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Opening Question On your own sheet of paper please write down two causes and two effects of the Persian Wars. Use your notes to help you… WARCausesEffects.

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Presentation on theme: "Opening Question On your own sheet of paper please write down two causes and two effects of the Persian Wars. Use your notes to help you… WARCausesEffects."— Presentation transcript:

1 Opening Question On your own sheet of paper please write down two causes and two effects of the Persian Wars. Use your notes to help you… WARCausesEffects Persian ANNOUNCEMENTS Ishmael Discussion Board #9 is due on Sunday World Sim Activity # 2 (Economic Plan) is due next Wedenesday (12/15) QUIZ NEXT CLASS (Pages #19-24  All Greece)


3 Why do we consider something an achievement? Choose three achievements that you feel have had the biggest contribution to American society. They can be art, literature, science, medicine, inventions, basically you can choose anything you feel like. For each one tell me why you chose that achievement. (ex – discovery of electricity… don’t use my example) Think about what makes someone memorable for their contributions to society? How do it influence what we know? How do it change our lives? How do it expand our knowledge of the world around us? Do you think people will remember these achievements hundreds of years later, a thousand years later?



6 Study of History Greeks were the first people to take the writing of history seriously Herodotus (485 – 425 BC) - 1 st historian of the western world - Wrote Histories – about Persian War – looked at Persian culture as well as Greek culture - called the “father of history” Thucydides (455 – 399 BC) - believed studying the past helped people to understand human nature - wrote History of the Peloponnesian War - Used political influences to explain why history unfolded the way it did


8 Drama and Literature Homer (poetry) – During Greek Dark Ages Credited for writing Iliad and Odyssey in 700 BCs Iliad told the story of the Trojan War Odyssey tells what happened after the war Greek Tragedy Created (Drama) Focused on complex relationships between Gods and humans – usually involved characters suffering in stories Sophocles (496-406 BC) Wrote about the traditional Greek values – such as HUBRIS (sin of pride) Oedipus Rex- example of perfect tragedy Aeschylus (525-456 BC) Wrote about religion and the relationship between gods and people Oresteia (458 BC) - famous Greek “trilogy”

9 Tragedy These are plays of stories that told of human suffering that usually ended in disaster. The purpose of these was, the Greeks felt, to excite emotions of pity and fear. Name one current movie, book, or play that is a tragedy. Be prepared to share and explain your answer

10 Comedy Comedies are humorous plays that mocked people or customs. They are similar to the political cartoons today. Name one current movie, book, or play that you feel is a great comedy. Be prepared to share and explain your answer

11 Sculpting Sculptors tried to strike a balance in their work Phidias Created the statues of Athena located on the Acropolis and inside the Parthenon Greatest accomplishment was the 40 ft. statue of Zeus at the temple of Olympia Myron Created the famous Discus Thrower Glorified the beauty of the human body Try to think of one or two modern sculptures in our society or another (what do know about them)

12 Discus Thrower (Discobolus) by Myron

13 Phidias’ Athena Parthenos 2002 – Nashville Replica

14 Phidias Zeus 5 th c. BC

15 Greek Columns – main feature of Greek Architecture 3 types of columns 1. Draco 2. Ionic 3. Corinthian Still used today in modern architecture Where have you seen columns used in modern architecture?

16 What is this? – look closely at the inside statue

17 Lincoln Statue

18 The temple of Zeus at Athens Detail Architecture


20 Temple of Athena Nike – Acropolis Athens c. 427 BC Architecture

21 What makes architecture great? When you think of great architecture (buildings, monuments, memorials, bridges, etc..) what things do you think of? Think about examples in our American Civilization. Think up a few examples and write them down in the space provided

22 Architecture Architecture: Greeks showed their pride in their culture through impressive building projects Ex – Temples, Gymnasiums, and Theatres 1. Decorated public areas with sculptures 2. There is an emphasis on balance, order, and harmony 3. Beauty is combined with practicality (usefulness) Acropolis  Parthenon - symbols of the Greeks greatest achievements




26 Mathematics involved in the Parthenon – located in Athens

27 Parthenon replica - Nashville


29 Doric: Temple of Zeus at Olympia

30 Medicine Hippocrates 460 BC- 377 BC (Medicine) Founder of Medicinal Science – use clinical experience rather than just theory Medical treatment should be based on reason rather than magic He was the first doctor who looked for natural causes for diseases Hippocratic Oath – “Do no Harm” – used today


32 Science Archimedes (Physics) (287-212 BC) Figured out value of “PI” – pretty close to it anyways He is called the "father of integral calculus" and also the "father of mathematical physics” Considered one the greatest mathematicians and inventers ever to live  Lever – idea thought up by Archimedes

33 Archimedes Screw – meant to raise water

34 Archimedes Screw in Use…


36 Mathematics Pythagoras Believed everything could be explained in terms of mathematics Pythagorean theorem – the length of the longest side of a triangle can be found using the two shorter sides Euclid Known for his influence on the field of “Geometry” Wrote one of the most influential books ever on mathematics the Elements

37 Your Assignment Create two Greek toys based on the Ancient Greek Achievers. Draw a prototype and write a one paragraph pitch for each toy idea. It can be anything… be creative (no right or wrong answer) Ex – Board Game  - toy  - video game  Activity book  Childrens book

38 End of Day Assignment Which of the people that we discussed today do you believe had the greatest influence on our society today? Why do you believe that?

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