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FMI. 1. Characterize the relative abilities of space-based W, Ku-, and Ka-band radars and microwave imagers and sounders to detect light.  What are the.

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2 1. Characterize the relative abilities of space-based W, Ku-, and Ka-band radars and microwave imagers and sounders to detect light.  What are the detection limits of each instrument?  Can rainfall probabilities be assigned to Z and T B signatures? 2. Evaluate retrievals of rainfall intensity in shallow freezing level environments.  How does the ratio of cloud-rain impact PIA and PMW T B s?  How does the vertical structure of precipitation impact emission/attenuation-based algorithms?  What are the impacts of other algorithm assumptions including DSD and melting layer properties on rainrate estimates?  How do well are FOV-dependent factors such as beamfilling and multiple-scattering represented? 3. Determine the properties of the local environment that influence the characteristics of precipitation in this region. 18-Mar-16 LPVEx 2010 2

3  Ground Sensors  Disdrometers: 2DVD (2) and Parsivel (6-10)  10+ rain gauges  5 SWE probes  ADMIRARI Radiometer (total LWP)  3 C-band Doppler radars (fully adaptable scanning geometry)  Still looking for Ka- and or X-band radar  2 Precipitation Occurrence Sensing Systems (POSS)  UHF Wind Profiler  3 Micro Rain Radars (MRR)  SMEAR aerosol/flux tower  6 Ceilometers  Sounding system and expendables at Jarvenpaa (+ twice daily soundings from St. Petersburg, Tallinn, and Jokioinen) 18-Mar-16 LPVEx 2010 3

4  Wyoming King Air  W-band cloud radar  Water content: DMT, Gerber, Nevzorov  Microphysics: 2D-P, CIP, CDP (FSSP/2D-C)  Aerosol: PCASP-100X, UWYO CCNC-100A  Ancillary: RH, T, altitude, wind speed  RV Aranda  Weather mast with disdrometers installed  Vaisala sounding system  Oceanographic measurements (conductivity, temperature, depth, Accoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP), etc.) 18-Mar-16 LPVEx 2010 4

5 Z DSD/PSD RH and LWP T and z Vantaa Harmaja Island Maximum Extent of Flight Operations Region of Likely Flight Operations Green = FMI Wx Stn  = Enhanced Obs.  = Vaisala WxTs (inc. rain) Gray circles = 20 km radar range rings   Kerava RV Aranda Ops. Emasalo   Turku Järvenpää     Porvoo Kalbadaglund = Spiral = Stacked flight legs Kumpula

6  Coordinated airborne W-band radar with in situ ground-based, and ship-based μ-physics, precip., and thermodynamics.  In situ observations constrain DSD retrievals within C-band radar volumes. These 3D fields provide input to PMW and Ka/Ku-band simulators.  Cloud resolving model simulations with both GCE and RAMS provide another source of input to simulators. Direct Evaluation Cloud Resolving Models & Satellite Simulators Measurement Observable Simulators

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