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Biology Rainier Jr/Sr High School Mr. Taylor Flower parts.

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1 Biology Rainier Jr/Sr High School Mr. Taylor Flower parts

2 Sepals and petals Sepals These modified leaves surround and protect the developing flower bud Often green, sometimes they are brightly colored (poinsettia) Petals These are frequently brightly colored to attract animal pollinators.

3 Stamens The stamens are the male parts of the flower. Filaments are long, slender structures that support the anther Anthers are the pollen-producing part of the flower.

4 Pistils Pistils are the female part of the flower Ovary: the part of the pistil where the ovules (ova) are formed and mature. Style: an elongated stalk that connects the ovary to the stigma Stigma: an enlarged, sticky “cap” that catches and traps pollen.

5 Complete vs incomplete flowers A complete flower has all the flower parts present. An incomplete flower is missing one or more flower parts.


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