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Secret phrases used in the Underground Railroad… Miss Bracikowski.

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Presentation on theme: "Secret phrases used in the Underground Railroad… Miss Bracikowski."— Presentation transcript:

1 Secret phrases used in the Underground Railroad… Miss Bracikowski

2 “The wind blows from the South today.”

3 Runaway slaves are in the area.

4 “A Lost a passenger”

5 A runaway slave has been caught.

6 “ The river bank makes a mighty good road.”

7 That told slaves that if they were to try and escape, they should walk in the river because dogs couldn't track their scents through water.

8 "Left foot, peg foot"

9 That meant footprints left by a wooden- legged Underground Railroad worker as guidelines to the path to freedom.

10 “ The river ends between two hills.”

11 That quote gave visual directions to the Ohio River.

12 "The dead trees will show you the way."

13 This quote was a reminder to slaves that, if the North Star wasn't visible, moss grew only on the north side of dead trees, so they could tell which way to walk.

14 Have you heard of any other secret codes or words used in the Underground Railroad?

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