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World Geography Trivia Night! (Or Day) A fun way to review for the Unit 3 Test.

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Presentation on theme: "World Geography Trivia Night! (Or Day) A fun way to review for the Unit 3 Test."— Presentation transcript:

1 World Geography Trivia Night! (Or Day) A fun way to review for the Unit 3 Test

2 Round 1

3 Question #1 (3 points possible) We spent some time talking about the genocide in Rwanda: A.Which group was the victim of the genocide? B.Which group was responsible for the genocide? C.Which group made up the organization known as the RPF?

4 Question #2 (2 points possible) We also talked about Sudan: A.What was the name of the group that carried out the genocide in the Sudan? B.What was the ethnicity of this group?

5 Question #3 What two European countries have controlled the area now known as Rwanda? (2 points possible)

6 Question #4 How did Juvenal Habyarimana die?

7 Question #5 In the case of both the Rwandan and Sudanese genocides people were displaced from their homes. What do we call people who have had to flee their homes?

8 Round 1 Answers 1.(A) Tutsis (B) Hutus (C) Tutsis 2.(A) Janjaweed (B) Arabic 3.Germany & Belgium 4.His plane was shot down 5.Refugees

9 Round 2

10 Question #1 How has AIDS impacted the economy negatively in many African countries?

11 Question #2 What do we call a disease that spreads over a wide area and affects a large amount of people?

12 Question #3 What disease in Africa is most commonly spread by mosquitoes?

13 Question #4 A few questions about lack of food in Africa (3 points possible): A.What do we call an extreme and long-term shortage of food? B.Name a natural cause of this. C.Name a human cause of this.

14 Question #5 What disease has negatively impacted South Africa the most?

15 Pop Culture Bonus!!! Music

16 Music Bonus Everyone knows Justin Timberlake’s past, but can you name the other four members of *NSYNC for one point a piece? You must have last names. Please don’t miss this or you’ll make Mr. Lega sad that he is so old. 

17 Round 2 Answers 1.People are unable to work 2.Pandemic 3.Malaria 4.(A) Famine (B) weather, plant disease, insects (C) war/violence 5.HIV/AIDS Bonus: Lance Bass, Joey Fatone, J.C. Chasez, Chris Kirkpatrick

18 Round 3

19 Question #1 What is the racist government system that existed in South Africa which was originally set up by the British?

20 Question #2 What black South African leader became president of the country after spending 27 years in prison?

21 Question #3 What is the largest city in South Africa? This city is almost like two separate cities with a “white” section and a “black” section.

22 Question #4 Who is the President of the Sudan who had a warrant out for his arrest for war crimes?

23 Question #5 What leader of the RPF later became the president of Rwanda?

24 Round 3 Answers 1.Apartheid 2.Nelson Mandela 3.Johannesburg 4.Omar al-Bashir 5.Paul Kagame

25 Round 4

26 Question #1 Let’s talk African rivers (2 points possible): A.Which African river is generally considered to be the longest river in the world? B.Which OTHER African river is the continent’s largest network of waterways?

27 Question #2 (3 points possible) A.What is the HUGE desert in the northern part of Africa? B.What is the grassy area along the southern edge of the desert in part A? C.What is the term for what is happening to the area in part C as a result of overgrazing of animals?

28 Question #3 What volcano is also Africa’s largest mountain?

29 Question #4 What is Africa’s largest lake?

30 Question #5 Over half of Africa’s original rainforests have been destroyed by what land-clearing technique for farming?

31 Pop Culture Bonus!!! Movies

32 Movie Bonus For one point a piece, name the top four movies from this past weekend.

33 Round 4 Answers 1.(A) Nile (B) Congo 2.(A) Sahara (B) Sahel (C) Desertification 3.Mt. Kilimanjaro 4.Lake Victoria 5.Slash & Burn Bonus: 1.Captain America: The Winter Soldier 2.Rio 2 3.Heaven is for Real 4.Transendence

34 Round 5

35 Question #1 The Congo was one of the first African territories claimed by a European power: A.Which country? B.What was the name of the country’s king?

36 Question #2 What do we call a society in which people rely on family lineages to govern themselves, rather than an elected government or a monarch

37 Questions #3 Child laborers often work in fields in Africa, but some of them work inside helping their employers around the house. What do we call this kind of position (2 words)?

38 Question #4 Is the following a cause or an effect of the Rwandan genocide? Hutu leader’s plane being shot down

39 Question #5 Is the following a cause or an effect of the Rwandan genoncide? 100,000 Hutus in prison awaiting trial

40 Pop Culture Bonus!!! Television

41 T.V. Bonus Mr. Lega’s all-time favorite sitcom is Seinfeld. It went off the air when HE was a freshman in high school. See if you can name the four main characters (first names are fine, but there was one character who usually went by his last name so that is fine as well).

42 Round 5 Answers 1.(A) Belgium (B) Leopold II 2.Stateless Society 3.Domestic Servant 4.Cause 5.Effect Bonus: 1.Jerry Seinfeld 2.Cosmo Kramer 3.George Costanza 4.Elaine Benes

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