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Radar/lidar observations of boundary layer clouds

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1 Radar/lidar observations of boundary layer clouds
Ewan O’Connor, Robin Hogan, Anthony Illingworth, Nicolas Gaussiat

2 Overview Radar and lidar can measure boundary layer clouds at high resolution: Cloud boundaries - radar and lidar LWP – microwave radiometer LWC – cloud boundaries and LWP Cloudnet – compare forecast models and observations 3 remote-sensing sites (currently), 6 models (currently) Cloud fraction, liquid water content statistics Microphysical profiles: Water vapour mixing ratio - Raman lidar LWC - dual-wavelength radar Drizzle properties - Doppler radar and lidar Drop concentration and size – radar and lidar

3 Vertically pointing radar and lidar
Radar: Z~D6 Sensitive to larger particles (drizzle, rain) Lidar: b~D2 Sensitive to small particles (droplets, aerosol)

4 Statistics - liquid water clouds
2 year database Use lidar to detect liquid cloud base Low liquid water clouds present 23% of the time (above 400 m) Summer: 25% Winter: 20% Use radar to determine presence of “drizzle” 46% of clouds detected by lidar contain occasional large droplets Summer: 42% Winter: 52 %

5 Dual wavelength microwave radiometer
Brightness temperatures -> Liquid water path Improved technique – Nicolas Gaussiat Use lidar to determine whether clear sky or not Adjust coefficients to account for instrument drift Removes offset for low LWP LWP - initial LWP - lidar corrected

6 LWC - Scaled adiabatic method
Use lidar/radar to determine cloud boundaries Use model to estimate adiabatic gradient of lwc Scale adiabatic lwc profile to match lwp from radiometers

7 Compare measured lwp to adiabatic lwp
obtain ‘dilution coefficient’ Dilution coefficient versus depth of cloud

8 Stratocumulus liquid water content
Problem of using radar to infer liquid water content: Very different moments of a bimodal size distribution: LWC dominated by ~10 m cloud droplets Radar reflectivity often dominated by drizzle drops ~200 mm An alternative is to use dual-frequency radar Radar attenuation proportional to LWC, increases with frequency Therefore rate of change with height of the difference in 35-GHz and 94-GHz yields LWC with no size assumptions necessary Each 1 dB difference corresponds to an LWP of ~120 g m-2 Can be difficult to implement in practice Need very precise Z measurements Typically several minutes of averaging is required Need linear response throughout dynamic range of both radars


10 Drizzle below cloud Doppler radar and lidar - 4 observables (O’Connor et al. 2005) Radar/lidar ratio provides information on particle size

11 Drizzle below cloud Retrieve three components of drizzle DSD (N, D, μ). Can then calculate LWC, LWF and vertical air velocity, w.

12 Drizzle below cloud Typical cell size is about 2-3 km
Updrafts correlate well with liquid water flux

13 Profiles of lwc – no drizzle
Examine radar/lidar profiles - retrieve LWC, N, D

14 Profiles of lwc – no drizzle
260 cm-3 90 cm-3 80 cm-3 Consistency shown between LWP estimates.

15 Profiles of lwc – no drizzle
Cloud droplet sizes <12μm no drizzle present Cloud droplet sizes 18 μm drizzle present Agrees with Tripoli & Cotton (1980) critical size threshold

16 Conclusion Relevant Sc properties can be measured using remote sensing; Ideally utilise radar, lidar and microwave radiometer measurements together. Cloudnet project provides yearly/monthly statistics for cloud fraction and liquid water content including comparisons between observations and models. Soon - number concentration and size, drizzle properties. Humidity structure, turbulence. Satellite measurements A-Train (Cloudsat + Calipso + Aqua) EarthCARE IceSat

17 Importance of Stratocumulus
Most common cloud type globally Global coverage 26% Ocean 34% Land 18% Average net radiative effect is about –65 W m-2 Cooling effect on climate Mean annual low cloud amount – ISCCP

18 Cloud Parameters Use radar and lidar to provide vertical profiles of:
Cloud droplet size distribution (N, mean D, broad/narrow) Drizzle droplet size distribution (N, mean D, broad/narrow) Relate drizzle to cloud N Is stratocumulus adiabatic? Entrainment rates

19 Data

20 Drizzle-free stratocumulus
Z = ND6 & LWC  ND3  Z  LWC2/N Assume adiabatic ascent and constant N LWC increases linearly with height (z) If we know T and p  dLWC /dz Assume dLWC /dz is a constant, a  LWC(z) = az Z(z)  (az)2 / N Adiabatic profile: Z should vary as z2

21 Aircraft data - ACE 2 Brenguier et al. (2000) 1005 UTC 1545 UTC Reflectivity profiles

22 Refined technique Nad Allow dilution from adiabatic profile of LWC
LWC(z) = k LWCad(z) N = k Nad D(z) = Dad(z) Z(z)  k (az)2 / Nad Nad

23 Plots of N High N, small D  low Z Nad = 264 cm-3

24 Plots of N Nad = 91 cm-3

25 Plots of N Nad = 82 cm-3

26 Presence of drizzle can lead to an overestimate of N
 an overestimate of LWC (and LWP)


28 Conclusion Consistency shown between LWP estimates from this technique, and from microwave radiometers. Additional techniques to investigate Sc are also available: Doppler radar/lidar – Drizzle properties (O’Connor et al. 2004) Dual wavelength radar – LWC profile (Gaussiat et al.) Doppler spectra Raman humidity measurements – WV structure, mixed layer depths Aircraft verification? CloudNet – 3 years, 3 sites, provide climatology of Sc properties

29 Dual wavelength microwave radiometer
Brightness temperatures -> Liquid water path Improved technique – Nicolas Gaussiat Use lidar to determine whether clear sky or not Adjust coefficients to account for instrument drift Removes offset for low LWP LWP - initial LWP - lidar corrected

30 LWC - Scaled adiabatic method
Use lidar/radar to determine cloud boundaries Use model to estimate adiabatic gradient of lwc Scale adiabatic lwc profile to match lwp from radiometers

31 Compare measured lwp to adiabatic lwp
obtain ‘dilution coefficient’ Dilution coefficient versus depth of cloud

32 Stratocumulus liquid water content
Problem of using radar to infer liquid water content: Very different moments of a bimodal size distribution: LWC dominated by ~10 m cloud droplets Radar reflectivity often dominated by drizzle drops ~200 mm An alternative is to use dual-frequency radar Radar attenuation proportional to LWC, increases with frequency Therefore rate of change with height of the difference in 35-GHz and 94-GHz yields LWC with no size assumptions necessary Each 1 dB difference corresponds to an LWP of ~120 g m-2 Can be difficult to implement in practice Need very precise Z measurements Typically several minutes of averaging is required Need linear response throughout dynamic range of both radars


34 Drizzle below cloud Doppler radar and lidar - 4 observables (O’Connor et al. 2005) Radar/lidar ratio provides information on particle size

35 Drizzle below cloud Retrieve three components of drizzle DSD (N, D, μ). Can then calculate LWC, LWF and vertical air velocity, w.

36 Drizzle below cloud Typical cell size is about 2-3 km
Updrafts correlate well with liquid water flux

37 Profiles of lwc – no drizzle
Examine radar/lidar profiles - retrieve LWC, N, D

38 Profiles of lwc – no drizzle
260 cm-3 90 cm-3 80 cm-3 Consistency shown between LWP estimates.

39 Profiles of lwc – no drizzle
Cloud droplet sizes <12μm no drizzle present Cloud droplet sizes 18 μm drizzle present Agrees with Tripoli & Cotton (1980) critical size threshold

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