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Teacher Networks: Future Perspectives on the teaching profession Yves Punie Action leader ICT for Learning and Inclusion JRC-IPTS Media & Learning Conference,

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Presentation on theme: "Teacher Networks: Future Perspectives on the teaching profession Yves Punie Action leader ICT for Learning and Inclusion JRC-IPTS Media & Learning Conference,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Teacher Networks: Future Perspectives on the teaching profession Yves Punie Action leader ICT for Learning and Inclusion JRC-IPTS Media & Learning Conference, 14-15 November 2012, Brussels Workshop session: Social media networks in schools and in teachers’ lives

2 European Commission Joint Research Centre Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS): Research Institute supporting EU policy-making on socio- economic, scientific and/or technological issues

3 Information Society Unit eGovernance Learning & Skills Inclusion & Cultural Diversity Digital Economy Digital Living & Identity Economic Aspects of eHealth Social Computin g ICT Industry Analysis

4 Learning 2.0 Innovation & Creativity in E&T Future of Learning & Skilling ICT for Assessment of Key Competences CURRENT projects: Mapping Technologies for Learning (2012-2013) Digital Competence Framework (2010-2012) Teacher Networking (eTwinning – TELLNET) Mainstreaming “Creative Classrooms” (2011-2013) Open Educational Resources (2012-2012) Since 2005, evidence-based policy research on ICT for Learning and Skilling PAST projects: In collaboration with DG EAC, linked to other EC policies (CONNECT, ENTR, EMPL)

5 Mainstreaming and Up-scaling ICT for innovating and modernizing Education and Training (E&T) New Skills and Competences in a digital society Educational transformation in a digital world

6 6 IPTS Future of Learning reports

7 Significant changes in what we learn, how we learn, where we learn and when we learn Thus affecting also role of teachers

8 Approach Future of Teacher Networking Review of literature on teacher collaboration networks Personas Workshop with teachers Expert Workshop Future Scenarios with policy makers

9 Literature  Surveys indicate that teacher networks can enhance quality of teaching by enabling teachers to expand their capacity through exchange with other teachers −Fighting teacher isolation (Gatt et all. 2009) −Informal dialogue ranked high in terms of impact (OECD TALIS 2009) −Reducing workload through re-use of OER (Johnson et all. 2011)  Research & Foresight on Teacher Collaboration Networks not widespread  Teachers positive on ICT, use for preparation but little pedagogical use and in classroom

10 Scenario 1: eNet: European Education Network Scenario 2: MyNetwork Scenario 3: Intelligent Agents Scenario 4: Diversified Teaching Careers Scenario 5: Informal Learning Camps Future Teacher Networks: 5 mini-scenarios

11 1. European Education Network (eNet): Expansion of eTwinning model Pro’s −Part of initial TT and recognition of CPD −Expansion towards more stakeholders −Safe, secure environment for teachers, students and parents to interact −Low threshold for teachers −Public funding (EU) for independence and sustainability Con’s −Centralised governance and structure −Less favorable in terms of openess, flexibility and interoperabilty with other networks and spheres of life.

12 2. MyNetwork: User-centred social networking approach Pro’s −Decentralisation and federation across networks −Flexible, serving a diverse needs and profiles −Wide variety and choice - Personalised approach Con’s −Market fragmentation and individual approaches −Interoperability and lack of common, shared approaches −Favours technology proficient users – others may stay behind −Difficult to engage parents and other stakeholders −Formal recognition as CPD unclear

13 3. Intelligent Agents: Technology-focused approach Pro’s −Avatar −Dealing with information overload and complexity −Reduction of workload for repetitive activities −OER Con’s −Technology dependence: reliability, dependability, trust, security, privacy, automated suggestions and decision-making −Private market solutions only

14 4. Diversified Teacher Careers: Autonomous learning & teachers as mentors Pro’s −Personalised and autonomous learners −Different teaching professions: teaching in class, teaching virtually, student monitoring Con’s −Highly dependant on use of digital technologies for organisation and administration of learning −Supported by performant infrastructure and learning analytics −Significant investment in teacher training

15 5. Informal Learning Camps: Bottom-up peer learning Pro’s −Teachers as leaders and contributors −Better serve their needs −Collaborative development and design −Open technologies, OSS, OER, open licenses −Informal, bottom-up, peer learning Con’s −Not recognised as CPD −Local support needed – may go against established policies and approved technological system −Strong engagement and motivation of teachers – only for the few, voluntary engagement

16 Crosscutting issues −Scenarios not mutually exclusive −Highlighting changes in teacher profession −Opening of teacher networks towards other stakeholders −Importance of ITT and recognition as CPD −Ownership and control of data −Privacy, security, safety, identity

17 Policy recommendations General (all levels) −Revise current teaching and learning approaches −Recognise the potential driving role of teachers −Revise and maintain investments in ITT and CPD −Establish closer interaction between research, practice and policy −Recognise diversity approaches but bring them together −Support and promote open tools, interoperability, and OER EU −Open Method of Coordination: common challenges, peer learning, joint initiatives −Support European networks such as eTwinning −Support more widespread use of ICT for teaching, teacher training and collaboration

18 Policy recommendations Member States, regional and local levels −Support and motivate teachers to share educational practices with ICT −Recognise and incentivise participation of teachers in teacher networks, including formal recognition as part of CPD −Enable informal, alternative teacher collaboration to take place −Develop incentives for teachers participation (workload, curricula, career paths) −Promote cross-border, European connections between national and regional platforms −Encourage innovation with and through ICT, via pilots and initiatives to scale-up.

19 Thank you !

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