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Chapter 8 Test Review The Rise of Rome 8 th Grade World History.

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2 Chapter 8 Test Review The Rise of Rome 8 th Grade World History

3 How did Rome’s geography differ from Greece’s? less rocky easier to unite more farming 1

4 What was Rome’s nickname? “City on Seven Hills” and “Eternal City” 2

5 Who founded the city of Roma? Romulus & Remus 3 When? April 21, 753 B.C.

6 What happened in 509 B.C.? Romans rebelled overthrew cruel Etruscan kings set up a republic 4

7 A legion is ____________ 6,000 soldiers 5

8 “Mare Nostrum” means ________________________ Our Sea - Mediterranean 6

9 PATRICIAN A wealthy landowner 7 Members of the ruling class

10 PLEBEIAN common people 9 Artisans Farmers Merchants Shopkeepers

11 CONSUL Top 2 government officials 9 Patrician men Elected every year

12 Who could serve on the Senate? 300 patrician men How long did they serve? For life 10

13 Who were tribunes? _______________________________ 10 plebeians who brought plebeian concerns before the Senate; had the right to veto 11

14 When could a Roman dictator rule? ___________ In times of emergency and only for 6 months 12

15 Who was Cincinnatus? Ideal dictator of Rome Compared to ??? 13

16 Define “forum” marketplace 14

17 Twelve Tables _ Forum Where was it located? 1 st laws of Rome – carved in bronze 15

18 What is the “rule of law?” Law applies equally to everyone How does it affect us today? It is the basis of our legal system 16

19 1.People are innocent until proven guilty. 2. People can defend themselves in front of a judge. 3. A judge’s decision is based on evidence. 16

20 Who fought in the Punic Wars? Rome and Carthage 17 Why? Who won? For control of Sicily and the Mediterannean Rome: General Scipio

21 Who was Hannibal? A great Carthaginian general; he invaded Rome from the Alps with an army of 40- 60,000 soldiers, horse and war elephants. He was defeated by Scipio at the Battle of Zama. He committed suicide by drinking poision. 17

22 What policy did wealthy politicians use to win the votes of the poor? “Bread and Circuses” This was a welfare and cheap entertainment policy. It has been referred to as a “Band-Aid” solution.

23 Who were Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus? Tiberius 19 Gaius Two brothers who worked to bring reforms to the early Republic; they were murdered in street violence.

24 Define triumvirate. A political alliance of 3 people TRI=3 20 Who made up the first triumvirate? Crassus, Pompey, and Julius Caesar

25 When did Julius Caesar die? March 15, 44BC “The Ides of March” 21 How did he die? He was stabbed 23 times by the senators who feared he was too ambitious (Brutus and Cassius)

26 What reforms did Caesar make? 1.He gave citizenship to people living in Rome’s territories. 2.He allowed new colonies to provide land for Rome’s homeless. 3.He ordered landowners to hire more free workers. 4.He adopted the Julian calendar. 22

27 What does “e tu Brute” mean? “And you, Brutus?” 23 These were his last words spoken to his “friend” Brutus when Julius Caesar was assassinated.

28 What happened at the Battle of Actium? Antony and Cleopatra were defeated by Octavian 24

29 What title did Octavian take? Augustus, which means “the revered or majestic one” 25

30 Know the achievements of each Roman emperor: Augustus 26 First Roman Emperor Said “I found Rome a city of brick and left it a city of marble.”

31 Know the achievements of each Roman emperor: Hadrian 26 Built famous wall in Britain; this marked the northern boundary of the Roman Empire

32 Know the achievements of each Roman emperor: Trajan 26 Empire reached its greatest size

33 Know the achievements of each Roman emperor: Nero 26 CRAZY!! “fiddled while Rome burned” Known for the persecution of the early Christians

34 What was the Pax Romana? “Roman peace” How long did it last? 200 years: from the reign of Augustus Caesar to the reign of Marcus Aurelius 29

35 What was the role of Roman tax collectors? These men were dishonest; many paid for the right to have these jobs. They taxed people heavily because they kept some of the money. 30

36 Who was Cicero? One of Rome’s greatest public speakers and lawyer. 31

37 Your test is Friday! STUDY STUDY STUDY

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