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2016 Contractor Safety Introduction 1. 2016 Contractor Safety Introduction To provide contractors working on Sappi Westbrook property with knowledge of.

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Presentation on theme: "2016 Contractor Safety Introduction 1. 2016 Contractor Safety Introduction To provide contractors working on Sappi Westbrook property with knowledge of."— Presentation transcript:

1 2016 Contractor Safety Introduction 1

2 2016 Contractor Safety Introduction To provide contractors working on Sappi Westbrook property with knowledge of our safety, health and environmental policies and expectations. Provide contractors working at the Westbrook Mill with an overview of our safety requirements. Review emergency procedures of the Westbrook Mill. Review the environmental policy and expectations of contractors working at the Westbrook Mill. Review issues and problems of the past year around contractor based activities. Inform contractors of up coming maintenance shutdown activities and planning. Start the exchange of safety information Scope Purpose

3 2016 Contractor Safety Training Agenda and Safety Introduction What’s New and What’s Hot General Mill Information and Policies Emergencies 2016 Maintenance Shutdown Overview of the Training

4 Housekeeping Emergency Exits / Assembly Point Sign in Restrooms and Breaks Pagers / Cell Phones Multiple Speakers – If you have questions ask while you have them here.

5 The Way We Operate Sappi's Westbrook mill is the world's leading manufacturer of Release Papers. At Sappi, we are committed to sustainability, specifically to our people, planet and prosperity, the three factors that guide our actions. We believe that all accidents are preventable; therefore, we are committed to the safety, health, and well-being of our employees, contractors, and visitors. We believe that our business success hinges on profitability and growth; therefore, we are committed continuous improvement, innovation, and running our business as efficiently as possible.

6 The Way We Operate – Cont. We believe that reducing our environmental impact is critical to our company’s success; therefore, we are committed to reducing our carbon footprint, conserving energy, decreasing waste, and preventing pollution. We believe that our success depends on our customers' success in using our products; therefore, we are committed to being the best at anticipating and meeting our customers' needs and expectations for consistency in product quality, service and delivery. Our process approach... –Our approach will be process-based through engaged people focused on continuous improvement and stakeholder satisfaction while adhering to all relevant legal, regulatory and other requirements.

7 The Way We Operate – Cont.

8 Integrated Management System ISO 9001 (Quality) ISO 14001 (Environment) ISO 18001 (Safety and Health) IMS (Integrated Management System) Safety, Health, Environmental and Quality

9 SHREQ Policy SH – We believe that all accidents are preventable; therefore, we are committed to the shared responsibility of providing a safe work environment. R – We believe that our business success hinges on profitability and growth; therefore we are committed to being innovative in all aspects of our work while controlling costs and using our financial, human, and material resources as efficiently as possible. E – We believe that responsible environmental management is our social responsibility; therefore, we are committed to managing natural resources in our activities and the prevention of pollution Q - We believe that our success depends on our customers’ success in using our products; therefore, we are committed to being the best at anticipating and meeting our customers’ needs and expectations for consistency in product quality, service, and delivery.

10 SHREQ Policy You are our partners in making it happen. Share the Beliefs Share Information Share the Success

11 Safety Awareness The causes of accidents. –I didn’t THINK! –I didn’t LOOK! –I didn’t KNOW!

12 General Safety Rules Before entering mill, Contractor must have permission of mill personnel. All visitors and contractors are required to sign in & sign out when working on site. Do not wander out of designated work area(s) Contractors shall wear and use safety equipment in accordance with applicable safety requirements and mill practices. –Safety shoes, Hard Hat, Safety Glasses, appropriate clothing, and Hearing protection are required from gate to gate. Cameras and video recorders are prohibited from mill property without authorization from a Mill Leadership Team member. This includes cell phone cameras.

13 General Safety Rules – Cont. Contractors may use designated plant facilities only. Horseplay in any form is strictly prohibited. This includes filing false reports of an issue or incident. Substance abuse and/or the use of unauthorized over the counter or prescription drugs are prohibited. The contractor is responsible overall for the education and training of their workers. Provide certifications proactively Proof of competency established Documentation may be requested

14 Smoking There is no smoking on Sappi Westbrook property. This includes: –All areas within our gates and any designated property lines. –Parking lot areas –Inside personal and contractor vehicles when parked or traveling on Sappi Westbrook property.

15 Mill Parking All contractors must sign in through Gate #9 on Warren Avenue. Plant Protection reserves the right to limit the number of vehicles on site. All contractor vehicles in the yard must have company logo to identify the owner visible from the outside of the vehicle –Contractor vehicles on Sappi property are entering at their own risk. Contractor parking is located at Gate #9 on Warren Avenue. –Contractor employees driving personal vehicles can park in this area at their own risk. Sappi reserves the right to tow a vehicle parked in a non-parking zone. Non- parking zones include but are not limited to fire lanes, barricaded areas, and employee lots.

16 In Mill Yard One way bridge (Stop Light). Max. 15 mph yard speed. Stop at Scale Gate Arm – Sign in / Sign out. No more than 3 vehicles per company – must have logo.

17 Fire Arms Sappi Fine Paper North America has zero tolerance of any firearms on company property whether owned, leased or managed by or on behalf of Sappi.

18 Harassment Sappi North America has a Harassment Policy that prohibits engaging in illegal, offensive, and unwelcome sexual or targeted behavior. Green/Yellow/Red

19 Violence in the Workplace Sappi has a workplace violence policy which prohibits the use of abusive or threatening language or actions.

20 Theft If your company has a material disbursement policy there must be a written permission slip for the material with accurate descriptions. No material will be removed from SAPPI property without permission of SAPPI personnel. ALL vehicles on SAPPI property are subject to search. Theft will be prosecuted.

21 Lessons Learned Injuries – Fall from missing a stair step. Watch your footing! Back strain from body position while turning changing a valve. Set up working platforms & change biomechanics! Tendon tear. Use proper tools not hands! Significant Near misses Hot work: Sparks from upper level resulted in fire on platform level below. Hotwork near gas bottles Gas Storage:. Gas bottles stored inappropriately Lockout: Work locked out but not verified. Work locked out but not area fans (working near fans and with tarps) Spills: Hydraulic line ruptured. Material Handling: Load not secured and lost during travel. Surroundings: Parked idling engine near ventilation system. Talking on cellphone and walking in front of moving vehicle. 2015

22 Auditing / Inspections 2015 Safety Audits found the following issues: Hot works without permit Improper use of ladders. Ladder condition Improper anchor points for tie off. Improper fall protection. Barricades with no identification of the hazard. No SDS for chemicals on site. Poor Housekeeping. No GFCI on equipment or extension cords. Gloves not being worn during material handling tasks SAPPI has instituted an auditing and inspection program which includes contracted work. The focus this year: 1.Proper Sign-in/out when entering our facility. 2.Does everyone know how to call for help in an emergency and where their evacuation point is located? 3.Did you complete a safety action plan for the job? Do you have a copy on site. 4.Lockout – Control of hazardous energy 5.Ladder use 6.Proper fall protection and tie-offs. 7.Proper storage of gas cylinders and flammable materials. 8.Housekeeping & chemical containment 9.Barricades and tags 10.Distractions – cellphone use (drivers, pedestrians & sensitive work)

23 Any Questions?

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