Casting (2 nd Third) –New Lesson/Study (Last Third) –(Practice the lesson) –Set goals & pray for them Model HC Fellowship: “How are you doing?” Prayer for the needs that surface Praise Review – verse, last week lesson, witness Word Memory Verse Commitment to obey & witness (Also: Lord’s Supper, offering)

23 What keeps the river in the banks? Adherence to the Word of God Value: Obey whatever the Word says: 2 Pt 3:1-2; Jude 17 –God’s Word alone is the final authority –When false teaching or sin arises, you have a way to call them back. –E.g. Problem: 1 Cor 5:1 Solution: 1 Cor 5: 5, 11 Source: –1 Cor 5:13 –Deut 22:22, 30 Ability to feed themselves in a group –Do I trust the HS to teach them? –Do I answer their questions, or help them find them in the Word? –“What does the Bible say?” Reading lots of Scripture Non-literates –Memorization –Audio-visual –Stories –Songs –Educated youth

24 Lord’s Supper Implementation (T4T#4; TRT #5&7) Practicalities –Baptism is the “never again” ordinance –L.S. is the “ever again” ordinance Implement it with church lesson or in another initial lesson of discipleship –They need to understand the meaning –They need to have freedom to administer it –They should schedule it regularly (preferably frequently) –They need to know how to administer it

25 What keeps this going? Training of Leaders (trainers) INITIAL TRAINING: On the job in the context of 9-12 months T4T-TRT training –Especially addressing specific needs in first 1/3 of session MID-LEVEL TRAINING: Extra attention given to “proven” trainers/leaders – Phil 2:22 –Often a special time away (see Mid-Level trainers conference as one example) – every 3-4 months –Eventually coordinated by Big Trainers (keep expanding) – their spiritual fathers (Phil 2:22) BIG TRAINERS TRAINING: Customized to their needs –Via your personal modeling and interaction with them. Often taking them with you in key training situations. –By giving them very independent responsibilities

26 Don’t Ask, Just Tell Don’t ask permission to share the gospel –Remember Jesus earned the right; you don’t have to –1 or 2 eggs? –Just tell your story and start going through Lesson 1 – don’t ask permission. YOUR GOAL: –Fill up your two week schedule with as many training groups as possible!

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