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Plant Reproduction Plant and Soil Science Topic 2014 By: Leyna Dussel.

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Presentation on theme: "Plant Reproduction Plant and Soil Science Topic 2014 By: Leyna Dussel."— Presentation transcript:

1 Plant Reproduction Plant and Soil Science Topic 2014 By: Leyna Dussel

2 Complete and Incomplete Flowers Complete: have all four main parts  Sepals  Petals  Stamens  Pistils Any flower that lacks any of these parts is considered an incomplete flower

3 Complete Flower

4 Parts of the Flower Sepals  Green leaf like structure  Outer covering of the flower bud  Protects the stamens and pistils when flower is in bud stage  Sepals fold back as the flower opens A collection of sepals are called the Calyx.

5 Parts of the Flower Petals  Brightly colored  Protects stamen and pistils  Attracts pollinating insects and birds

6 Parts of the Flower Stamens  Male Reproductive part  Anther-produces pollen  Pollen contain male sex cells  Filament-supports the anther

7 Stamen

8 Parts of the Flower Pistil: Female reproductive part at the center of flower  Stigma Sticky surface to catch pollen  Style The neck of the pistil Connects the stigma with ovary  Ovary Enlarged portion at base of pistil Produces ovules which develop into seeds Will develop into fruit if pollinated

9 Pistil

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