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HAVE AN EAGLE ADVENTURE By: Margaret Taylor For Grades 3-6.

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Presentation on theme: "HAVE AN EAGLE ADVENTURE By: Margaret Taylor For Grades 3-6."— Presentation transcript:

1 HAVE AN EAGLE ADVENTURE By: Margaret Taylor For Grades 3-6

2 Eagle Children's Encyclopedia Eagles are large birds of prey, meaning that they hunt and eat animals for food. They are related to hawks, falcons, and vultures. Eagles have long held a special place in the human imagination because of their strength and soaring flight. The golden eagle has been a symbol of power since ancient times. The bald eagle is the national symbol of the United States.

3 Kids National Geographic Coloring Book Have some fun! Kids. Add some color to your favorite animal. You may also download the full coloring book, and print.

4 Wyoming Bald Eagle Information Scan the QR code with your IPhone or other device and you will find an abundance of information on eagles. For instance you can find how eagles nest,, eagle facts, their feeding habits and much more. Have fun!

5 What an Eagle eats This website gives you lots of information on eagles and types of eagles and what they eat. Give! It a try.

6 Check out our range of fun eagle facts for kids. Learn how they catch their prey, where they build their nests and much more.

7 Test your knowledge of eagles by challenging this crossword puzzle Scan the QR code, and download the crossword puzzle. There is a answer sheet with it.

8 Video Bald Eagle Fish of many kinds constitute the centerpiece of the Bald Eagle diet (common examples include salmon, herring, shad, and catfish), but these birds eat a wide variety of foods depending on what’s available. They eat birds, reptiles, amphibians, invertebrates such as crabs, and mammals including rabbits and muskrats. They take their prey live, fresh, or as carrion. Bald Eagles sometimes gorge, ingesting a large amount of food and digesting it over several days. They can also survive fasting for many days, even weeks.

9 Scavenger Hunt 1. If you’re an eagle is hungry, what food does it eat? For this QR code you’ll have to scroll down on the website until you find the answer.

10 2. Now you’re on your second clue The bald eagle’s exact name means what? You’ll find this in the first paragraph in the website..

11 You’ll have to scroll down on the page to find the answer.

12 Answers to Scavenger Hunt 1. The Prime bald eagle diet consists of fish, trout, and salmon. Bald eagle regular diet consist of carrion, whales, fish, squid, ungulates Eagles also prey on rats, rabbits, raccoons, beavers, muskrats, deer. 2. Scientific name means a sea (halo) eagle (aeetos) with a white (leukos) head. 3. They pair will mate for life, but if one partner dies, or disappears. A newly bonded pair may work several years on a nest before actually mating.

13 Works Cited eagle. (2015). In Britannica Junior Encyclopedia. Retrieved from American Bald Eagle Information. (n.d.). Retrieved March 10, 2015, from eagles-play-catch/

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