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WJEC RE GCSE Revision What modules will I need to revise? Our World Relationships Looking for meaning Is it Fair?

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1 WJEC RE GCSE Revision What modules will I need to revise? Our World Relationships Looking for meaning Is it Fair?

2 Our World

3 Explain what religious believers mean by ‘dominion.’ (2) Being in charge of the world for God, for example, God gave Adam dominion in the Garden of Eden. Explain what religious believers mean by ‘environment.’ (2) The natural world all about us – plants, insects, animals & humans which believers see as God’s creation. Explain what religious believers mean by ‘stewardship.’ (2) To guard over something for the real owner, for example, the earth for God. Explain what religious believers mean by ‘creation.’ (2) God’s making of the world for a purpose, for example, for us to enjoy/unique, according to a plan. Explain what religious believers mean by ‘humanity.’ (2) Caring about other human beings through prayer & action Explain what religious believers mean by ‘soul.’ (2) The part of humans that is not physical & lives on after you die in heaven/paradise.

4 Explain how religious believers feel we should use our talents. (4) Something you are good at. Should be used/developed. Given by God. Use for benefit of others. Musical talent – use in worship. Lawyer – benefit others.

5 “Life has no built-in purpose; you make it yourself.” Give two reasons why a religious believer might agree or disagree with this statement. (4) Agree Free will. Destiny/fate Disagree Religious believers believe we have purposes. Sex – procreation. Obey God. Steward/khalifah.

6 Explain using two different religious traditions the teachings about creation. (6)

7 Some Christians regard the Genesis story as 100% true, they take it literally and so are known as Literalists. Some Christians believe that the Genesis story contains some truths but is not 100% as it is written in Genesis. (ie, they believe the world was created in six periods of time rather than six 24 hour periods of time) They are known as Non- literalists. In your own words, explain what a literalist and non- literalist are. Uses religious language and terms extensively....

8 CHRISTIANITY God created everything that is in the heavens and the earth There were six 'days' or periods of creation; and a seventh of rest – a pattern to be copied in life Humans were the only ones created 'in the image' of God; and were given special responsibility for the earth/stewardship Everything was created 'out of nothing' Some regard the story as literal truth, others as not strictly literal but containing truths; and others as entirely poetic and/or mythical ISLAM Allah made heaven and earth, and all the animals, birds and fish; the sun, moon and stars; the plants and the rain; the angels. The angels were sent to being seven handfuls of earth – each of a different colour. From these the first man Adam, was made; and from his side, Eve – the first woman. They lived in Paradise – a beautiful garden; where they could eat anything, except the fruit of one tree On disobeying Allah, after being tempted by Iblis, they were placed outside the garden as a punishment Human beings were given the role of khalifah or guardian/steward to look after the earth and treat it with respect

9 Muslims believe that Allah has handed the planet over to humans to look after. Humans are guardians or Khalifahs. Khalifah is…

10 At the Day of Judgement, questions will be asked of us. We will be required to answer for any ill treatment of the planet and its resources. Do you think how we should be judged on how we have treated the environment? Why?

11 “The world is there for us humans to enjoy; that’s all that matters.” Do you agree? Why? (8) I agree because... God gave us dominion Enjoy the world & its resources is one of the purposes of humans On the other hand, I disagree because... Stewardship/khalifah - duty Judged on how treated the earth Care for animals Care for others – love your neighbour Use our talents to look after the world Chico Mendes – protect rainforests

12 Explain the teaching from two religious traditions about caring for the world & the environment (6) Christianity Humans have a duty to be a steward God gave humans dominion over the earth God made the world Should use our talents to care for the world Psalms say – The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it Humans will face God on the Day of Judgement. When God created the world He said that it was good – humans should not destroy what God has created. Islam Humans have a duty to be khalifah Allah made the world Muslims will be asked questions on Judgement Day about how much they have done for the world/how treated the earth & all living creatures. Follow the example of Muhammad who showed kindness to animals. Examples in the Hadith of Muhammad being kind to animals & respecting the earth.

13 Christians believe God created and then gave us the earth. It is a gift from God but He expects us to care for it, this is known as stewardship. We have no right to abuse God’s creation – we should act responsibly. Christianity teaches that everything is interdependent so harming the planet eventually harms us!

14 “Believing that the world was created is not in line with modern knowledge.” Do you agree? Why? (6) Agree Literalists – Adam & Eve, etc, does not tie in with the scientific theories. Angels in Islam...conflict with scientific theories. 6 24 hour periods of time does not agree with science. Disagree Science backs up the order of creation in Genesis. Six periods of time supports scientific theories. Einstein “Science without religion is blind, religion without science is lame.” Answer different questions: Science tells you how, religion tells you why/who. Non literalists can still believe in evolution/Big Bang.

15 Explain the beliefs from one religious tradition about the world & the purpose of human beings. (6) Christianity God created the world. Six days. Rested 7 th. Stewardship. Duty. Dominion. Obey God. 10 Commandments. Have sex – children. Live in harmony with others – love your neighbour. Islam Allah created the world. Khalifah. Duty. Judged on this. Have sex – children. Live for Allah alone. Respect other human beings.

16 What makes humans different from animals? Intelligence – the ability To think & reflect Morality – a sense of right & wrong Language – the ability to read & write Created in God’s image Religious beliefs & behaviour Soul Conscience

17 The Purpose of humans in the world: ChristianityIslam To serve God & live for HimTo live for Allah alone To obey GodTo respect other human beings & animals To enjoy the world and it’s resourcesTo act as Khalifah To look after the world (stewardship)To have sexual relationships & children To live in harmony with others To have sexual relationships & children

18 What are the different ways that people are destroying the earth? Ways that humans are destroying the earth:

19 What are the different ways that people are protecting the earth? Ways that humans are protecting the earth:

20 Key TermDefinition Environment Dominion Stewardship Khalifah Natural resources Humanity Ummah Products that come from the earth. Worldwide community of Muslims The surroundings in which we live. Religions teach us we are responsible for it. Being in charge of the world for God. To guard over something for the real owner. Caring about other human beings through prayer or action. Stewardship in Islam

21 According to Genesis God created the earth and it was good Human beings have physical needs which can met by good stewardship of the earth's resources Human beings need to learn to share resources on the earth Human beings need to put stewardship into practice Practical caring for your neighbour will lead to a better lifestyle Human beings are naturally inclined to be greedy All religions teach that greed is wrong Greed is one form of selfish behaviour Contemporary culture in many ways encourage greed There is enough for everyone's needs but not for man’s greed.

22 In the very first chapter of the Bible it is said that in the beginning, when things were as God meant them to be, animals were not created to be food for humans. The animals were to eat grass, foliage, etc and human beings, fruit and nuts. Only later, when sin was in the world, were animals granted to humankind for food. Why might some Christians choose to be vegetarian after reading this in the Bible?

23 Relationships revision

24 What do I need to learn for ‘Relationships? What is love? Responsibility & commitments. Adultery & sexual relationships. Contraception. Marriage & cohabitation in Christianity & Islam. Divorce & remarriage in Christianity & Islam. Same sex relationships.

25 Love – To have a deep affection for someone and express it through your actions and words, for example...

26 I love my?? Alima begum h/w 9.7

27 Which do you think is which? Greek:Meaning: StorgeLove of objects/animals PhiliaLove of friends & family ErosSexual love AgapeUnconditional love

28 State two responsibilities married couples have? Love Provide & care for Forgiving Faithful Obey marriage vows

29 How might a married couple show their commitment to each other? -Make sure they keep the vows/promises made at the wedding. -Joint bank account/take out a mortgage. -Have children. -Will work at their marriage & relationship. -Renewal of vows. -Give gifts to each other. -Remain faithful to each other.

30 ResponsibilityDuties you should carry out, ie, prayer 5 x day CommitmentMaking & keeping a promise, ie, wedding vows LoveTo have a deep affection for someone & express it through words & actions ChastityNot having sex till you’re married CelibacyNever having a sexual relationship AdulteryHaving sex with someone other than your husband & wife ConflictWorking against each other rather than together ReconciliationSaying sorry & having it accepted, making up & starting together again

31 “Homosexuality is always wrong.” Do you agree? Why? I agree because... Bible and Qur’an teach that it is wrong. Cannot procreate naturally. God created marriage to be between a man & a woman. St Paul said homosexuals will not go to heaven. Hadith about killing homosexuals. Forbidden by Shari’ah law. In some Muslim countries it is illegal and punishable by death. On the other hand, I disagree because... Quakers have allowed same sex unions for over 20 years. Bible written in different culture. Anglican church may bless the couple. Homosexuality seen in other animals. Did God create homosexuals? Some moderate Muslims believe Qur’an’s views on homosexuality cannot be applied to modern society. Does this mean heterosexual couples who are infertile should not marry? IVF/adoption?

32 Contraception in Christianity Acceptable if sex is within marriage Both partners agree to the method used Quality of family life is important (not quantity) Catholics don’t believe in contraception. They believe sex is only for procreation.

33 Contraception in Islam Attitudes may differ. Should never be used to encourage promiscuity. Some couples use artificial methods. Pill and condom are preferred. (as can be reversed)

34 Sexual relationships in Christianity Sex should only happen within marriage Sex is a gift from God It is holy and sacred. Promiscuity devalues both people and sex. Christians believe pre-marital sex is wrong because: Sex is for procreation and so must take place within marriage. The Bible says sex before marriage and procreation is wrong. All churches teach that pre-marital sex is wrong.

35 Adultery All Christians think Adultery is wrong because: It breaks the vow to stay faithful to each other. It is forbidden in the Ten Commandments. “Do not commit adultery.” It is condemned by Jesus in the Bible Is wrong because marriage is a sacrament Harms the special relationship of marriage Not a secure basis for any children born as a result.

36 Sexual relationships in Islam Sex is a gift from God & is considered an act of worship Islam condemns any form of sex outside of marriage. Boys and girls are separated at puberty. (Qur’an states this.) No mixing of the sexes apart from family. Because… Sex before marriage forbidden in the Qur’an. Shari'ah says that sex should only take place after marriage. Purpose of sex is procreation. Children should only be born in a family where parents are married.

37 Adultery Serious sin Condemned by Allah in the Qur’an Breaks the marriage contract. Can harm the family. Vows promising to be faithful are exchanged in the marriage ceremony. Seen as a form of theft of the worst possible sort. Harmfully socially – against the ummah.

38 Outline the purposes of marriage in Christianity: - Lifelong relationship of love and companionship. - Support and comfort each other. - Sex. - Procreation. - Bring up a Christian family.

39 Christian marriage service:

40 Exam Question: Describe from two different religious traditions the main features of a marriage ceremony. Christianity: -Vows: “Till death do us part”, etc. -Exchanging of rings/symbolism. -Congregation present – symbol of community involvement. -Asking of impediments – legally free to marry. -Hymns – part of religious worship. -Bible readings/sermon – part of religious worship. -Pronounce union/sign register – shows couple are married/legal requirement. -Prayers.

41 Exam Question: Explain why the vows in a Christian marriage are important. The vows are for life – they are to be kept ‘until death.’ They are not just promises to each other but are taken in front of God & the congregation. They show how special marriage is, it is a sacrament, God is involved.

42 Exam Question: Explain why many religious believers expect marriages to succeed. Marriage is a sacrament in which God is involved. The community of believers are there to support & help the couple. Vows are taken for ‘life.’ Stable family/having children. Marriages may be arranged by the family. Most marriages have pre-marriage courses.

43 Features of a Muslim marriage ceremony. Agreement of mahr in front of witnesses. Declaration from each partner that they are freely entering into the marriage. Signing of nikah (wedding contract.) Readings from the Qur’an. Khutbah – talk by the imam on the nature of marriage. Prayers for the future of the marriage & gift of children. Wedding feast with lots of guests to make the wedding public.

44 There are different attitudes to divorce in Christianity… Catholic: -Does not allow divorce. -Is not God’s intention. -Breaking of vow “till death do us part.” -Sacrament. -Death only way marriage can be dissolved. -Annulment (forced into marriage, not consummated, etc.) Why..? - Jesus taught that divorce is wrong.

45 There are different attitudes to divorce in Christianity… Non-Catholics: -Think divorce is wrong. -Allow as ‘lesser of two evils.’ -Many allow remarriage. (talk to minister first.) Why… -Jesus allowed divorce for adultery. -Forgiveness. -Better to divorce than argue all the time.

46 Divorce is allowed in Islam but only as a last resort. The husband must state 3 times, in front of witnesses that the marriage is over. There is a 3 month waiting time known as iddah which gives the couple a chance to reconcile. The family will try and help with this reconciliation. If this fails, the couple are free to divorce. They must remain civil to each other afterwards.


48 Key Terms: Revelation: - Something shown or explained that was previously hidden, for example...Bible/Qur’an. Afterlife: - Where souls go when the body dies, for example, heaven/paradise. Akhirah: - Life after death in Islam. Vocation: - Responding to God in terms of your job or career, for example, priest/imam. God: - Ultimate being/creator of the world, for example, Allah

49 Key Terms: Symbolism: - A sign which has a particular meaning, for example...the cross for Christians. Lord: - Equal to God, ruler of the world & heaven. Redeemer: - Bringer of forgiveness, gives eternal life. Community: - A group of people with something in common, for example, church community. Awe: - Completely overwhelmed by a sense of God’s presence, for example, in a church/mosque.

50 Explain how religious believers might experience God (4) Prayer – communicating with God, in a church/mosque, for of the 5 Pillars of Islam is Salat (prayer 5 x day) Reading sacred texts – for example Bible/Qur’an, may believe God speaks to them through it. Worship – can be individual or as a group, singing worship songs, prayers, etc.

51 Explain how religious believers might respond to God (4) Prayer – communicating with God, in a church/mosque, for of the 5 Pillars of Islam is Salat (prayer 5 x day) Vocation – responding to God in terms of your job or career, for example, priest/imam, working for a charity, etc. Pilgrimage – Muslims go to Mecca on hajj, this is one of the 5 pillars therefore a duty.

52 Explain how religious believers might use symbols to express beliefs about God. (4) Christians may use the Trinity (God the Father, Son & Holy Spirit). This shows the 3 parts of God’s character: Father – creator of the world, Son – Jesus, Holy Spirit – God’s power on earth. Muslims use a subhah - these are prayer beads with 99 beads. Each bead represents one of the 99 names of Allah which show the different part of Allah’s character for example, the creator.

53 Explain why many religious believers use symbols and images to describe God. (4) Impossible to describe God in normal human language, symbols help you to explain something meaningful. Symbols can be easier to understand, help to explain something, good for the young. Can be useful in worship, for example, cross or crucifix.

54 Describe the teachings about the afterlife from two different religious traditions (6) Christianity Believe in life after death. Only God knows the time you are going to die. Heaven (party or banquet) & hell (opposite of heaven) Judgement Day. Judged on how treated others & what believed. God going to judge you. Eternal life. Spiritual existence. Worship God in heaven.

55 Describe the teachings about the afterlife from two different religious traditions (6) Islam Believe in life after death - akhirah. Only Allah knows the time you are going to die. Heaven (beautiful garden) & hell (heat & torment) Judgement Day. Judged on how treated others & what believed. Allah going to judge you. Angels recorded what you have done. Eternal life.

56 Explain the funeral rites from two religious traditions (6) Christianity: Resurrection is the main theme. Vicar wears white – symbol of resurrection. Service starts “I am the resurrection & life.” Prefer burial. Coffin sprinkled with holy water. If cremated – ashes scattered. Holy Communion. Bible readings. Hymns or worship songs. Priest talks about person’s life. Service ends “Earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust.”

57 Explain the funeral rites from two religious traditions (6) Islam: Sit next to dying person – read from Qur’an/help recite Shahadah. Lie facing Mecca. Last words heard – adhan. Body washed & prepared for the funeral. Imam leads prayers. Usually only men attend. Buried. Simple ceremony. No expensive memorials.

58 Explain two reasons why religious believers believe in an afterlife. (4) It is written in the Bible/Qur’an – word of God – meant to be believed. Gives life meaning & purpose – rewarded/punished – heaven/hell. Christians believe Jesus resurrected therefore afterlife.

59 Explain two reasons religious believers might give for believing in God. (4) Upbringing/family – if brought up to believe in God and taken to church/mosque, Sunday school/madrasah then may be more likely to believe in God. Creation of the world – evidence of design in the world – Paley & his watch. (If something has been designed it must have a designer.

60 Explain two reasons for people not believing in God. (4) Upbringing/family – if brought up not to believe in God, not taken to church/mosque, etc may be more likely not to believe in God. Creation of the world – Big Bang & Evolution – may believe created by scientific reasons and not by God.

61 What is the value of religion in a secular society? Religious beliefs are timeless and will always be relevant to the believer. Religion can bind communities and people together. Religion has produced great works of art. Religion has often inspired courage and self sacrifice. But...Britain is more secular. Fewer people worship. Education & government in UK are not led by religion. Society has changed since the holy books were written. Many traditions have changed, Sunday trading, shops open on Christmas day.


63 Christianity & Racial Harmony Good Samaritan. Love your neighbour. Jesus treated a Samaritan woman as His equal. Jesus healed a Roman Centurion’s servant. A black African helped Jesus carry His cross. Paul said everyone is equal. All created from one man – Adam – therefore all equal. All created equally by God. All created “in image of God.” Christian leaders of every race. All Christian Churches condemn racism.

64 Islam & Racial harmony Islam promotes racial harmony. Has members in most ethnic groups & countries. Ummah – worldwide community of Muslims. Qur’an teaches all races are equal in eyes of Allah. Allah created all humans from one pair of humans therefore all equal. Many hadith which promote racial harmony. Muhammad’s final sermon: every Muslim is a brother to every other Muslim and so there should be no racism among Muslims. Muhammad’s first prayer caller was a black Muslim (Bilal) whereas Muhammad was Middle Eastern.

65 Prejudice: Judging someone before you know anything about them or have any evidence. Discrimination: Putting your prejudice into action. Treating somebody differently because of their race, colour, gender, etc.

66 Equality: Being treated in the same way, not discriminated against, as all are part of God’s creation Sexism: Discriminating against people because of their gender. Racism: Discriminating against people because of their race. Belief that some races are inferior/superior.

67 Christianity & equality Created in God’s image God created everyone equally Follow example of Jesus Samaritan woman Leper Roman centurion servant

68 Islam & equality All people equal, but not the same Ummah Ihram Follow example of Muhammad Prayer – stand shoulder to shoulder

69 What are the reasons why people are prejudiced? Reasons for prejudice: Fear Pride/selfishnessTheology Parental/peer pressure Ignorance Past experiences Anger/retaliation

70 Whenever you talk about Martin Luther King you must always refer to… Martin Luther King Civil Rights Movement Bus Boycott Freedom rides March to Washington demanding equal voting rights I have a dream Non-violence Sit ins Non violence

71 Gandhi Hindu Satyagraha Non violent Salt march Burn identity passes Make own cotton

72 Christian teachings regarding wealth Material wealth is not the most important thing in life. Do not worry or be anxious over money. Material wealth should be shared with others. True giving or generosity needs to involve sacrifice. There is no point relying on money for security. The way you make your money is just as important as what you do with it. No gambling. No lending money for profit No greed.

73 Muslim teachings regarding wealth All wealth is a gift from Allah It is not wrong to be wealthy, the more wealthy you are, the more generous you should be. Wealth should not be used to harm others. Zakat - 2.5% of income to charity/mosque Sadaqah - extra voluntary payments to charity. No gambling No lending money for profit No dishonest ways of getting money No greed

74 Role of women in Christianity Traditional Protestant: Modern Protestant: Catholic

75 Traditional Protestant: Men & women have separate and different roles. It is the role of the women to bring up children & run a Christian home. Women should not speak in church & should submit to their husbands. It is the role of men to provide for the family & to lead the family in the religion. Only men can become church leaders. Why..? Paul teaches women should not speak in church. …Adam was created first. Woman led astray by satan and then led man astray.

76 Modern Protestant: Men and women should have equal rights. Have women ministers & priests. Why..? God created men & women at the same time. Men & women are seen to be equal before God. …Both made “in image of God.” Paul teaches that men & women are equal. Jesus treated women equally & did not discriminate against women (treated a Samaritan woman as His equal, women disciples stayed with Him at cross, He first appeared to women after resurrection.) Evidence of women leaders in early church.

77 Catholic Men & women should have equal roles in life. Only men can become priests & bishops. Why..? The apostles were all men and so bishops should be men. Jesus was a man and the priest represents Jesus at mass. (Holy Communion.)

78 Islam Traditional attitude & modern attitude. Traditional Attitude : Men & women should have different roles in life & religion. Role of women: create halal home, bring children up as good Muslims. Role of men: provide for family by working, Worship Allah in mosque with sons. Because…Qur’an teaches men should support women as they are stronger. Qur’an teaches women created to bear children. Qur’an teaches women should only inherit half what a man inherits showing men need more money to provide for family.

79 Modern attitude. Men & women should have completely equal roles in religion & education. Women should have careers but their role as mother should take priority. Some would accept women leaders. Because…Qur’an teaches men & women are equal in religion and education. Muhammad encouraged both men & women to worship in the mosque. There were women leaders during early stages of Islam.

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