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Research in Practice for Adults: an introduction 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Research in Practice for Adults: an introduction 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Research in Practice for Adults: an introduction 1

2 What is research in practice for adults? Not-for-profit, partner led Promotes evidence-informed practice in social care: research, practitioner experience, service user views Wraparound support to embed evidence; hard-copy resources, web resources, events, webinars, bespoke support

3 Our services A range of relevant, accessible and timely learning resources Developed in consultation with our partners Focus on emerging legislation, research and evidence informed practice Support continuing professional development

4 research evidence practice expertise views of people who use services and carers evidence- informed practice What is evidence-informed practice?

5 What are the benefits of EIP? Staff confidence and competence Organisational learning Improved experience and outcomes for people who use services

6 Why use evidence? Think back to a client you’ve recently worked with where you made a significant decision about their care or support. What did you consider when making the decision? Intuition (gut feeling) about what will work What you heard from other professionals in informal exchanges Previous experience with similar cases What you know about cases like theirs from reading the latest research What is usually offered by your service Feedback from other clients about what works well What you are most comfortable or familiar with

7 Why use evidence? Now imagine you have to go into hospital for an operation. Which criteria would you expect a medical professional to consider when deciding what treatment to offer you? Intuition (gut feeling) about what will work What they heard from other professionals in informal exchanges Previous experience with similar cases What they know about cases like yours from reading the latest research What is usually offered by the hospital Feedback from other patients about what works well What they are most comfortable with doing

8 What does EIP look like? Asking challenging questions about your service (why?...) Thinking critically about the evidence base for protocols, policies, assessments Reflecting on experiences and sharing what you’ve learnt Keeping a focus on outcomes Being informed (‘we know from research...’) Explaining the rationale for decisions Looking outside the organisation

9 What evidence do we have? Service user, carer views Adverse incidents, near misses Management information Observations Performance reports Assessments, reviews Compliments, complaints Project evaluation Staff views Research, expert opinions, guidance and reports

10 What does RiPfA offer? Support across the organisation to embed the use of evidence Publications Training Online resources Tools Tailored Support Network

11 Publications Wide range of topics Wide range of audiences Practice tools, literature reviews, strategic briefings, handbooks

12 12 All of our resources are available to download from the ‘resources’ section of our website, when you have logged in

13 National programme of learning events Forthcoming events in 2015 include: How can we enable people living with dementia to live independent and fulfilled lives? Webinar, 14 th Oct From page to practice webinar, 20 th October Safeguarding under the Care Act webinar, 4 th November Working with families where LD is a factor (various) Working with people who experience multiple needs and exclusions (various) Find our latest events calendar here: Email to book your

14 Tailored support Workshops delivered in-house to you and your colleagues Choose from a ‘menu’ of options or have us develop a new workshop for you.

15 Other tailored support options Evaluations Rapid research reviews Knowledge exchanges Retaining organisational learning Strategy development

16 Webinars These are recorded and uploaded to our website for you to watch when it’s convenient

17 Research and Policy Update Monthly digest, available by email and online, that summarise the latest policy and journal articlesonline e-bulletin Monthly emails that keep you up to date with news and upcoming events

18 An example of wraparound support: working with outcomes Organisational and individual development Effective services Why is this important, what has been effective? What do we need to do strategically to address this? What are the latest approaches and best practice?

19 Support for working with outcomes Evidence Informed Practice Key issues Strategic Briefing Practice tool & customer guide Tailored Support Workshop: Using an outcomes approach in social care

20 What would help you make best use of RiPfA? Journal club? Topic leads? Champions meetings? Discussion groups? Team meetings – add a section on EiP? Sign up to ebulletin and RPU? Signpost to resources in your L&D programmes? Book in reading time? Talk to your manager about attendance on learning events? Be an ‘evidence champion’?

21 Step 1: Create an account on our website to access our resources – it takes 2 minutes. Make sure you use your work email address. Create an account Step 2: Sign up for our e-bulletin and RPU. Getting started

22 Contact: Your Link Officer is XXXXXX: (add email address) Your RiPfA account manager is XXXXXX (add email address) Follow us on twitter: @ripfa

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